
Child Boards

[-] Quality Assurance Areas

[-] Higher Education and Emerging Technologies

[-] Employability

[-] Emerging Technologies

[-] Economics and Business Studies

[-] Agriculture

[-] Physical and Applied Science

[-] Intellectual Property Rights



[1] গবেষণা নিয়ে ৫ প্রশ্ন (দৈনিক প্রথম আলো, ১৩/০১/২০২০ )

[2] Time to formalise informal e-waste management in Bangladesh

[3] Workshop on 'Class Monitoring Mechanism', organized by IQAC, DIU

[4] Newsletter of IQAC, DIU Volume 1; Issue 1: 2015

[5] Self-Assessment Manual (Second Edition, 2016)

[6] Workshop on "Building Awareness on Orientation of SA Process Flow among 9 new SA


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