Anti-Microbial Finish to Textiles & apparel..a enviornment friendly finish

Author Topic: Anti-Microbial Finish to Textiles & apparel..a enviornment friendly finish  (Read 1423 times)

Offline Md. Mazedul Islam Mazed

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Mold, mildew, fungus, yeast, and bacteria (microorganisms) are part of our everyday lives.
There are both good and bad types of microorganisms. The thousands of species of
microorganisms that exist are found everywhere in the environment and on our bodies. Microorganisms can be found almost everywhere in the environment. NASA researchers have found microorganisms even at a height of 32 km and to a depth of 11 km in the sea. In the ground, microorganisms have been found during oil drilling to a depth of 400 m. It is estimated that the total mass of all microbes living on earth is approximately 25-fold the mass of all animals. For their growth and multiplication, the minimum nutritional requirements are water, a source of carbon, nitrogen and some inorganic salts.

These are normally present in the natural environment. Textiles, by virtue of their characteristics and proximity to human body, provide an excellent medium for the adherence, transfer and propagation of infection - causing microbial species.  In the last few years, the market for antimicrobial textiles has recorded a double digit growth. This growth has been fuelled by the increased need among the consumers for fresh, clean and hygienic clothing. Extensive research is going on to develop new antimicrobial finishes

Highly effective antimicrobial finish is widely used in public facilities, schools, health care,
nursing homes, hotels, and restaurants. The application of our antimicrobial finish to textile
fabrics such as drapery and upholstery fabrics will impart maximum resistance to the growth of
bacteria and many viruses. Helps maintain a safer, more sanitary environment.[/center][/right][/pre][/left]