Bangladesh > Heritage/Culture

Something about Bangladesh


Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries of the world.
With regard to area, it is the 139th smallest country of the world, but it is eighth
most populated country of the world. According to the United Nations’ report of
the World Population Prospectus in the year 2050, the population of Bangladesh
will be about 254 million and also will be considered as the seventh crowded
populated country of the world. So, population is increasing tremendously although
land is fixed. It is not feasible to expand the accommodation of the people
horizontally but is possible to expand vertically. The role of real estate companies
is very much important to manage this. But it is a matter of regret that though real
estate companies are doing their business in urban areas, they are not interested
to expand their business in rural areas as they face some difficulties there .

Shamim Ansary:
Good post with timely thinking.

We all have to ponder over this crucial issue. Otherwise, our future generation would face much tribulations ahead.

Our real estate industry should re-think the matter. As the students of Real Estate Department, you can start spawning and proposing some plans to shield our next generation from a horrible doom.

Thank you very much . And I want to say firmly that, we will do it .

i am really happy for contributing our forum
appreciate all for joining our forum.

Thanks a lot for the informative post.


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