Project Management

Author Topic: Project Management  (Read 1579 times)

Offline moheuddin

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Project Management
« on: June 14, 2010, 11:41:19 PM »
Dear all,

In modern time, job market becomes complicated day by day. The students always want to study in such subject which is very much demandable in the job Market. In this regard, Project Management is the most demandable subject in the job market. Only The Project Management Institution (PMI) offers Professional Degree on Project Management. In the outside of our country, many Universities offer this subject as a Major Subject.

      However, our university offers this subject as a Functional Subject and the course is conducted by a qualified Project Management Professional (PMP). Moreover, in our country, there are only few PMP holders and luckily we have one PMP holders out of them. I think this is the great opportunity for DIU student.

     My request to our Authority that if possible please introduce Project Management Course as a Major Subject. As a result the student of DIU will be benefited as well as our University can proudly say that “We offer Major in Project Management”.  And our University will be the first position among all the Universities in BD. I think it will uphold our university’s image to the outside. Also I suggest all students to take this subject. I believe that only the Course Project Management can change your-self in all respect. At last I would like to thanks my honorable Chairman Sir and all other who select a PMP holder for conducting this class.

Thanking you
Moheuddin SoHaG