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How can I start Freelancing?


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This is a widespread query currently. Freelancing doesn’t need much effort to get started with but it takes a lot of patience and smartness to continue. If you are able to take challenges and have the spirit to learn and work, this is the world you are looking for.

Step 1: Fix your goal. Why do you want to do this? In what field you want to work? Read thoroughly about freelancing, and be mentally prepared because it is not less than real world from any angle. This profession is as good as a real life job but a lot easier. Freelancers nowadays are proud to call themselves a FREELANCER because they work hard and precisely, and sometimes they earn more money than they earned in real life.

Step 2: When you are well determined of what you want to do, sign up on a freelancing hub. Odesk or Freelancer(.)com  is free and user friendly.

Step 3: Once you are signed up, start editing your profile. Keep in mind that your profile characterizes yourself. Be careful on what you write; make sure that make no any grammatical error in your biography. Double check before you submit your profile, make every single detail perfect and attractive. Your profile picture should be well-mannered and confident. You will be given number of options to choose your fields of interests. So tick those sensibly, don’t select jobs you cannot do.

Step 4: Upload your portfolios. A portfolio is a model of your earlier work; your portfolios must show your ability. This is vital because employers will check out these before they will think about hiring you.

Step 5: Take the exams and online courses. By qualifying these tests, you’re proving yourself to be eligible for better jobs and your chances of getting jobs increase. Some tasks even require special exams to be taken.

Step 6: Finding your dream job. There will be thousands of jobs on the notice board; it does not mean that you will get any job you for. Read the job descriptions first, ask yourself; can you do it? If the answer is yes then go for it. Or else, you are just spoiling one application quota.

Step 7: How will you apply for a job. Getting the first job is very difficult. It may take a few days or even weeks get the first job, employers generally look for experienced workers. Applying for a job online is nothing less than running after a job in real life, at least for a newbie. So, your job application should be attractive and heart winning. Your cover letter is your first impression to the employers, make it better than the best. Your approach in the cover letter should be confident and forward. You may ask for milestone payments if the employer does not have a good feedback, milestone payments are given before you handover the project as advanced payments.

Step 8: When you get your first job show what you can do. Give your best shot and spell the employers to give you more jobs. Make sure to deliver your project on time. Once you are done with the job, the employer will give you a feedback depending on your project’s quality, if he/she does not give you a feedback.

Step 9: Getting paid. Once you’re paid, you will need a bank account, PayPal or skrill (moneybookers) account to withdraw your money. Always keep in mind that hourly contacts are safer than custom contacts, you can always file a complaint about your employer if they do not pay you properly.

You should always keep in touch with your employers. Keep your approaches smart and confident. Consult everything with your employer. Being confident is the secret to win. Follow these simple rules to get started and discover a whole new part of yourself.


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