why business should be responsible to society?

Author Topic: why business should be responsible to society?  (Read 2942 times)

Offline ariful892

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why business should be responsible to society?
« on: October 26, 2013, 10:08:51 AM »
There are many strong grounds why business should be responsible to society.

(1) Business exists in society and as part of it. It must, therefore, observe the ideals and norms of society.

(2) It is society which supports business, provides it with resources, purchases it products and so on. Doing well to society means just repayment of its debt.

(3) The effluence of many businesses positively damages the air and water of the surrounding locality. They are duty-bound to repair the damage. They must take preventive measures as well.

(4) The Government grants protection, maintains law and order, which enables business to carry on its activities in an unfettered way Business must pay its dues to the Government so that the Government can run and perform its functions.

(5) Workers help production by contributing their labour. They deserve fair treatment and just reward.

(6) Business should make society better and stronger in its own interest. It flourishes best under a system of private enterprise. But organized society may modify or even break up the existing order if it fails to get its dues from business, if its expectation continues to be ignored by it.

Source: http://www.preservearticles.com/2012051832320/6-important-grounds-why-business-should-be-responsible-to-society.html
Md. Ariful Islam (Arif)
Administrative Officer, Daffodil International University (DIU)
E-mail: ariful@daffodilvarsity.edu.bd , ariful@daffodil.com.bd , ariful333@gmail.com