Health Tips > Stroke

Controllable Risk factor of Stroke


Controllable Risk factor of Stroke
    High blood pressure (hypertension): High blood pressure, defined as a reading of 140/90 or greater, is the leading risk factor for stroke. When blood pushes too forcefully against the walls of the arteries, it can weaken them and eventually lead to stroke. Adults should strive to keep their blood pressure below 140/90, or 130/80 or below if they’re at higher risk for stroke. An ideal reading is 120/80 or lower.   
    Atherosclerosis: With this major risk factor for stroke, fatty plaques that build up inside the artery walls will block or narrow the vessels, which can lead to stroke.     
    Heart disease: Coronary heart disease, heart failure, dilated cardiomyopathy (an enlarged heart), and other heart diseases place people at higher stroke risk, compared to those with normal hearts.   
    High cholesterol: Excess cholesterol raises one’s chances of heart disease and atherosclerosis. High cholesterol contributes to plaque buildup in arteries, which can block blood flow to the brain and cause stroke.   
    Smoking or tobacco use:Smoking lowers oxygen levels in the blood, forcing the heart to work harder and enabling blood clots to form more readily. Cigarette smoke can also worsen atherosclerosis. According to the National Stroke Association, smokers have twice the risk of stroke as nonsmokers.
    Atrial fibrillation (AFib): This disorder, marked by an irregular heartbeat, makes a person five times more likely to have a stroke, according to the National Stroke Association.With AFib, the heart’s two upper chambers beat rapidly and unpredictably, which allows blood to pool in the heart. The pooled blood can form clots that travel to the brain and cause a stroke.   
    Diabetes: People with diabetes face higher risk of stroke because they often have other health problems and stroke risk factors, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease.   
    Overweight or obesity: Extra weight, along with being sedentary, raises the chances of high blood pressure or diabetes.
    Blood disorders: Blood disorders, such as sickle cell disease or severe anemia, can cause stroke, if left untreated. 
    Excessive alcohol: Some research has linked too much alcohol to increased stroke risk. Women should limit themselves to one alcoholic drink per day; men, two per day.   
    Drugs: Certain medications, such as anticoagulants, can raise stroke risk. Birth control pills and patches place some women at greater risk for stroke, especially if they’re over age 35 or have high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol, or if they smoke. Illicit drugs, such as cocaine, heroin, or amphetamines, are risk factors, too.


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