EU Blue Card to Live and Work in Germany

Author Topic: EU Blue Card to Live and Work in Germany  (Read 2138 times)

Offline Iqbal Bhuyan

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EU Blue Card to Live and Work in Germany
« on: July 03, 2014, 02:51:22 PM »
Similar to the Green Card in the USA, the EU blue card offers highly educated skilled workers of non- EU- States the opportunity and the right to work and stay in the European Union.

Documents needed:

- Valid passport
- One new biometric photo: it needs to be 35mm x 45mm and show the person facing forwards, looking directly at the camera. The applicant needs to have a neutral facial expression and a closed mouth. The background must be bright.
- University report: If necessary the valuation of the ZAB.
- Job contract or a concrete job offer.
- Form: Application for granting a stay title (Antrag auf Erteilung eines Aufenthaltstitels). A residence permit may be given only on explicit application.
- Form: Application for permission of an employment (Antrag auf Erlaubnis einer Beschäftigung). This is only necessary if the approval of the federal agency for labour is needed.
- Form: Work Place description (Stellenbeschreibung). This is only necessary if the approval of the federal agency for labor is needed.

For further information, you can visit the site as below: