20 Ways to Impress Your Boss

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20 Ways to Impress Your Boss
« on: August 10, 2014, 03:02:43 PM »
Authority of an employee is the key factor within a job environment. Without impressing your higher authority called as boss, either you cannot be able have a promotion or even cannot expect a good job environment.

Here are the 20 magical ways to keep you alive as well as well going through a job life by impressing your boss:

Boss is always right
Do not argue with boss and let me know feel like he is always right. Whenever he is wrong tell him personally in a friendly manner.

Think but don’t act
Thinking must be evaluated as corporate but the action with boss should be appointed as like his direction.

High concentration
High concentration and effective thinking on the business of your company and with your boss direction, helps to keep your boss eyes on you.

Call your boss as a ‘Mentor’
Treating and calling your boss as a mentor assures your boss to rely on your work. Every boss wants to be a mentor. If you are the one who made him to feel that, you are firmly impressive.

Win your boss by work
Lot of good words cannot bring anything good if your work is not impressive. Always make sure that you have done it. Then, even if your boss do something wrong which may recover with your tasks, you are going to win him or her professionally.

Loyalty is a turning point
Loyalty is very important to impress the boss. Boss is always looking forward for a team member, on whom he/she can rely on with honesty as well as loyalty by work.

Be expressive but confident
Always express your accomplishments as well as the problems regarding work. Sometimes be suggestive too but all must be appeared in a confident way.

Keep your boss safe
Never let your boss to fall in a false position with higher authority in because of you. Whereas, try to be supportive in every cases of your boss need.

Make him to feel like ‘Mr. Dependable’
Depend on your boss and let him to understand it. Share your thoughts and ideas with him that will help your boss to feel himself ‘Mr. Dependable’.

Ask less do more
Do not ask for assistant and try to be less problematic. Do your job properly and try to solve the problems as much as possible by your own.

Keep yourself always as an updated version
Boss the team player who is technically solves and can generate ideas and information’s. To meet this demand you must absorb technical and informational knowledge’s.

Right attitude in right time
Attitude is another key factor that helps your boss to evaluate you. Resourceful and horizontal attitude helps to be impressive.

Let him to believe that you are always on duty
Tell your boss that you are always available for him even when you are in off duty. Efficiency in work is a key indication here.

Be personal but act professional
Professional act and friendly communication with your boss meets these criteria to be impressive to your boss.

Keep in touch always
Keep abreast of industry and company trends by reading trade journals and attending professional association events. This information to your boss proves that you are always in touch.

Be a good listener
Boss ideas and directions must be listened carefully to adopt the work efficiency.

Prove you as well organized and punctual
Be sure that you are present in right time to meet the boss direction. In addition, plan your next day before you leave work. Rank your tasks by urgency and importance and make a point of doing at least the top two items on your list. Here you have to be well dressed up too.

Refresh yourself from mess up
Try to solve your negative points towards duties as early as possible and keep yourself always positive.

Don’t assume just act according
Whatever task is given to you, do those as direction. Do not assume by your own against the direction.

Act as team player, better employee and meet the deadline
Boss likes a team player rather than an individual performer. Better employee carries the trademark of efficiency in work with extensive interpersonal skills. Team achievement will be performance measurement criteria by meeting the deadline of given tasks.

Md.Shahadat Hossain Mir
Senior Administrative officer
Department of Law
Daffodil International University
Campus -3 ( Prince Plaza)
Mail: shahadat@daffodilvsarity@diu.edu.bd