Write an Award Winning Essay

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Write an Award Winning Essay
« on: September 06, 2010, 03:41:19 PM »
Whether for a scholarship, a writing contest, publication or simply a good grade, writing an award-winning essay takes organized and intentional effort. Use of a winning essay formula will reap winning results. Such a formula includes development of a clear focus, sticking to the focus, inclusion of personal experiences, and a conclusion that ties it all together.


      1. Read the essay's instructions or requirements carefully. Make sure you understand clearly what the essay's purpose is, who it is written for, and what the overall instructions are. Highlight all of these areas; you'll need to remember as you write to remain focused, and reviewing them when writing will help

      2. Write an introduction that pulls the reader immediately into the essay's theme. Reiterate without repeating verbatim what the essay's theme is, as set forth in the instructions or in the essay prompt. For example, "Living in a cashless society has its benefits, but it also has its challenges." Or, "While living in a cashless society might be safer, it has its share of challenges too."

      3. Include a thesis statement that sets forth your essay's purpose. Focus it on one or two central points. Don't begin with, "I am writing this to..." or, "In this essay I will discuss." Try to avoid first-person references, and keep it objective. Here is an example: "Challenges of a cashless society include technology failure, identity theft, and perhaps even an unnecessary paper trail." Be sure to discuss in detail everything set forth in the thesis statement.

      4. Identify with the topic. Draw from a personal experience, and include it as it works into the essay. For example: If you are being asked to write about a theme like, "Describe what it would be like to live in a cashless society," discuss some of your own experiences in using credit cards only, or project what this would be like as it impacts you.

      5. Build on the thesis statement throughout the essay, starting a new paragraph for each new idea. Continue to plug in your experiences as they relate to focus points, and the essay's central theme. Work in any research that supports an idea, and be sure to cite it according to the essay's guidelines using either APA formatting or MLA.

      6. Write a conclusion that gives the essay a final "bang" while summarizing its major points without restating them word-by-word. For example, "Though a cashless society presents some challenges, it also provides a new measure of safety for people and for banks operating in the 21st century."

      7. Give your essay to two to three people to read over and comment on. Let them know first what you'd like them to watch for, and if there is anything you're struggling with or just unsure about. Make copies so that each person can write comments on their copy.

      8. Gather up your feedback, review it and read it aloud at least once before making final revisions. Reading aloud helps us to identify errors we might not have noticed when we read silently.

By Susan Deschel
"Many thanks to Allah who gave us life after having given us death and (our) final return (on the Day of Qiyaamah (Judgement)) is to Him"

Offline kazi shahin

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Re: Write an Award Winning Essay
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2010, 12:08:51 AM »
Effective & useful post

Before start writing it need to take time for planing. If you going to write a 300-500 word essay you should give time more than 7 minutes. This is not a waste of time.

Think, during the time of writing, if you think & write together the essay can't be good. But if you make a plan on the topic your are going to write, it will does need to think during the time & your writing will be more organised then ever.

At first give instruction that what you are going to write about. Then start to giving details.  Add some statistic, example & experience with yours or others. At the end of your writing give a complete sentence about what you have tried to focus.

I think this would be a ideal essay for you.

Kazi Shahin                   
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Re: 2010 Write an Award Winning Essay
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2010, 01:24:45 AM »
now i am showing  example ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

      Award Winning Essays
The Dr. Mary Bone Competitive Essay

What Alpha Beta Gamma Means To Me

By Tamara LaPosta

Making the decision to come back to school after being laid off was difficult. I graduated high school eighteen years prior and was left with the memory that I was the classic under achiever who barely graduated. Initially when I started college, I had low expectations for myself because that is what I had always done. As the semester progressed, I became engaged and before I knew it I finished my first semester. The cherry on my reward was being invited to join Alpha Beta Gamma. Becoming a member has forever changed me.

My first semester seems so long ago. I remember feeling slightly disheartened because I had just lost my job of twelve years and was nervous coming back to school. I was fortunate to have teachers that captured my interest and pushed me to excel. When I completed my first semester on the Dean’s list, I could hardly believe it. I have to admit that I was skeptical when I received the invitation to join Alpha Beta Gamma. I didn’t think that I would be able to maintain my GPA or perhaps I was scared of the expectations it implied. At the same time, I was excited. I felt like my hard work was being recognized. For once, school was an enjoyable endeavor. The turning point for me was the initiation ceremony. I felt fortunate to be part of an honors fraternity, even more privileged to be elected Secretary and frankly the entire experience sparked a fire in me to continue to succeed. Since joining, I have pushed myself each semester and have successfully maintained a 3.85 GPA.

As a member, I have participated in various events around campus on behalf of the chapter. Having a shy personality, it has always been difficult to start a conversation with strangers. Alpha Beta Gamma has allowed me to engage in the college experience. I find that I’ve gained confidence when dealing with others, a skill I will take with me when I go back into the workforce. In group projects, I’ve found a voice and the ability to be natural leader. This has better prepared me for real life. It has made me a more complete package to present to potential employers.

Since becoming a member, I feel as though I’ve given myself permission to succeed. For many years, I considered myself a less than mediocre student. Alpha Beta Gamma inspired me, pushed me and ultimately bettered me. I’ve gained confidence and determination. I no longer say “I can’t” but instead have adopted a new mantra of “give me more”. My newly found passion for learning is positively changing not just my life, but also my son’s. I’m able to instill in him this passion for school. He is equally proud of me when I bring home an A as I am of him with his grades. Although he’s only six, I hope he’ll remember proudly the day his mother graduated college with honors, a member of Alpha Beta Gamma.

 ID: 091-27-128
Department of Real Estate
Daffodil International University

« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 01:30:16 AM by jafar_bre »
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Re: Write an Award Winning Essay
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2010, 01:28:39 AM »

Francis Cunningham, Esq. Memorial Award

Ethics in Business

By Elizabeth Faires

What are business ethics? A simple definition of business ethics is having a firm grasp of knowing right from wrong and always choosing the side of right no matter the cost to the individual or company. This should include the treatment of employees as well as consumers.

Individuals start learning ethics at a very early age from their parents and guardians in their home environment and their communities. Children are taught right from wrong and how to make the right decisions when issues arise. In the business world, choices must be made no matter the size of the business. For ethics in the workplace to be effective, they must be taught from the top-level on down through middle management to the lowest paid employee in the company.

The Enron scandal in 2001 and the current economic crisis were brought on by big companies such as Enron making the wrong decisions by placing greed before their loyalty to the employees and consumers who trusted them. Since then other harmful unethical business decisions have toppled the world economy and created a recession that has not been seen in over seventy years. The Enron scandal should have been a wake-up call to the world to revamp the way “big business” operates. The recent collapse of the banking industry has proven that Enron was only the tip of an enormous iceberg, and the world economy is the slowly sinking Titanic.

As recently as February 2010, the Toyota Company’s business ethics have come into question over its lack of concern for the safety of the consumer and for its desire to make as much money as possible after an internal memo was introduced to hearings over a safety recall. Toyota saved over 100 million dollars by limiting safety recalls. So far, that decision has resulted in countless injuries and at least fifty known deaths.

Profits, profits, profits are the focal points across the globe for businesses in today’s economy, but at what cost? Toyota’s President stated that he was not aware of the memo in question that referred to a 100 million dollars savings to the company by limiting a safety recall. He did admit that the Toyota Company, all in the name of profit, had drifted from the original company’s philosophy of building a quality product.

One of the quickest ways to bring a company down is lack of trust from the consumer. If one consumer starts to question the ethics of a company, then that consumer tells close friends and relatives who will tell close friends and relatives, and the negative reputation of the company avalanches from there. This can also start to affect the employees working for that company if they start hearing negative feedback from friends. The local community’s trust in the company will be eroded, and the company will start to fail from the outside in.

For business ethics to work, the top executives need to take a closer look at what the company stands for, such as Toyota. The President of Toyota loosely stated that the company was going back to the founder’s philosophy of building a quality product and not for what profit could be earned by cutting corners and producing an inferior product. This is a big step towards instilling trust from the consumers back into a stumbling company.

Business ethics are not just the company but also the actions of the company from employee relations, suppliers’ business ethics and environmental impact on a local and global scale. Companies need to understand that everything they do needs to be done in an ethical manner and that all decisions should be reviewed with the understanding that ethics means doing right because something is righ,t no matter the cost to the individual or company.

 ID: 091-27-128
Department of Real Estate
Daffodil International University

1st Student
Department of Real Estate
Rupayan Group
Cell # 01787147157.