A riddle

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A riddle
« on: December 14, 2014, 12:35:09 PM »
A riddle for you:
What can't money buy? Once it is gone you can't reclaim it.
You have to use it now. We all receive the same amount each day.

The answer:

Wisdom of Arnold Bennett
Be inspired by theses words written by Arnold Bennett , "You wake up in the morning and lo! Your purse is magically filled with twenty-four hours of the unmanufactured tissue of the universe of your life. It is yours. It is the most precious of your possessions. No one can take it from you. It is unstealable. And no one receives either more or less than you receive." How often do you hear yourself say, I should have done that yesterday. Or, tomorrow I will do that. And, you end up thinking about the time you had yesterday, and the time you have tomorrow.

Something To Think About
As we awake each day, we should consider carefully how we will use the time we have today. What are the things you want to accomplish? At the end of each day we should be able to look back on the day and say, this is what I accomplished today. What is your most valued of possessions? Do you consider "time" as a valued possession? Some people live their lives with no regard for time. And sadly before they know it their time is running out. Time truly is a valued possession, you can't buy it, you can't reclaim it once it is gone, and you have to use it now.

An Inspiring Poem
I found a poem written by Pearl Phillips that for me reinforces the thoughts of the time we had yesterday, the time we have tomorrow, and the time we have today.
Three Days,
by Pearl Phillips

Yesterday. . . Like mintage spent, is past recall;
Its echo dimmed beyond time's wall.
Tomorrow. . . It never promised earthly man,
Nor does it often fit a plan.
Today. . . Is gold that covers hills and dell
And rich are they who use it well.

You Have Control
One thing you have to realize and accept right up front is that time is not your enemy, you are. You have control over what you do with your time and what not to do. But, I also know that sometimes you may be in a relationship and therefore there are two to consider. In this regard, time is something that has to be shared and that sharing also means that it is easier to use time effectively if you both cooperate in a complete way so that both can do chores together. By doing what is necessary in a completely shared way, time is released so that you both have more time to do what you really would rather do.

An Example
Here is an example. Let us assume that household chores are taking up your time including cooking but one partner does neither. If this is the case, you need to ask for assistance in preparing meals so that they can be done more quickly. In the case of household chores, there are things that both can do at the same time so that these chores are done quickly as well. It takes cooperation but it also takes compromise because this becomes a two-way street. If there are yard chores to do, then the other should pitch in to help as well.

Time is something to be cherished and with this comes a choice to do what you can in a certain block of time. For example, let us go back to simple household chores. When you set a certain amount of time to do these chores, like one hour, use only one hour and then stop. Do what you can in that one hour and then decide what to do with the next hour. In this way, you will use only what you set for a task and then move on to something else that requires dedicated time.

So as you begin each day this week, reflect on the words of Mr. Bennet and the words of Ms. Phillips. Use your time well each and every day. Time is ticking away.