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Anatomy of a Disney Character’s Style: Rapunzel


Part of what makes Rapunzel’s signature style so admirable is that she’s always 100% herself. Living in a secluded tower, it’s not like she had that many fashion icons to base her style on–she’s kind of a self-made style maven.
Combine her creativity and sense of adventure, and the result is a laid-back and super effortless style that is classic Rapunzel.
You can’t talk about Rapunzel’s style without talking about her amazing, magical, glowing hair. Though she does (spoiler alert!) end up trading it for a much more, ahem, trim and practical look, we’re still fans of Rapunzel’s lengthy golden locks. Unlike many of her Princess peers, Rapunzel is sans slippers. She actually spends most of the time shoeless, which perfectly compliments her carefree personality.

Though she’s quite the fearless adventurer, Rapunzel still has a flair for the girly in her violet and pink signature dress complete with lacy trim, bodice, and puffy sleeves. And of course, a girl’s best accessory is a wonderful friend, which is why Rapunzel doesn’t go anywhere without her BFF and hiding seek partner, Pascal.



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