10 CV Mistakes must be avoided & Removed from Your Resume Immediately

Author Topic: 10 CV Mistakes must be avoided & Removed from Your Resume Immediately  (Read 567 times)

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An objective         
CV objectives never ever help and often hurt. Not only do they feel antiquated, but they're all about what you want, rather than what this stage of the hiring process. what the employer wants in CV. Your resume / CV should be about showing your work experience, skills and tasks accomplishments. If you want to talk about how this particular position is the right next step in your professional career, use Cover letter for that purpose.
 Don't Include Short-term jobs
Short-term jobs in your CV raise red flags for hiring managers about your work nature. They'll wonder if you were fired from past positions, couldn't do the work or had trouble getting along with office fellows. Plus, it's unlikely that a few months on a job will show any real accomplishments or advancement. One exception to this rule is if the job was short because it was designed that way, such as contract or political campaign work. Those won't raise the sorts of questions above, because you'll have an explanation that doesn't reflect on you poorly.
A functional format
Many employers hate functional résumés, which list skills and abilities without including a chronological job history. These types of résumés easily mask limited work experience or significant work gaps and make it difficult to understand a candidate's career progression. For most hiring managers, functional résumés are an immediate red flag that you might be hiding something.
 Your photo on CV
Unless you're applying for a job as a model or actor, photos of yourself have no place on your résumé. Your appearance has nothing to do with your ability to do the job, so including a photo comes across as naive and unprofessional. ( But in my opinion there should be a photo on Resume for Pakistan and Middle east Countries. Admin)
A Fancy Design or Beautification
Here's what most hiring managers think upon seeing a résumé with an unusual design or gaudy color scheme: Does this candidate think his or her skills and achievements won't speak for themselves? Does this person not understand what employers are looking for? Does he or she put an inappropriate emphasis on appearances over substance? (The obvious exception to this rule is if you're applying for design jobs.)
Subjective descriptions
Your CV is for experience and accomplishments only. It's not the place for subjective traits, such as "great leadership skills" or "creative innovator." Smart employers ignore anything subjective that applicants write about themselves, because so many people's self-assessments are wildly inaccurate. Your résumé should stick to objective facts.
Mention of high school
If you're more than a few years past your high school graduation date, employers don't care which high school you attended or how much you accomplished while you were there. Keep any mention of high school off your CV.
No Extra Pages
If you're in your age of 20s, your CV should only be one page; there's not enough experience to justify a second page of CV. If you're older, two pages are fine, but you go over that limit at your own wish. Hiring managers may initially spend only 20 or 30 seconds on your application, so extra pages are either ignored or they dilute the impact of the others. Your CV should be for highlights that what are you ? not for extensive detail.
Your salary Demand
Resumes / CV don't typically include a history of your salary, so candidates who include salary in CV are not consider. And by sharing that information in CV unbidden, you'll also compromise your negotiating power later after.
Any mention of references
Yes, that includes "references are available upon request." You don't need to say You'll provide references if asked, because that goes without saying.

Source: http://www.employeescorner.info/2014/10/how-to-Improve-your-resume.html
Dr. Md. Kamruzzaman
Assistant Professor
Department of Natural Sciences
Faculty of Science & Information Technology
Daffodil International University