001 Surat Al Fatiha

Author Topic: 001 Surat Al Fatiha  (Read 1168 times)

Offline Nazia Nishat

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001 Surat Al Fatiha
« on: July 24, 2015, 09:24:06 PM »

Verses 1[1-7]
1:1 ﴾ بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ ﴿
(1:1) Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem
(1:1) I begin with the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
In every journey, there is a beginning and an end. In every book, there is a
beginning and an end. The beginning is an opening and the end is a closure.
The beginning of the journey is a departure and the end of the journey is the
When we open the Holy Quraan, the Quraan begins with the Chapter or Surat
Al Fatiha – the Opening. The Opening begins with Bismillah the Name of Allah.
Allah is our Source, we have been created by Allah the Creator, who is not
created. Allah is, as Allah was. There is no change in Allah.
So we begin or open with the Name Allah. We all respond to our names.
Whenever someone calls out our name we turn towards the one who is calling
our name. So it is with us calling out the Name Allah, and Allah turns towards
us. Following the Name Allah, the Sifaat or Attributes of Allah are mentioned,
that is we read or we call out to Allah who is Ar Rahman – the Compassionate,
Ar Raheem – the Merciful.
When we call out to Allah the Compassionate, the Merciful, Allah looks at His
creature who is calling out His Name with Compassion and Mercy.
If for instance, someone calls out to us, “Hey you!”, what would be our reaction?
Likewise, if someone calls out, “Abu Bakr, the Truthful”, what would be the
reaction of Abu Bakr?
Whenever Sayyidina Muhammad recited a new revelation or related
knowledge of the unseen, Hadhrat Abu Bakr used to reply, “Sadaqta Ya Rasool
Allah – You have spoken the truth, Messenger of Allah.” Hence the Blessed
Messenger of Allah gave the title to Hadhrat Abu Bakr , “As Siddiq – the