Surfers behind fake online ID

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Surfers behind fake online ID
« on: November 09, 2010, 09:31:40 PM »
Surfers behind fake online ID

Highlight: Not only cyber criminals work behind fake online identities, many innocent people also enjoy cyber entertainment with fake ID, but opening fake IDs can be called crime when it is opened with the name of a different person


Logging on email address, messenger and social networking sites are pleasure for surfers who are often addressed as cyber citizens. This internet addiction is some times unavoidable and many surfers can’t work on computer without being connected to the Net.

Currently a lot of surfers do not think they are safe in the cyber world. Security concern and cyber fear force them to open pseudo e-mail addresses for chat and even they open accounts of social networking sites with hiding their own identity. They think disclosing themselves with posting photos, text, and files may be a reason for their harassment. So it is good to be netizens in a hidden identity.


Not only cyber criminals work behind fake online identities, many innocent people also enjoy cyber entertainment with fake ID, but opening fake IDs can be called crime when it is opened with the name of a different person. Especially you will find several facebook accounts of a celebrity or a famous person like politician and sportsman. 

Now postings, blogs, personal website etc are being traced by hackers, law enforcing agencies, enemies etc. So avid cyber citizens are very concern on security and privacy issues. Usually they don’t want to be traced by marketing guys, hackers, intruders etc. 


Taking a look at information of people is a pleasure for some people like eavesdropping talks, peeping through the windows of others, seeing secretly purses of women, voyeurism etc. They are not considered as criminals involved in serious crime, but unconsciously they are victims of own malicious instincts and just for pleasure and inquisitiveness they invade privacy and security of others.   


Cyber criminal experts often find many talented hackers are not directly attached with the nefarious intentions. Their knowledge on programming sometimes inject megalomania in their minds and they mistakenly think ‘we are extraordinary than general computer users.’ A large part of surfers are obsessed by sacred pleasure to enter private zones of netizens.


Every website is hackable, even if a website is developed by talented programmers who have special expertise in security system. We witnessed the hacking of the websites of Microsoft, a portion of Computer Networks of Pentagon, website of our RAB, Prime Minister Office etc. Terrorists can break any well-protected security system of homes and palaces, they earn skills to know the security loopholes of houses and palaces as well as they gain savvy on technological know-how of breaking the security. Similarly hackers are able to find out weak parts of software, website and data stored in server or computer. Mastery over programming is the reason behind their hacking intention.   


Some hackers without diabolic intention claim themselves proudly hackers because they find there is not significant wrong with hacking. According to their view instead of hacker security system breakers with malicious intentions should called cracker. For the purpose of developing cyber security expertise they conduct hacking experiments on the website and networks.


During surfing spy software can be installed in your PC, you can be ignorant about spying on you, within few seconds your PC can be connected to a cyber spy who can control your PC, read your information and even can crash your system.


Worth of personal information can be billion dollars, a person’s data must be regarded as assets. This IT generation is aware of privacy invasion, but situation is binding them behind fake ID which belongs to the acts cyber crime; however, they are in such acts for the sake of their cyber protections.