DIU Activities > One Student One Laptop

How to Mend Scratches Via Laptop Screen Repair Techniques?


Shamim Ansary:
No one likes to work on a laptop that has a damaged screen display. It is relay annoying to have scratches on your laptop screen. They may interrupt your work, as a single scratch will require immediate laptop screen repair.

It is possible that a neglected scratch may damage the screen display and cost heavy on your pocket. Hence, it is better to mend the screen as soon as a scratch occurs to avoid any heavy expenses.

Never go for any Inexperienced Technician

Preferably, you should go for an experienced and competent technician to fix the laptop screen. Never, ever go for any cheap technicians who use second hand or pirated parts for laptop repair. These cheap repairing techniques can worsen your laptop screen, and you’ll be left with no other option except to buy a new laptop, which would have serious impact on your budget.

Petroleum Jelly Method

If you can’t afford a technical expert, then you can use this technique to repair the screen yourself. It is known as the petroleum jelly method, and works well for small scratches. Take a cotton ball, dip it in some petroleum jelly and apply it on the scratched area. Now, take another cotton ball or a damp cloth and rub the petroleum jelly across the screen. Keep on rubbing until the scratch blends with the laptop screen.
Laptop Screen Repair

In case the above mentioned technique doesn’t work, then the other option is to buy a laptop screen repair solution. It is not easy to find this solution, as it is rarely available. Therefore, you can also use a CD cleaner.

A screen repair kit can also come handy for you. It has the required solution and the instructions to repair the laptop screen. You can follow the instructions one by one and repair the laptop yourself.

You will be able to get rid of the scratches by following these two techniques. However, if the problem still persists, then the Internet can provide great help.

There are many sites offering several tips to repair the laptop screens. Although you can try to fix the screen on your own, in order to avoid paying a fee, but it is always better to appoint an expert to be on the safe side.


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