Entrepreneurship > Successful Entrepreneur

Fail first


Nurul Mohammad Zayed:
The first motto for entrepreneurship is "FAIL FIRST". The more you fail the more you can learn.  By failing you can learn lots of secrets of life . Thomas Alva Edison said after failed 10000 times ,'
--- Quote ---I have not fail, i  just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
--- End quote ---
you may find lots of people who have never failed, look at  their histories they have never worked. So if anyone is working, he\she will must fail, and find thousands of ways to be successful. Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were o success when they gave up.So never give up, work hard, and have hope, you will be a successful entrepreneur.     

Nujhat Anjum:
Thanks for sharing.

Nurul Mohammad Zayed:
Welcome ......


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