Faculty of Science and Information Technology > Accredited R We?

workshop with the presence of International Delegates so far for accreditation


Following are the international workshops held in line with the accreditation:

Workshop 1:
Date: March 6, 2016 (Sunday)
Room: 601AB
Session 1 (9:00 TO 12:00): Seminar on Building Quality in Education conducted by M. H. Rahman. International Development Consultant at LEARNING SYNERGY, Ottawa, Canada. Former President & CEO, ECMIT, Dubai, UAE. Former, Executive VP, KIMEP University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Former President, International Development Consultants (IDC), Ottawa, Canada.
Lunch and Prayer break (12:00 T0 14:00)
Session 2 (14:00 to 17:00): Meeting/ workshop by dividing in three predefined groups. Prepare a complete "teaching process", "course curriculum" and "assessment" for an specific course and prepare a model to follow for every other courses.

participants: All the faculties of SWE

Workshop 2:
Date: May 30, 2016 (Monday)
Room: Conference room at 4th floor, Accounts Building
Ensuring higher education quality at BIMSTEC region
keynote speaker: Professor Candido M. Perez, CPA, MMBM, PhD, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Laguna, Philippines.

Participants: Selected Faculties of SWE

Workshop 3:
Date: June 1, 2016 (Wednesday)
Room: 603 (Head of SWE)
Things to consider for Accreditation
Speaker: Dr. Neil P. Balba, Mt, MAITE, MEng(CpE), Professor, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Laguna, Philippines. International Accredetor.

Participants: Particularly selected faculties of SWE

[Sorry for the spelling mistake (if any) as this editor does not show spelling mistake]

Rubaida Easmin:
Thank you sir for sharing it :)

Nazia Nishat:
Thanks for sharing..

All of the workshops were very effective. We need more and more workshop regarding various issues. Thank you.


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