Is Coffee *Really* Bad for You?

Author Topic: Is Coffee *Really* Bad for You?  (Read 689 times)

Offline Masuma Parvin

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Is Coffee *Really* Bad for You?
« on: April 10, 2017, 11:56:01 AM »
Regularly drinking coffee may help you live longer. It may prevent Parkinson's disease, depression, and type 2 diabetes, plus promote a healthy heart and liver.Coffee can help lower the risk of stroke and potentially coronary heart disease at 2 to 3 cups a day, but it can also raise unhealthy LDL cholesterol depending on how it's brewed.
So How Much Caffeine Is Healthy?
The amount of caffeinated coffee you need to drink for health benefits might depend on your genes. You could be a "fast caffeine metabolizer," meaning your body breaks it down quickly. Fast metabolizers may have heart health benefits from drinking between 2 and 4 cups a day. Slow caffeine metabolizers tend to do better with less. How do you know which type you are? See a registered dietitian who offers a nutrigenomics test to find out.Some people are especially caffeine-sensitive and might need to cut down even more. If you feel anxious or have trouble sleeping, it may be worth replacing some of your caffeinated brew with decaf and slowly weaning yourself down.