NETWORKING - the key to success

Author Topic: NETWORKING - the key to success  (Read 1127 times)

Offline Maruf Reza Byron

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NETWORKING - the key to success
« on: May 28, 2017, 11:27:08 AM »
It is said that BBA makes a person “the jack of all trades, but master of none”. To me, the inherent meaning of this statement is NETWORKING. It is expected that a BBA graduate will not have specialized knowledge on a particular area of business. Rather, s/he will have an overall understanding of a business. S/he will be able to manage the “nuts and bolts” of a business. And to do so, s/he will require an extensive network.

In everyday operation, the company may face hundreds of problems. As a manager, you will be entitled to solve all those problems. You must work like a Jack who can manage all odds in a company.

Now, the question may come, how to build networks? The answer is simple: it depends on your life style. Networking starts with a mindset: Yes, I will build my own circle who will work for me. Wherever you go, whatever you do, you will meet many people. Have the details of those persons you consider important for you, for your profession. And then, maintain the relationship. Keep that person in touch. Update the relationship. Try to understand what s/he needs from you or what s/he can give you. Then get the moment going on, is that clear?

Networking is simple. Networking is hard. Because you have to have the interest to know the unknowns, to embrace all the disliking matters and you must enjoy doing so. You must have an open mind to get a positive result in networking.

Punch Line: Remember, maintaining the old relationships are more important than building new relationships as old is always GOLD.