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« on: October 02, 2018, 04:59:18 PM »
Post Graduate Diploma in Information Science and Library Management
Lecture#04, September 29, 2018

What is social networking?
“Social Networking is primarily Internet based tools for sharing and discussing information among human beings.” – Wikipedia

A social networking is a platform to build social networks or social relation among people who like to share interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections.

Social Networking Tools
These tools include blogs, wikis, RSS (Really Simple Syndication), podcasting, social bookmarking, wikis, feeds and Google utilities (Churchill 2007).

Purposes of Social Networking Usage in Libraries

1. To reach a new audience of potential users.
2. To provide quick updates to users.
3. To build discussion groups and collaborative work.
4. To push library news and press release.
5. To modernize the library image and e-reputation.
6. Marketing of library product and services.
7. To spread news and service alerts.
8. For fund raising.

Impact of Use of Social Networking on Libraries

•   Social media is integral to market library.
•    Social media capture potential users of the library.
•   Social media helps students to use library.
•   Social media allows user to create, connect, converse, to contribute, vote and share information.
•   It helps libraries to get closer to the users.
•   It helps libraries in building collaborative network with the users.
•   Social media helps students in locating library resources.
•   Social media facilitates knowledge sharing.
•    Social media helps in promoting distance learning.

Problems Use of Social Networking

•   Lack of time to use social media.
•   Lack of privacy and identity theft.
•   Confidentiality of information.
•   Lack of knowledge how to use it.
•   Inadequate funding for libraries.
•    Inadequate library staff.
•   Low interest of librarians in learning and utilizing social media.
•   Inadequate training opportunities for library staff.
•    Electricity failure.
•   Slow speed of Internet.

Some Examples of Social Networking Sits

Wikis (Wikipedia, Wikia) Interact by adding articles and editing existing articles.

Social Networking (Facebook, Hi5, Last.FM) Interact by adding friends, commenting on profiles, joining groups and having discussions.

Social Photo and Video Sharing (YouTube, Flickr) Interact by sharing photos or videos and commenting on user submissions.

Social Bookmaking.(, Blinklist, Simpy) Interact by tagging websites and searching through websites bookmarked by other people.

Social News (Digg, Propeller, Reddit) Interact by voting for articles and commenting on them.

How Works Social Networking Sits in Library

Most popular now because it is librarian- friendly, with many applications like JSTOR search, World Cat, and much more. Librarians can interact with users to know their information need. Libraries try to link some of these specialized library applications to Facebook.

In Academic institutions where the students are; libraries have taken advantage of this site post, calendar, custom catalog search tools, and blog features to improve their presence.

Here, librarians can periodically post messages; share information on a particular subject or issue, and allow users to contribute to content. They can write articles, news on topical issues and expect an instant reaction from their users.

Is a free online encyclopedia that gives a background knowledge and definition of concepts it offers a platform for users to access, edit and contribute to content. This is a collaborative web page for developing web content.

Librarians can get patrons connected with specialists in their particular field of interest via LinkedIn. Librarians can use this platform to render specialized services such as Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI).

A micro blogging application to keep staff and patrons updated on daily activities, like frequently updated collections. Users can utilize this platform to type in short messages or status update. Users can send Instant Messages on complaints or ask questions on a particular issue and get a feedback on the spot using twitter.

Flickr: Librarians can use this tool to share and distribute new images of library collections. Cover page of new arrivals of both books and journals can be disseminated to users via Flickr.

Dr. Md. Milan Khan