Open your minds > Our Parents

Importance of all childs life.

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Parents are very important to a child’s life. They influence children in many ways. Including how they act, talk, walk, and the way they act around other people. Even when the children grow up into adults, they still adapt some things that the parents do.

The reason that even when kids grow up to be adults, they still adapt things from their parents is because they need to grow on something. Moreover, if they have kids of their own they are going to go to their mother and ask her how she raised them.

Even now, the younger generation always looks up to the older generation for advice on their own kids. Without parents, we wouldn’t know how to grow up and raise our own kids. Even animals need parents; a calf needs its mother just like a human needs his.

I would like to use this platform to thank my parents to make me what I am today!!! Further I would like to thank God for giving me such wonderful parents!!!

parents are the greatest creation in a child's life 

I agree. This is absolutely right.

This is a great post. Because the importance of parents in our life is so much. We can not be a proper man without them. They are not only our parents but also our teacher. We learn everything from them.

Thank you to bring out this topic on Forum. 

Parents only the one and only persons who fulfill the all needs of his or her children, So in our whole life we are must take acre about our beloved parents. 


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