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Great Cash-Generating Ideas for Budding Mompreneurs


Great Cash-Generating Ideas for Budding Mompreneurs

Mompreneurs are everywhere—they are moms who juggle the demands of raising kids with the demands of raising a business. While that's no easy task, mompreneurs apply their creativity to making money from home while bringing up babies.

So what are some of the best gigs for "work at home" moms? From blogging your passion, freelance writing, affiliate marketing, to call center work, these are some of the best jobs for entrepreneur moms.


Mommy bloggers have taken the web by storm—Dooce might be the best example of a blogging superstar who turned a quirky personal brand into a profitable business. But all over the web, you'll find mompreneur bloggers with specialty niches like healthy eating, parenting, adopting, allergies, special needs, crafts and more.

What is the great thing about blogging? It has very low start-up costs and its something you can do on the side until you can begin to make a profit or set up sponsorship deals.

Call Center

Can you provide pleasant customer service for the most harried of customers? Have a knack for sales? Then a call center job might be for you. Many of these positions can be done from home on a somewhat flexible schedule for a variety of different companies. Call center jobs are usually either inbound (customer service-related) or outbound (sales related).

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is sometimes touted as "get rich quick schemes" by shady sites offering pyramid schemes that promise quick cash for little effort. Make no mistake—successful affiliate marketers put in a lot of effort toward building an audience and quality content that will bring in sustainable passive income. Expect to do a lot of legwork up front—but if you play your cards right, you can build a solid source of revenue over time. A niche market can be a great way to go. Look for a market that has a clearly defined need and willing audience.

Information Products

If you have a knack for teaching or making the complex material more digestible, consider the field of information products. You can create your own webinar or ebook using low-cost tools, such as Camtasia, YouTube, and Powerpoint. If you are interested in using the resources of a larger company, new educational startups like Udemy and Skillshare allow anyone to create and sell classes through their platform. Though they take a small percentage of your profits, you can take advantage of their built-in communities and marketing lists.

Freelance Writing

Are you a wordsmith? Think about your subject matter expertise and chances are there's a paying venue out there on the web for you. There are also a number of specialty publishers, such as Demand Studios and Skyword, that will help to connect you to writing assignments you can do on your own time.
Other Ideas You Can Try on a Small Budget

Want to take the plunge but don't have any up-front cash to start a business? Petsitter, daycare, consultant, interior decorator—the number of possible options is endless when you start to think about businesses you can start on a low budget.



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