Faculty of Science and Information Technology > Machine Learning/ Deep Learning

Can Users Control and Understand a UI Driven by Machine Learning?


We live in a world flooded by information. It’s harder and harder for us to keep track of it or to manually curate it for others; luckily, modern data science can sort through the vast amounts of information and surface those items that are relevant to us.

Machine-learning algorithms rely on user knowledge and patterns observed in the data to make inferences and suggestions about what we may like or be interested in.  With machine-learning technologies becoming more and more accessible to developers, there’s a push for companies to take advantage of these algorithms to improve their products and their users’ experience.

Typical uses of such artificial-intelligence (AI) technologies for UX purposes include:

    Recommendations (e.g., a list of movies to watch or products to purchase)
    Choice of what advertisements or content (e.g., news headlines) to display
    Deals and special offers, personalized to appeal to the current user
    Personalized shortcuts with one-click access to whatever a user will likely want to do next

for more details: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/machine-learning-ux/

Thanks for sharing

Asif Khan Shakir:
Thank you

SSH Shamma:
Thanks for sharing


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