Faculty of Engineering > EEE

moral degradation of our society


Think twice deeply about the moral degradation of our society

Recently we have gone through three types of disastrous situation in Bangladesh, as mentioned below:
1.   Severe Dengue  fever
2.   Flooding
3.   Panic  situation due to a rumor: Cutting of child head for Padma bridge

I think, this types of situation in a Muslim country like Bangladesh is a punishment from our creator/Allah. We are the cause of this punishment because:
1.   Are we honest in our word?
2.   Are we honest in our deed?
3.   Are we honest in shouldering our responsibilities?

I think another vital cause of these punishment is the moral degradation of our society. More precisely, uncontrolled mixture of young male and female students in everywhere, in campus, in restaurant, in park, on pavement, even on motorcycle. Most of the time their attitude/activities cross the modesty limit. Sometimes we also face embarrassing situation in academic environment.
Who will take care of the society?
Should we let this happening?
I think bridle this happening
Being teacher we have to play a vital role to rectify the society.

good to know

good to know


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