Faculty of Humanities and Social Science > Gender and Development

Gender-diverse Population: 98pc face stigma, harassment: report


The gender-diverse population of Bangladesh has been facing a wide range of stigma and violence, including sexual assault and rape by members of the mainstream community, forced marriages, abuse from family, denial of inheritance and much more, a study has revealed.

Some 98 percent of the population faces harassment, stigma, and discrimination, while 97 percent face police entrapment and harassment in public places, said the study, titled "Political Economy Analysis for Gender Diverse Communities in Bangladesh".

Bandhu Social Welfare Society, a non-government organisation working for the rights of the sexual minority,  organised a programme to disseminate findings of the report at The Daily Star Centre.

The study was conducted among 346 respondents in five districts -- Chattogram,  Dhaka/Gazipur, Mymensingh, Narayananj and Rajshahi between January and April last year. Aged  from 15-65, they included sex workers, dancers,  activists, students, service holders, entrepreneurs and others.

Details can be found here: https://www.thedailystar.net/city/news/gender-diverse-population-98pc-face-stigma-harassment-report-1869622


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