Behavioural Etiquettes in Workplace

Author Topic: Behavioural Etiquettes in Workplace  (Read 8243 times)

Offline Salma Akter

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Behavioural Etiquettes in Workplace
« on: May 09, 2020, 01:42:57 PM »
It is often said that one’s behaviour is the mirror to one’s character. Indeed, your behaviour speaks a lot about the kind of person you are. Your educational degrees hold little importance if you are not a well mannered person. You need to conduct well in almost every situation whether you appear for a job interview or pursue post-graduate degree, at your workplace or while dealing with your clients, in your school/college or while attending parties. Even at your home in front of your relatives, it is your good behaviour which counts the most. But behavioural etiquette is something which cannot be forced on anyone, it has to be cultivated and nurtured within oneself. However, remembering a few basic principles and applying them wherever required can undoubtedly be helpful.

It is true that every working individual spend a large part of their life in their workplace.
So every working professional should follow some simple workplace etiquettes.

i.   Always be Punctual:

 A late comer is always look down upon in any organization and becomes the object of mockery. Also it shows laziness and irresponsible nature in front of others.

ii.   Be a rational person:

 Often we face some adverse situations which we do not like. We tend to lose our patience and as a result we say or behave harshly with our colleagues or seniors. Some situations are not in our control, for example less hike in annual appraisal, company losing out some key clients etc but we can control our reaction. Often it is our reaction rather than the situation which causes stress.

iii.   Follow the official dress code:

 It is very important how you dress when you are in office. Your dress can enhance your self-confidence or ruin it.

iv.   Have mutual respect:

 Respect your senior colleagues and you’ll earn it in return. Maintain a cordial relationship with your team mates, it does not mean that you get too much personal with them. Do not mix your private life with your professional one. Remember everyone in your office is your competitor, so it’ll be foolish on your part to become personal with anyone and disclose some invaluable information. So be polite but reserved.

v.   Maintain office decorum:

 Avoid speaking loudly, speaking out of turn or talking too much. If you want to be heard, you must let others speak as well. Keep your mobile phones in silent or vibration mode when you are in a meeting or on call. Also make sure that your ring tones are not very loud, which may cause disturbance to others.

vi.   Stay away from gossip:

 Refrain from gossiping; remember there is no place for gossip mongers in a professional work environment.

Salma Akter
Assistant Controller of Examinations
Office of the Controller of Examinations
Daffodil International University
Daffodil Smart City, Birulia, Savar, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh