How To Take Your Career To New Heights With The Help Of Career Planning

Author Topic: How To Take Your Career To New Heights With The Help Of Career Planning  (Read 1711 times)

Offline Grace Joydhar

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Career planning is one of the most underrated exercises. And maybe one of the biggest reasons why most professionals end up doing an ordinary comfortable job and not living up to their fullest potential.
Many professionals shy away from career planning, as they think it will equip them with a rigid pathway, which they will not be able to follow but rest assured this is not the case.

Know Thyself:
• Be true to yourself. List out your strengths and weaknesses.
• Know your values, your skills, your work pattern.
• Have a clear picture of your ambitions and dreams in your mind.
• Draw a map for your future financial needs, your family priorities etc.

Know The Market:
• After self-evaluation, the second step is to know what is out there in the market.
• Which companies are performing well.
• Which industry is booming.
• What job options are there in your field of interest and what these jobs require in terms of qualification and experience.
• Talk to people, know about the real scenario behind these jobs.
• Learn how to make an entry and how after an entry you can advance further.
• what skills you lack in order to get that job and how you can get yourself skilled in those skills.
• Extensive market research and your network can help you in getting all such information.

What Works For You:
• Now when you know about your skills and potentials and also about what is out there in the market.
• It’s time for matchmaking or linking your skills and priorities with available options and then planning.
• Chart down a plan of where you are and where you want to be.
• Then mark down those industries or jobs or promotions (those which are in match with your personality and skills) that you should get in every stage to reach to your final goals.
• Write down steps of what you need to do in order to reach there.
• Find out what skills and qualifications and experiences you lack to achieve your goals. And what action you should take to gain those skills, qualifications & experiences.
• Don’t forget to consider other factors such as cost, location, family priorities, etc. while making the plan for all the stages.

Time For Action:
• After charting down a plan, things will get pretty clear to you. You would know at what stage, what action needs to be taken. So its time to start.
• If in order to reach the second stage, you need to change your job. Then go for it. Make a dynamic CV, start learning those skills which you lack, start interacting with people working in different organizations, and applying for jobs.
• If you want to change your career field altogether, then go for an internship, shadowing or training.
• If you think that promotion or movement within your current organization will help you in achieving your goals then start aiming for that.
