8 Interesting Facts About Russian Language

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8 Interesting Facts About Russian Language
« on: April 04, 2022, 04:56:42 PM »
No in the Russian language is said нет and this is an example of Russian being the most spoken native language in Europe. It belongs to the Slavic group of Indo-European language families. There are many facts about the Russian language.

The Russian language has about one and a half million speakers in the world, making it the 8th most spoken language.

Russian is an East Slavic language that is widely spoken across the Russian Federation. It is the Russians' native language and is part of the Indo-European language family. It is one of three extant East Slavic languages, as well as a member of the wider Balto-Slavic group.

1. "Talking about blue? Be real while in Russia!"

Well, not really, but the Russian language splits the color blue into two completely different categories- синий (“seeniy” meaning dark blue) and голубой (“goluboy” meaning light blue).

So yes they are better at distinguishing light blue and dark blue but only for language. Even if Russian blue shades are different, some languages ​​can't even distinguish between green and blue!

2. The word weird for Germans

In Russian, The Germans are referred to as “немецкий” (nemetski) - meaning those who cannot speak.

The root of the word means the Russian word means mute, which means stupid and irrational.

At first, the Russian word Nimtsky was used for foreigners who didn't speak Russian, and most of the foreigners at that time were Germans, so they got the name.

3. 1918 Language Reform

The final vital change to the Russian language got here as a consequence of the 1917 Revolution.

At the start of 1918, the Russian language dropped 4 letters to simplify language additionally. Different adjustments have been made as properly to make the language simpler to spell.

4. Russian Use Is Widespread

Russian is the eighth most spoken language on this planet. There is over 150 million native audio system, and due to the huge expanse of the Soviet Union, there are a complete 260 million individuals who communicate it as a primary or second language.

Russian can also be an official language of the UN and is the official language of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan.

5. Russian Can Be Troublesome

Russia is a Class III language. This makes it as tough to study as the Japanese European languages like Hungarian, Polish, and Czech for native English audio systems.

Nonetheless, it doesn't take as a lot of time to study as Chinese language (Mandarin), Japanese, or Arabic, all class IV languages.

6. Russian Cognates

The alphabet could look formidable to those that aren’t acquainted with it, however, that doesn’t imply that there aren’t loads of cognates that can assist you to study the language. It's because roughly 10 p.c of Russian phrases are just like English.

Алкоголь – alcohol
океа́н – ocean
Менеджер – manager
Аме́рика – America
компью́тер – computer

Whereas on the floor these phrases don’t look something like how they learn, as soon as you become familiar with the pronunciation of the Cyrillic alphabet, you may see how these phrases are fairly just like their English model. There are many loanwords to be looking out for as properly.

7. Cyrillic Alphabet

Maybe probably the most distinguishing characteristic of the Russian language is its alphabet. Whereas the Latin Alphabet closely influences Western European languages, the Russian, or the Cyrillic Alphabet, is Slavic primarily based on sturdy Greek influences, although Latin has performed its position in its formation as properly.

St. Cyril, a Byzantine missionary who lived throughout the ninth century, created the Cyrillic alphabet. Its objective was to translate spiritual texts into Slavic.

A lot afterward, Peter the Nice pushed to Westernize the Russian alphabet barely throughout his reign. He additionally altered the language to make it simpler to study, eradicating unused phrases and modernizing the letters primarily based on the Latin alphabet.

The fashionable alphabet has 33 letters. There are 21 consonants and 10 vowels. The remaining two letters shouldn't have a sound. And equally to Latin-based languages, there are each capital and decrease case letters.

The setup of the Soviet Union unfold Russian and made it the widespread language it's at this time.

After the Soviet Union got here to energy, all of its territories discovered Trendy Russian by means of its established public schooling, and although the Soviet Union did not exist, Russian nonetheless serves as a lingua franca in a lot of Eurasia.

Whereas many English audio systems could discover the alphabet shockingly completely different from the one they're accustomed to, as soon as they begin to research the language, they have a tendency to seek out that the alphabet is among the simpler obstacles to beat.

8. The Russian Dictionary

We have found some fun facts about the Russian language. Russian doesn't have as many phrases as English. Whereas the English language has over 1,000,000 vocabulary phrases, Russian has around 200,000. The result of this condensed vocabulary is that many Russian phrases have a number of meanings.

The original article would be found at : https://www.careercliff.com/russian-language/
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