9 post-covid tourism trends

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9 post-covid tourism trends
« on: June 22, 2021, 01:02:49 AM »
9 post-covid tourism trends

The pandemic has made it clear that the future of tourism and the tourism of the future will undergo change. Changes that come imposed by the new reality that is emerging and the sediment it will settle when this nightmare ends. One of the sectors that has evolved the most since its inception, and which at the same time has been punished by the crisis, cannot remain stagnant while watching the storm pass. It is time to think about the next picture, which is getting increasingly closer.

Taking into account that there are mature destinations that speak of the loss of 12 companies per day by the tourist offer, new ideas will emerge to serve that demand that is eager to resume travel, adapting to new tastes and trends. Let’s see some of those that should mark the new era of tourism:

Excellence in health and hygiene: Excellence in service and, what's more, in countries that stand out in this factor such as Spain, will be highly reflected, at least in the first post-covid years, in health and hygiene issues. The measures taken - and well communicated - will be a reflection of the concern of the providers of the different tourist services for their clients and their employees.

Communication as an ally for success: Marketing strategies and the development of new products and services adapted to new tastes and needs will continue to mark the difference between success and failure. So will efficient communication - in all its aspects - adapted to each demand niche.

Technology to get to know the client: The use of technology, both for the development of new products and services - especially everything related to contactless - and to talk efficiently with our client and continue to know their profile, what they are looking for, what they think and and which are their fears when travelling is, more than ever, a decisive matter. Other trends also stand out, such as artificial intelligence for assisted communication in the first levels, virtual reality as a marketing tool for destinations, data management or alternative payment systems, among others. All these advances will play a very important role in the development of new tourist destinations and the reinvention of mature destinations.

The return of travel agencies: In the same way, these advances usually bring back to basics, and travel agencies, at least those that apply the aforementioned, will emerge as beneficiaries thanks to their role as generators - whether in a real or perceived way - of the tranquility of your clients. Insurance, especially that involving cancellations and doctors with improved coverage, has become one of the protagonists in the era of travelling with masks and the threat of lockdown.

Destinations created for the 12 months of the year: The seasonal adjustment has always been a basic factor in some tourist destinations with a very marked season, mainly those that have based their offer on sunny beaches and have not varied their services in existing undervalued tourist resources in order to extend the seasons for tourism. The new offer that must emerge gives birth to the opportunity to co-create the destination taking the 12 months of the year into account and in the whole territory (tourism 360º / 365 days).

Remote working as a formula to expand the offer: It is one of those trends that has grown exponentially, as shown by some destinations that are already looking for their niche in the market. Collaboration between the different entities that make up the destination and the different types of accommodation will be essential when it comes to attracting a demand that seeks new destinations and which is a fundamental factor in the seasonal adjustment.

Tourism for all: Accessibility, increasingly on the rise due in part to an aging population, will continue its fair growth and will provide greater comfort not only to people with special needs, but also to the rest of the population. Let’s not forget that accessibility is essential for 7% of the population, good for 40% and comfortable for 100%.

Regenerative and conscious tourism: Sustainability was already a growing trend before the tragedy happened. Now it must become a sine qua non for different destinations and operators. It is not about not growing, but about doing it intelligently, taking advantage of all resources without compromising them. Giving them value thanks to tourism itself is one the keys and that is one of the fundamental pillars of regenerative tourism. Travellers who opt for this type of tourism no longer want to leave a place as they found it. Now they want to improve it after their stay due to participation in typical activities of the area, respecting the destination as if it were their home and investing their money to contribute to local economic development. Rural tourism and variants such as astrotourim will be decisive in this new era of tourism.

Necessary joint work: Synergies and public-private, public-public and private-private collaboration will be necessary more than ever in the reconstruction of a sector that belongs to everyone and for everyone.

And for you, what will be the keys to post-covid 19 tourism?

At Ideas for Change we have launched Destinations That Rock, a section focused on helping territories that want to become tourist destinations and destinations that want to transform themselves leaving behind previous and obsolete schemes.

If you want to be part of the new reality,

Collected Source: https://www.ideasforchange.com/en/blog-futuresthatrock/9-post-covid-tourism-trends