Additional self-improvement ideas

Author Topic: Additional self-improvement ideas  (Read 1356 times)

Offline Ismail Hossain

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Additional self-improvement ideas
« on: June 22, 2021, 02:28:28 PM »
Additional self-improvement ideas

Self-improvement doesn’t stop just because you’ve completed one goal or another. Here are some other ways to enrich your life and attain your dreams.

Change the way you think: If you spend a lot of time questioning yourself or even putting yourself down, then you’re getting in the way of meeting your goals and improving your life. These are limiting beliefs, and thinking about yourself in a more positive way sets the stage for you to improve the way you treat yourself and others.
Learn from others: Want to know how to self-improve? Surround yourself with people who are also driven to be the best. Find out their strategies and emulate them. By learning how others succeed, you’ll be driven and inspired to succeed as well.

Feed your mind: Just as surrounding yourself with the right people feeds your drive, taking in new information feeds your mind. Read a book about someone who inspires you. Watch a documentary on an interesting subject. Make the time to bring new and stimulating ideas into your life.

Learn a new skill: Expanding your skill set pushes your brain to make new neural connections. When you master something new, you discover that you can master even more. You’ll develop a growth mindset that will make you truly unstoppable.

Keep a journal: Writing down your goals and dreams makes them more real to you, while releasing your emotions can help you make sense of it all. Those are just a few of the ways journalism can benefit your journey to self-improvement.


Md. Ismail Hossain
Graphic Designer
Marketing and Brand Development Dept.
Daffodil International University
Ph: 01811458821
Ph: 9138234-5, Ext.-225