How to Achieve Career Goals

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How to Achieve Career Goals
« on: August 05, 2021, 12:34:14 PM »
1. Write them down
It may seem like an old-school technique, but it’s actually very effective. Based on several studies, individuals who write down their career goals see a higher likelihood of achieving them compared to those who don’t.

There are several benefits to writing down one’s goals. For one, an individual is forced to think critically on how to achieve each goal.


2. Share the plan
Another perk of writing down career goals is that it makes it easy to share them with friends, colleagues, or even a manager. When an individual discloses their short and long-term career goals to other people, they feel more challenged to follow them through to the end.

3. Visualize success
One thing that high achievers do is to visualize their success. Sports psychologists often ask their top athletes to envision themselves crossing that finish line or kicking the field goal. It’s the same concept with career goals. One should think about all the steps they need to reach their goal and plan for the setbacks that they may encounter.


The Bottom Line
A career goal is all about setting short-term and long-term objectives related to one’s career path. Setting career goals is important, as it helps propel individuals to accomplish them. This is particularly so when the person shares their plans with a third party.

Md. Rashedul Islam Ratul
Lecturer, JMC
Daffodil International University