Electric Vehicles: Motor Selection Dilemma

Author Topic: Electric Vehicles: Motor Selection Dilemma  (Read 1327 times)

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Electric Vehicles: Motor Selection Dilemma
« on: April 21, 2017, 12:14:10 AM »
An AC motor is similar to the DC motor in that it also has a set of field coils and a rotor or armature, however since there is a continuous current reversal (alternating current), a commutating device is not needed. At this point in development, neither motor can be considered superior to the other. They both have advantages and disadvantages
as listed in attachment1.
As shown in the comparison, an AC motor is less expensive than a DC motor, an AC system is more expensive due to the cost of the complex electronics associated with the AC inverter and motor controller. AC motors are the most commonly used motor in home appliances and machine tools. These motors are very reliable and because they contain a single moving part, they should last the life of the vehicle with little or no maintenance. Typical motor characteristics are listed in the table below.
Rezwan Mohammad Sayeed
Dept. of EEE
Faculty of Engineering