5 ChatGPT Productivity Prompts That Can Cut Your Workload In Half

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5 ChatGPT Productivity Prompts That Can Cut Your Workload In Half

5 ChatGPT productivity prompts (cut your workload in half) GETTY

What if you could achieve the same outcome in half the time? Then you’d have choices. You could work less, or you could double up and get even further. But how do you get there? Ambitious entrepreneurs are intentional about how they spend their time. They work smart as well as hard. With so many AI tools around, there’s no excuse not to ask the question: How can I leverage what already exists to free me from my most mundane tasks?

ChatGPT can help you figure it out and make your plan. Use these prompts to do less of the mundane and create more space for your genius. Copy, paste and edit the square brackets in ChatGPT, and keep the same chat window open so the context carries through.

Work Smarter And Reduce Your Workload With ChatGPT

Stop Micromanaging

If you’ve trained someone to do something, you have to trust that they will. Otherwise, what’s the point? But leaders everywhere delegate then worry. They see something being done in a different way to how they would do it, and they panic and interfere, taking the project back over or micromanaging its new owner. Not the plan. Your job is leadership, not oversight. Shift from hands-on management to strategic leadership for the autonomy, efficiency and happiness of you and your team.

“I have recently delegated [describe task you have delegated] to [describe the role or person who now looks after it]. I’m concerned about [describe your concerns]. Act as a business coach and ask me questions, one by one, to understand whether I have good reason to be concerned, and therefore what I should do, or if I am simply being controlling and micromanaging, without any need. Ask the questions one by one, help me understand my process of delegating this task to ascertain whether I did sufficient preparation.”

Structure Your Meetings

Most Zooms could be Looms. Most Looms could be emails. Knowledge workers across the land are saying in ten sentences what could be said in three. Don’t let that be you. Start with meetings. Make every meeting matter when you remove the nonessential chatter and go in with a plan. Cut to the chase with clear agendas and defined outcomes, saving time and speeding up decision-making.

“I want to stop wasting time in meetings, and require every meeting to have a defined agenda that is stuck to by every member. Acting as an assertive productivity consultant, ask me questions about my next meeting, its attendees and purpose. From this information, create a concise agenda that can be shared before. Add a sentence I can use when sharing this agenda, to explain to attendees that going off topic cannot happen in this meeting, and we should work together to make that happen. Before beginning the questioning, require me to type, ‘Let’s end the meeting madness!’”

Create An Email Autoresponder

Not only is there meeting madness among entrepreneurs and business leaders, but email madness too. Most of your emails aren’t that important. Most are people asking things they could have googled, or stalling instead of taking action, passing the buck to buy them more time. Let’s end the email madness with an all-encompassing autoresponder that empowers someone to find the answer and frees you of instant responses. A good one of these can be a lifesaver. No one will be offended to receive it, but they’ll understand how busy you are. Help them help themselves. Manage expectations and filter urgency, keeping you focused on your real work.

“Create an email autoresponder so people who email me can progress their work without waiting for a response from me. Open a dialogue where you ask me what people often email me about, inviting me to paste in a typical message I receive. Next, ask for my typical answer. Keep going with these emails, one by one, until we have covered the most popular topics. Then, collate the information into a concise yet helpful email responder that I can put in place. At the start of the email, explain that I get a lot of enquiries and I put these FAQs together to help people find a way forward. Use my writing style to create the response: [Include an email you wrote for context]..”

Automate Your Perfectionism

Perfectionism could be holding you back. If you’re operating at a high standard, you’re going to make mistakes. Progress means learning from errors and going again, not beating yourself up or trying to avoid them all together, perhaps by not showing up at all. Use ChatGPT to help with your editing, then let good enough be your best friend. Maintain high standards without the pitfalls of perfectionism.

“I am a recovering perfectionist. Perfectionism has held me back in the past, but not any more. Your task is to assess the work I’m about to publish and find any errors that I should fix. After telling me where the errors are, tell me that you’re proud of the effort I put into this work. Help me realize that putting in maximum effort and being prepared to learn and iterate is more important than everything being exactly right the first time. Not everything requires perfection, and shipping the work is often more important.”

Organize Your Priorities

Focus fuels success. People who get distracted by breaking news, notifications and endlessly scrolling newsfeeds are neglecting their genius. Make focus your superpower. Develop a system that separates must-dos from might-dos, ensuring your energy is invested in high-impact activities. When you’re doing your work, be all in. Shut off everything else, close the door, put your phone on silent. Nothing should be able to pop up and steal you away, you’re better than that.

“Your task is to organize my day’s work in order of what will make the most difference to my business. I will paste my task list, and you should ask me questions, one by one, first to ascertain my number one business goal and then to work out which tasks contribute to it. All that matters is my one business goal, everything else can wait. Help me stick to that one goal by prioritizing my work and reminding me why it’s important to do it in that order and not get distracted.”

Cut Your Workload In Half — ChatGPT Prompts To Do Only What Matters

If you could stop micromanaging, structure every meeting and stick to the plan, reduce pressure to respond to emails, manage your perfectionism and follow your task list in priority order, you’d be unstoppable. There would be a machine-like magic to your work. People would know you were on a mission. The stars would align and the path to your dream future would appear in front of you. Most people don’t get there. They waste time, they waste chances and they waste their potential. Use these ChatGPT prompts to open your mind and uncap your limits.

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jodiecook/2024/04/15/5-chatgpt-productivity-prompts-cut-your-workload-in-half/?sh=2903dcbc1b4d
Imrul Hasan Tusher
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