Research publication requirement for university appointments and promotion
I think the current appointments and promotion criteria of university academics require urgent review in the light of global changes in higher education sector.
In particular, the RESEARCH criterion of number of publications needs clarity and should be more elaborate and specific.
In the attached article I have shared my ideas on quality of journals, citation of publications, and the issue of publications with two or more authors.
Professor Shahjahan Khan, PhD (UWO, Canada)
Emeritus Professor, University of Southern Queensland, AUSTRALIA
Vice Chancellor and CEO
Asian University of Bangladesh
Expatriate Fellow, Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (BAS)
Chief Editor, Journal of Applied Statistics & Probability (JAPS), USA
President, Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences (ISOSS), 2005-2011
Fellow, Royal Statistical Society, UK
Member, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, USA
Elected Member, Intern’l Statistical Institute, Netherlands
Cultural Diversity Ambassador, Queensland, AUSTRALIA