Heatstroke Safety Tips

Author Topic: Heatstroke Safety Tips  (Read 1852 times)

Offline Shamim Ansary

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Heatstroke Safety Tips
« on: June 10, 2010, 06:21:26 PM »

As the peak of summer approaches, the temperature often increases to unbearable highs, thereby decreasing the body’s efficiency. Watch for the signs and symptoms of the two major medical emergencies associated with heat exposure: heat exhaustion and heatstroke.


-- Sweating, moist, clammy skin
-- Weakness and fatigue
-- Nausea, vomiting
-- Slightly elevated temperature
-- Headache
-- Disorientation


-- Remove victim from heat.
-- Apply cool, wet clothes.
-- Fan victim. Stop if victim develops goose bumps or shivers.
-- If victim is conscious, give fluids.
-- If possible, have victim drink a mixture of 1 pint water with 1 teaspoon of salt every 30 minutes until person recovers.
-- See medical attention if person does not continually improve.
-- Do not give victim any stimulant, including alcohol and cigarettes.
-- Do not apply ice directly to skin.
-- Do not allow victim to become so cold that he or she shivers.
-- Do not leave victim alone.


= Hot, dry skin
= Red or spotted skin
= Extremely high blood temperature
= Mental confusion
= Convulsions
= Loss of consciousness


>> Remove person from heat.
>> Remove victims clothing and place him or her in a cool bath, if possible, or apply cool compresses to body.
>> Get medical attention immediately.
>> Do not give fluids.
>> Do not give victim aspirin or any other medication to lower fever. Do not give victim any stimulant, including alcohol and cigarettes.
>> Do not apply ice directly to skin.
>> Do not allow victim to become so cold that he or she shivers.
>> Do not leave victim alone.


** Slow down. Eliminate strenuous activities or reschedule them to the coolest time of the day.
** Dress for summer. Lightweight, light-colored clothing reflects heat and sunlight, and helps your body maintain normal temperatures.
** Drink plenty of water even if you do not feel thirsty.
** Do not drink alcoholic beverages.
** Spend more time in air-conditioned places. Air conditioning in homes and other building markedly reduces danger from the heat. ** If you cannot afford an air conditioner, spending some time each day in an air-conditioned environment affords some protection.
** Don’t get too much sun. Sunburn makes cooling down that much more difficult.
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