Conflict at Workplace - Why Conflict Should be Avoided ?

Author Topic: Conflict at Workplace - Why Conflict Should be Avoided ?  (Read 2632 times)

Offline Shamim Ansary

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Conflict at Workplace - Why Conflict Should be Avoided ?
« on: April 24, 2012, 12:35:36 PM »

Differences in interest, thought process, perception as well as need lead to a conflict. When individuals do not agree to each other’s opinions, a conflict arises. Conflict can occur at any place be it organizations, groups and even at our homes.

Let us first go through the below example.

Sandy was heading the operations department of a leading firm. Peter was reporting to Sandy and somehow both never approved each other’s ideas and thought processes. Peter was assigned a project which was to be submitted by end of the day. Sandy and Peter disagreed at each and every point and there were severe clashes between them. They could never come to a conclusion and as a result the project could never be completed within the stipulated time.

What was the outcome of their conflict ?

The outcome was actually a big zero as neither Sandy nor Peter gained anything out of the conflict. Conflicts must be avoided at any cost and specially at workplaces.

Our offices are our first homes as we spend the maximum time at workplaces only. One has to respect his organization to get respect in return. Learn to keep a control on your emotions at workplace. Never fight at the workplace as it spoils the decorum of the office. You might not agree to the other person but that doesn’t mean you will start fighting with him. Sit with him and try to find out a solution, Conflicts spoil the ambience of offices and also lead to negativity all around.Always respect other individual’s opinion.

No body wins in a conflict and nothing productive comes out of it. When two individuals fight with each other, they are actually wasting their precious time and as they say “Time and Tide wait for none”. Avoid fighting at workplace as it leads to wastage of precious time which could have been otherwise invested in other productive work. Remember your office pays you for your work and not for fighting with each other.

Employees tend to loose their concentration and focus in work if they are engaged in conflicts. Individuals lose interest in their jobs leading to zero output. They invest all their energies in fighting with each other and as a result the goals of the organization are never met. No organization can survive if the targets are not achieved. Never shout at your workplace, always lower your voice and try to adopt a middle path approach rather than arguing.

Conflicts also lead to disrespect and unnecessary tensions in organizations. Individuals talk ill about others and spoil the environment; You might be an excellent performer, a diligent worker, but if you keep on fighting with your fellow workers, you would definitely earn a bad name. You will be in the limelight but for all the wrong reasons. It is always wise to do your work sincerely, pack your bags, go home and come fresh the next day. No body loves to carry unnecessary tensions, thus it is always advised not to fight at workplaces. It is not always that you will agree to what the other person has to say, but fighting will not provide you any solution, instead it would add on to your tensions. Learn to compromise and discuss with your team. Listen carefully what the other person has to say and do correct him in a polite way, if he is wrong. Avoid finding faults unnecessarily and criticizing your colleague. Remember everyone at the office is a part of one big family working together towards a common goal.

Conflicts at workplace must be avoided and employees must concentrate on achieving their goals. Give your best in each and every thing you do. Enter your office with a calm and composed mind and never be hyper or react to anyone’s statements. Always think before you speak. Adopt a professional approach at workplace and try to sort out your differences with your fellow workers. Respect everyone at office and remember fighting is not the only solution.
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