Career Development Centre (CDC) > Be a Leader

Responsibilities of a Good Leader.


A good leader can make the task easy and he has the power to initiative the the employes. A good leader has some responsibilities in any organizations or any others sectors. The main 7 Responsibilities are given below -

1. Set and achieve business goals: A leader thinks about the future. You have to have a vision and set your goal based on that vision. You have to be clear where the business is going in 5, 10 even 20 years. It is your task to see the future and set your goal based on that. You have to set the goal and mission for your business.

2. Innovate and marketing: Innovation and marketing bring in customers and sales. You have to be good at marketing and set an example to other people. You have to be constantly thinking of new ways to market and improve your business to bring in more sales and revenue. This is the 20% of business activities which result in 80% of result.

3. Solve problems and make decision: Everybody has problems and crisis all the time. Instead of getting angry, upset and blame other people, you should be solving the problems. A leader is a good problem solver. You rise in life as you develop ability to solve greater problems. The bigger the problem you can solve, the more money you make. So rather than complaining and being upset, start thinking about the solution and taking action.

4. Set priorities: You only have certain amount of time each day. Your task is to decide what to do first, what to do later and what to not do at all. You need to stop doing things of lower value and concentrate on more important tasks. You have to make a list and decide what is more important.

5. Focus and concentrate: The ability to focus and concentrate is the hallmark of successful person. Focus means you are absolutely clear of the most important thing to do and concentration means you discipline yourself to focus and work just on that. Single minded concentration is the most important factor in your success.

6. Set an example: Everyone is watching you. You are setting the tone for your business. Everyone is observing you and following what you do. Ask yourself a question, what kind of organization you have when everyone in the organisation is just like you? Always imagine you are watched even if no one is watching.

7. Perform and get result: Result is everything. You need to be clear of all the results you can get, what is the most important result. In term of marketing, your most important result is sale. It doesn’t matter how many leads or potential customers you get, if you don’t make sale, you have no result. You have to very result orientated.

To become a good leader one to maintain has some responsibilities. A good leader is an assets of an organization as well as an assets of a country. So all leader should take the responsibilities which are mentioned the above post .


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