The Best Time to Apply at USA

Author Topic: The Best Time to Apply at USA  (Read 1899 times)

Offline International Desk, DIU

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The Best Time to Apply at USA
« on: July 17, 2012, 09:27:25 AM »
Lots of international students, desirous of pursuing higher studies at reputed American college/university are confused about the right timing of applying at their favorite academic institute. They not just worry about which college to pick but also think constantly about the best time to apply at the college/university to secure admission.

If you are serious about studying in US then you should not wait till the last hour to start applying because as an international student you need time to pick the college, know about the institute, to know about the admission process etc. So keep in mind you are not applying at some college in your hometown or country but overseas. Because of this it’s better to start as early as possible so that you could start your studies on time and wouldn’t have to wait for next year to apply.

Even if you’re applying online, make sure you apply as soon as the admission form is made available for the next study session.

Benefits of Applying Early:

You get enough time to thoroughly explore all your options.
You can research all the institutes and programs that can help you achieve your career goals in best possible manner.
When you apply early at colleges of your choice, you get an advantage to think if you can spend three-four years at the college you are picking to study. It might not be possible for you to visit each college you have applied at in person but you can always browse college’s website to know more about campus and faculty there.
If you are planning in advance then it will also give you ample time to prepare for SAT (standardized test) that would be a crucial factor in deciding if you’d be able to secure admission or not.
You can patiently fulfill the application form along with all the necessary requirements asked by the college and would be able to submit your application well before deadline.
Admission form usually explains things clearly for students. However, if you still encounter any problems, you could contact someone at the college (usually name of the person to be contacted is provided on college’s official website) to clear your doubts.

Tips That Could Help International Students Secure Admission at US College:

International students need to know that education in US isn’t centralized. This means admission requirements varies from college to college in each state. Also students’ academic credentials will be evaluated differently by different institutes.
You should let the college authorities know in advance if you need financial aid. Also, remember, needing financial assistance, could eliminate your chances of securing admission.
 You should be able to highlight why you should be selected and why you have chosen to study at American college.
Also, in US, overall status of students’ matters and just having a good academic record isn’t enough, you should have some extra- curriculum activity to your credit such as playing some game or instrument or volunteering to work part-time etc.
Also, SAT (standardized test) results matters and you should be able to do well in them as colleges in US make international students take them to know where they stand academically. You should be able to do well in TOEFL or IELTS exams as well.
Lastly, whether you are aiming for a scholarship or just to get an admission at any US college/university, don’t forget to do your research and apply to handful of institutes because by applying at one prestigious college doesn’t guarantee admission.