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Topics - lima_diu

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Success / Hard workig
« on: November 30, 2013, 02:11:24 PM »
Hi Everybody,

I am happy to back after a long time to write something here. As you know except DIU family members no one allowed to write on this board so i am the one of family member of DIU. I love my University, I love my family. DIU give me lots of opportunity to build up myself to build my morality and DIU learnt me how to take responsibility?! I am thankful to them who give me the opportunity & support me always & Sokor Alhamdulillah i feel i am one of successful woman because of my hard working, honesty & commitment. In mid of 2012 i have to come in Australia for my husband.  I was tensed to start a new life but Alhamdulillah from the beginning it is peaceful. but the thing is here life style is not like our country I mean here husband wife need to work to maintain life like  home rent that you have to pay weekly, you have buy ticket for transportation, food, electricity bill, internet bill, mobile bill so many rules regulation & you have to maintain these all that is abroad!! i was pissed off with these all. i was looking for job & Alhmadulillah i got it but i never thought i got job with designation. i can't work full time for some rules regulation. moreover they start to like my work, my contract was finished but 3 weeks later they called me again, some people did not like that i came back, so many controversy that i can't handle the Christmas pressure because i don't have any confidence level and so many thing! that time i was keep quiet coz i knew who i am & where i have to go. i always talk with my Almighty Allah, always tell Him pls God show me ur simple way & give me patient of. I felt myself as a born fighter, I told Him (Allah) u r watching everything & u can realize whats going on with me & u know where i have to go for my family for my parents :(( pls give me the strength! HE give my 1st success that i can prove my confidence- 12 people are working under my shift and sokor alhamdulillah i am handling everything properly, 2nd success company give the position as a Supervisor of the shift, 3rd success-they reward me by giving a Gift Card thats very important for my dignity. 4th success- they tell me they gonna give a very special bonus system that they are specially give to permanent employee.

I share this experience with you guys only for understanding that we can do if we are hard working, if we have honesty, commitment, motivation & respectful behavior then success will give you simile. I love my parents, i love my family and thats why Allah always safe me from any enmity. Thanks, I will be back with my new success In-Sha-Allah. Best of luck!


Nutrition and Food Engineering / Coffee Brewing
« on: July 07, 2012, 11:24:47 AM »

Brewing coffee is as much of an art as it is a science. The history of coffee brewing equipment is rich, and methods of brewing are culturally dependent. Of the thousands of coffee machines and coffee brewing devices invented since the advent of coffee consumption, only a few have gained worldwide popularity. The coffee brewing methods discussed below are recommended since they have been found to maximize the extraction of the beneficial flavors of coffee, while minimizing the extraction of bitter coffee compounds a nd undesirable components.

Procedure of Making Coffee: Directions

The following general rules apply to each coffee making process discussed. Coffee should be brewed for 4.5-5 minutes using a ratio of 55 grams of ground coffee per liter of filtered water (195-205°F). It is convenient to use 2 tablespoons of coffee per 6 ounces of filtered water. Filtered water and spring water are recommended. Tap water imparts off flavors to the coffee and some minerals are essential to coffee flavor. Distilled water is not recommended for brewing coffee as it lacks the minerals to bring out the natural flavors of the coffee.

Coffee Maker Reviews

French Press: The best way to control the time and temperature is to use a French press coffee maker. The French press offers unparalleled flavor due to perfect extraction time and delivery of the volatile oils that are often trapped in paper filters. A French press is also the least expensive coffee brewer available. To make coffee in a French press: boil the correct amount of water, freshly grind the coffee beans using a course setting, remove the plunger, place the coffee grounds at the bottom of the glass, add the hot water, stir by shaking, and after 4-5 minutes press the plunger down to separate the grounds from the extracted coffee.  The best French presses are made by Bodum and come in sizes of 3 and 12 cups. An insulated version is also available. Note: You do not want to pour boiling water directly onto the coffee. The goal is to brew coffee at a temperature between 195-205°F.

Unfortunately, French press coffee makers are not quite as convenient as a drip coffee makers due to preparation time and cleaning time. The French press also loses heat faster than some other methods, but extraction at slightly varying temperatures will promote a more dynamic and complex cup of coffee. To minimize heat loss effects, Bodum has developed an insulated coffee press.  This press is highly recommended for both design and attention to coffee brewing details.

A novel integrated electric water heater-French press is available from Chef's Choice. This French press minimizes the complexity of using multiple devices to boil and then brew the coffee. We use it daily at the Coffee Research Institute and highly recommend it for those who want to simplify the brewing process without sacrificing quality.

Vacuum Coffee Pot: The vacuum coffee pot is a clever device invented by Robert Napier in 1840 that prepares an exceptional cup of coffee with a potent aroma. This is an appropriate alternative for those who have an aversion to the taste of the paper filters from drip brewers or for people who dislike the sediment in the bottom of the cup from the French press method.

To brew coffee in a vacuum pot, add the proper amount of filtered water to the bottom bulb, attach the filter to the upper bulb and fit the upper glass bulb tightly over the bottom glass bulb. Place the vacuum coffee pot on the stove, making sure that the bottom bulb is completely dry on the outside. Use a medium grind and add the grounds when the water begins to fill the upper chamber. Leave the pot on the stove for 3.5 minutes and then place on a hot pad. Within 30 seconds the lower pot will cool enough to form a vacuum to pull the brewing coffee into the lower chamber, thereby separating it from the grounds. Experiment with the heating and cooling cycles until the total extraction time is between 4-5 minutes. A great and inexpensive vacuum coffee pot available is the Bodum pot (pictured to the left).  An electric vacuum pot (pictured to the right) is also available from Bodum.

Automatic Drip Coffee Maker: The easiest way to brew coffee is by using an automatic drip coffee brewer. Unfortunately, few coffee machines brew at the right temperature for the correct amount of time. The best drip coffee makers currently available are produced by Techni Vorm and distributed by Boyd's coffee and Sweet Maria's Coffee. Of the available models, the MoccaMaster Clubline KB 741 with the insulated carafe is probably the best drip brewer available on the market.
To brew coffee in a drip brewer, place a thick paper filter in the brewing cone (basket) and thoroughly wet with water. This helps remove the paper taste from the filter. Then freshly grind the coffee using a medium grinder setting. As the water begins to boil, pour the coffee into the coffee filter. Now as the water pours over the coffee, shake the basket (removable in the Technivorm) to ensure an even extraction. Brew time and temperature are taken care of automatically. If your brewer has a hot plate under a glass carafe, remove the carafe after the coffee is fully brewed to prevent the coffee from burning.

Espresso: Making espresso is a bit more difficult than the above brewing methods.


Meditation / What is meditation? Why should I meditate?
« on: July 01, 2012, 03:48:10 PM »

Meditation is a simple scientific process for relaxing the mind and body. As our body becomes relaxed and our mind becomes calm and tranquil, we become free of anxiety and worry and are engulfed by a feeling of well-being. As a result, we are able to better utilize the immense power of our brain, progressing spontaneously in the path of success.

Meditation helps us get relief from stress and anxiety. It helps prevent and cure 75% of all diseases, including migraine, sinusitis, backache, other aches and pains, IBS, acidity, constipation, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and insomnia.
As a student, you will find it helpful for better concentration and memory. If you are a professional, meditation will help you take calm and proactive decision in the workplace. It will help you establish peace and harmony in your family. Meditation will also help you progress spiritually, and help you concentrate better in prayer and worship.

In a word, meditation has something to offer everyone. So embrace this practice and live long, healthy, happy and strong.


PPC(Pay per Click) / About Pay Per Click
« on: June 29, 2012, 02:50:21 PM »
Definition: A marketing system on the Web in which the advertiser pays when the user clicks on its advertisement and goes to its site. This is a more interactive, results-oriented method compared to paying for just the placement of a banner ad on a Web page regardless if anyone clicks on it. Pay Per Click is paying a web site vendor for a visitor's click on an ad that sends them to your web site. Most of the vendors, largest being Google and Yahoo, do not charge you until the visitor actually clicks to your site.

Content Matching is when your ads are shown on sites that have similar content or related content. In real estate, this could mean that your ad would show up on a travel site on pages related to your area. Depending on how your ad is worded and the content of the page to which it brings the visitor, the click vendor's system selects web pages on which to display your ad. The display of the ad creates an "impression". The visitor sees it, but may not take action by clicking on it.

Keyword and Phrase Matching is the purchase of positioning in the search engines at the top for certain keywords and phrases that you believe will bring targeted traffic to your site. In our business, the big ones are "YourTown real estate", Yourtown, State real estate" and similar combinations. Advertisers are actually bidding against each other for top placement on searches for those keywords. There are complex ranking formulas that may not rely solely on highest bidder gets highest placement, but that's the normal method. Again, no payment is made until the visitor clicks to your site.

You need to know / Do You Really Want to Do Well?
« on: April 26, 2012, 11:41:53 AM »

You may be thinking, 'What kind of question is that? Of course I want to do well. Who doesn't?'
Most of us want to do well, but we do not go beyond just wanting. We want to hang out with our friends, spend time on facebook, watch television, listen to music, play computer games, do a million other things and do a little bit of studying on the side. If we do well in the exam, that’s great. If we don’t, what can be done? We have to enjoy life, don’t we?

But good students are different. To them, studying is the first priority. They do whatever they need to do, and give up whatever they need to, to ensure they are on top of their studies. If you really want to do well, you too need to be ready to give up some small things. In particular, be careful about these time eaters.

The Tricky World of Friends:
In student life, our friends have a lot of influence on us. For some of us, they are the number one influence. It is natural to be influenced by the people we spend most time with. If your friends are active, energetic, goal oriented nice people, then chances are that you will be too. But if they are bad mannered, lazy or aimless, or if they are drug addicts or thugs, then they may distract you from your goals.
The truth is being friendly and being friends are not the same. You can be friendly with all your classmates, but you should choose your friends carefully. Keep these things in mind while making friends:

    * Choose your friends carefully. Be friends with only those who share your goals, values and ideals.
    * Keep your word. Protect people's privacy and possesions.
    * Be helpful and cooperative without expecting anything in return.
    * Be proactive. Don't make a decision, especially a decision to cut off relations with someone, based on what someone else says.
    * Make friends with only intelligent and good people. Tactfully avoid those who might be harmful for you.
    * Don't jeopardize your own success in trying to help others. You will be able to help others more when you are successful.
    * If you spend a lot of time fighting or arguing with a friend then either start spending less time with him or try not to have so many arguments. A lot of arguments can destroy your mental peace.
Mobiles are a part of our life these days. But do you use your cell phone when it is necessary? Or are you one of those people who are chatting on their cell phones late into the night? Too much use of cell phone can decrease your concentration level. So, try to use your cell phone only when it is really necessary. Don't reply a missed call unless it is someone senior. Because if someone really needs you, then s/he will can you again.
The Idiot box
Television is also known as the`Idiot Box’. Because watching too much television can turn you into an idiot. Don't believe us?  Scientists have found that:

    * The more TV a toddler watches, the higher the likelihood they will do badly at school and have poor health at the age of 10.
    * Those who watch more than two hours of TV, and particularly those who watch more than three hours of television per day during childhood have 40% more chance of having attention problems in adolescence.
    * Too much time spent in front of the television reduces likelihood of graduating from university.
    * Young children who spend more than two hours a day watching TV double their risk of developing asthma.
    * Those who watch a lot of television have a greater likelihood of developing Alzheimers.
    * Toddlers who watch more than two hours of television a day are more likely to be overweight at ages 3 and 4-and-a-half .
    * Each additional hour of TV watched each day by kids results in an extra 167 calories consumed, often from sugary drinks, fast food and candy featured in commercials.
    * Exciting scenes of TV can cause an increase in your blood pressure level and can also stimulate secretion of stress hormone. This condition can last for at least 45 minutes.

So control the amount of time you spend in front of the television. And don't just use the television as a source of entertainment, also use it as a source of information.

Monkey hunters in India use a unique technique to catch monkeys. They use a box with an opening at the top, big enough for the monkey to slide its hand into. Inside the box are nuts. The monkey grabs the nuts and its hand becomes a fist. The monkey then tries to get its hand out. But the opening is big enough for the hand to slide into, but too small for the fist to come out of. Now the monkey has a choice, either to let go of the nuts and be free or hang on to the nuts and get caught. Guess what he picks every time? He hangs on to the nuts and gets caught.
Don't hang on to the small things. Life will reward you.


You need to know / How to Get Rid of Exam Phobia
« on: April 16, 2012, 02:21:45 PM »
To most of us exams are worse than Chinese torture. Believe it or not there are people out there who can't wait to take an exam and prove themselves. If this is unbelievable, think of what you know you are good at and how you feel when you have a chance to demonstrate that skill. For example, you know you can run faster than the wind and tomorrow is the school sports competition. Or you have a beautiful dress and tomorrow you get to wear it. Imagine the thrill and anticipation you will feel. For a lot of people, exams are like that. And you can feel that way too.

Here are the reasons we usually don't feel that way :

• The number one reason we are scared of exams is because we know we are not prepared. If this is the case with you, unfortunately, there is no magic formula that can make exams tasty for you. Read the other articles in this section, and like top students, develop the habit of starting early. Decide on a monchhobi about the your result from day one and visualize it everyday. You will be calm on exam day.

• Many of us underestimate ourselves or our preparation. Most of us are better prepared than we think. Autosuggestions and affirmationscan help you feel more confident about yourself and your preparation. You can find some autosuggestions for students here.

• Some of your friends may be on the verge of a nervous breakdown because of the coming exam. Others may be saying, "Oh I finished my preparation for this paper three months ago and I have reviewed everything 10 times!". Both can make you nervous. But don't let them. If you find you are being influenced by them, simply avoid them.

• For some of us, even the possibility of not doing well in the exam is unthinkable. Subconsciously, we may be nurturing unreasonable beliefs such as 'If I don't do well in this exam I am a failure as a person', or ' If I don't do well in this exam my parents won't love me any more.' Thinking not doing well is absolutely unacceptable makes us exam phobic. If you think you have any such unreasonable belief deep down, you can change them by doing the negative thoughts meditation. Exams are important but they are not everything. So take it easy.

You need to know / Plans & Goals
« on: April 03, 2012, 12:26:27 PM »

Plans are taken to achieve goals. Goals may be either short or long term. Generally, long term goals can take about three to five years to achieve, while short term goals are reachable in a year or so. We set goals only when we plan what we want to accomplish. It could be as simple as cleaning the house or finishing an assignment or as complex as transforming a developing country into a developed one.

A plan needs to be written. A written plan provides a visible objective to work for. An example of a written plan is a family budget. A budget shows where the family is financially, how much the family is currently spending, and how much the family can spend according to the current income. The primary ingredients necessary to develop a plan are goals. Plans are generally divided into short-range plans, and long-range plans. Short-range plans are basically day-to-day occurrences. Long range planning is very important. Everyone has a responsibility to plan well, to have good sound objectives, and to achieve success. There should also be some specific goals developed for the use of surplus funds. We should also be clear about how much should be invested and how much should be set aside for domestic wants? Future income should not be depended upon. It is also important to be moral while achieving the goals. It is necessary to monitor that family is not trapped into anything that is unethical, immoral, or dishonest. In addition, there should be a family contingency plan in the event wealth is lost due to unforeseen disaster.

You need to know / Qualities of a good leader
« on: April 03, 2012, 12:14:17 PM »

The World has seen many leaders. Every country has produced leaders who were instrumental in about bringing social changes, winning independence for the country and establishing good governance. There are some who are born leaders like Adolf Hitler and Winston Churchill. But there are many who acquire skills and abilities to become a leader and for some it is circumstances that prompted them to take the leadership. But how did they emerge as leaders? There are certain qualities that go into making a leader. They can either be developed or is part of their personality. Be it a school leader or leader of a country or that of a terrorist group these qualities are indispensable.

A good leader must be trustworthy, confident, enthusiastic, tolerant, and amicable. It is very important that thought, word and deed coincide to earn respect. Leaders need to be a source of inspiration to learn from and a source of motivation to discover. Although he is a leader, he should take the team ‘with him’ rather than walking in front or pushing from behind. Apart from setting goals, he should be a part of the team in realizing it. No matter however a situation turns grave, a good leader always remains calm and composed resolute towards achieving the goal with a cool head.

A good leader always strives for excellence. He must never run out of ‘words of encouragement and appreciation’. He must treat every individual in the team on par and conduct in a manner befitting his personality.

Thank you all.

Let me ask you a question. Who is better? Rabbit, or tortoise?
At the first, you may think,`Of course Rabbit’. But if you think deeply, you’ll understand that tortoise is better. The rabbit can be fast but through steady effort, the slow tortoise always reaches the goal first.

So if you think you are not brilliant, it takes you a long time to understand things, and your memory is even worse, congratulations ! Because you are the one who will win. If you have average intelligence, you are more likely to do well than those with extraordinary talent. This is not just us saying, this has actually been proved by research. Those with average intelligence usually do better because they learn to work steadily like the tortoise.

And even if you are a genius, you won’t be able to taste success until you learn to work hard and persevere. Ibn Sina, the legendary Persian scholar, was the father of modern medicine. He made significant contribution in a wide range of fields including chemistry, mathematics, geography, philosophy, literature, psychology, logic, paleontology, and theology.

Because of his exceptional intellect and keen memory he learned everything his teachers had to teach by the age of 14. But when he tried to learn things by himself it did not come that easily to him. He had great difficulty understanding Aristotle's Metaphysics. It is said that he read the whole book 40 times. He had it memorized word by word but its meaning remained hopelessly obscure to him. Ibn Sina had a wonderful habit. Whenever he faced such a problem he would go to the mosque and immerse himself in deep prayer. He would ask God to give him the capability to understand the knowledge he wanted to acquire for people's benefit. He continued praying until he felt that God was listening to his prayers.
This time too he did the same thing. And one day he found a commentary on Aristotole's Metaphysics by another legendary scholar, Al-Farabi at a book stall. It finally helped him understand the book that had been a complete mystery to him. After purchasing it with 3 dirhams he ran to the mosque to thank God for His mercy and kindness.

So don't feel bad because you are not brilliant. If you can work hard, nothing can stop you. Good luck  :)



Most of our problems and complaints are relationship related. Wouldn't it be nice if we could get along with all the people in our lives? The truth is, like most areas of life, relationships also require attention and skill. These 5 things may seem insignificant, but they can bring big changes in your relationships!


Many of us dream of becoming great speakers, but how many of us try to become better listeners? The truth is, a good listener influences others more easily than a good speaker. Everybody wants someone to listen to them. Most people interrupt others when they are speaking, or just pretend to listen. But if you are genuinely interested in what others are saying, they will feel valued and accepted. They will trust you and open up to you. You will be able to influence them easily.

Using your intelligence not to win arguments, but to avoid them

Actually, this advice is not from us, but from Confucius himself. The truth is, you may satisfy your ego by winning an argument, but you will never win a friend. In fact there is a saying that every time you win an argument, you lose a friend. The greatest men in history did not defeat others with logic or force, they won them over with their kindness. So don't waste time and energy trying to win arguments, be smart and never get into an argument!


You meet a person. He is talking to you, but he looks grim. You don't quite know what to think of him. What is going on inside his head? Maybe he is upset about something, maybe he is bored, or maybe he just doesn't like you, you think. Then suddenly, he looks straight into your eyes and breaks into a big, genuine smile.

How would you feel? All on a sudden, you would know everything is okay. Your feelings about the person would change instantly. You would warm up to him, feel closer to him, won't you?

Such is the power of smile. A genuine smile can break all emotional barriers in an instant. So ask yourself, how often do you smile? Does your smile light up your eyes? Or do you have one of those fake plastic smiles? Promise yourself, from now on, you will never be so stressed, so preoccupied, or so closed that you can give everyone you meet one genuine smile.

Saying 'I am sorry', and meaning it

How many times have you realized that you have made a mistake, that you shouldn't have said or done something, but could not bring yourself to say ' I am sorry?' Most of the time our ego tricks us into thinking that admitting a mistake is kind of like accepting defeat. So either we don't say sorry, or we say something like, 'I am sorry but I only said that because you said this and that...'(i.e. it is really your fault). So it doesn't work, and often creates more distance between us and the other party.
Just try saying ' I am sorry' once, sincerely and unconditionally, and discover its magical power! This one sentence, when said unconditionally, can make all anger and hurt disappear. It will be like the misunderstanding never happened. And the other party may admit his mistake too!

Controlling the evil tongue

In other words, don't say nasty things about people behind their backs. Gossiping, backbiting or gibot is not only a serious offence in Islam, it is also a relationship destroyer. Just think, do you trust the so-called friend who says nasty things about other friends when he is talking to you? Do you think he is not doing the same thing to you behind your back?
We are supposed to be like mirrors to other people. If you do have to point out people's shortcomings, it is much better to gently point it out face to face, if you think they will take it the right way and try to overcome them. Otherwise, it is much better  to concentrate on your own shortcomings, because after all, the only person you can really change is yourself.


Nutrition and Food Engineering / Acid reflux treatment Tips
« on: October 18, 2011, 01:09:00 PM »
Here are ten tips that just might help you or someone you care about to relieve the fiery pain associated with acid reflux disease:

1. Raise your head when you sleep to combat acid reflux.
At night stomach acid can back up because gravity isn't helping to keep it where it belongs. So put blocks under the top of your bed so that the top of your bed is higher than the lower part of your bed. There are also specially made pillows that can keep your head higher than the rest of your body to help keep those acids from your stomach in your stomach -- instead of backing up into your esophagus. Follow this suggestion to see if this acid reflux treatment tip helps.

2. Exercise to fight acid reflux.
Make a commitment to start exercising regularly and stick with it. That's because studies have found that regular exercise does help with acid reflux disease. This acid reflux treatment tip is free and can help with a lot more than just heartburn.

3. Eat enough fiber to protect yourself against heartburn.
Be sure to eat enough foods containing fiber to help with digestion. This inexpensive acid reflux treatment tip could help your entire digestive system as well.

4. Don't eat giant meals if you want to avoid acid reflux attacks.
This acid reflux treatment tip might save you money since you’ll be eating less.

5. Avoid fried and fatty foods.
Here’s an acid reflux treatment tip that can also help you avoid lots of other health problems as well.

6. Consider using herbal remedies and digestive enzymes found in health food stores.
Herbs seldom have harmful effects. For example, ginger tea has a reputation as an acid reflux treatment as well as being pleasant to drink. It certainly won't hurt you to take a trip to your local health food store to see if there are any herbal remedies that can help you with your acid reflux disease.
If you go the route of natural remedies, you may find that it is less likely that you'll become dependent on antacids. Another example is Aloe Vera juice, which has been known to be helpful as an acid reflux treatment. This tip can cost some money at the health food store, but it just might be worth it.
Also consider taking digestive enzymes just before mealtime. However, this is not recommended if you suffer from ulcers.

7. Keep your stress under control because stress aggravates acid reflux disease.
This acid reflux treatment tip will not only help you with heartburn, but it just might improve other areas of your life as well.

8. If you are overweight, losing weight could make a big difference if you suffer from heartburn.
Obesity really does aggravate acid reflux disease. So consider this as an acid reflux treatment for your health’s sake.

9. Keep a journal of the foods you eat and how you feel afterward to avoid acid reflux.
Pay attention to what you eat and how you feel afterwards so you can discover foods that aggravate your condition. That's so that you can find a pattern of what foods irritate you. This acid reflux treatment tip could also help you to discover food allergies if you have any.

10. Chew your food slowly and thoroughly and try to relax while you're eating to guard against acid reflux.
This acid reflux treatment tip can also help you lose weight since your stomach will register that it’s full when you eat slowly instead of being overwhelmed and not letting you know you’ve eaten too much until it’s too late.

So there you have it -- ten acid reflux treatment tips for you to try out. You might find yourself benefiting in more ways than just overcoming heartburn. These acid reflux treatment tips might help you discover a healthier you!


English / Making English Presentations
« on: October 04, 2011, 09:50:20 AM »
At some time or other, most of us will have to give a presentation. The idea of speaking in public can be frightening enough if you're a native English speaker, but it's even more so if English is your second language.

These eight tips will help you plan a perfect presentation.

1. Know your audience

To give an effective presentation, you need to know something about your audience. How good is their English? How much do they know about the subject of your talk? Why will they be interested in listening to you? It’s a good idea to find out who is attending your presentation so that you can make the information relevant and interesting to them.

2. Use a strong opening statement or question to interest your audience
The first minute of your presentation is crucial. In this time you should interest your audience and give them a reason to listen to you. What you say in the first minute depends on your audience and their interests, but it must mean something important to them. Perhaps it is a problem that you know how to solve, or a fact or statistic that they need to know.

3. Don’t forget the physical details
You’ll need to make sure the room is big enough for the number of people attending, and that you have all the equipment you need. Find out when you are giving your presentation – your audience may be less attentive if it’s right before lunch or at the end of the week and you’ll need to make especially sure that the presentation is interesting if it’s at a difficult time.

4. Plan the content of your presentation
Planning helps you focus on your presentation goals, and minimizes the chances of anything going wrong.

Aim to speak for no longer than 30 minutes, and leave time for questions and answers at the end. Remember that it’s difficult to absorb lots of new information, so don’t aim to include too much.
Many presentations are divided into five areas:

a) The introduction (Get someone else to introduce you to the audience. This gives you credibility as a speaker and means that you don't have to waste time telling people who you are and why you are there)
b) The overview
c) The main body of the presentation
d) Your summary
e) A question and answer session

5. Use index cards
Put your points on individual index cards to help you during the presentation. If you put the key words onto cards (1 card for 1 key word or point) you can refer to them at any time if you forget where you are in the presentation.

6. Keep visuals simple
Don't put too much information in visuals and only use them to illustrate information that would otherwise take too long to explain.
Simple graphic visuals such as pie charts and bar graphs work better than visuals with lots of labeling or words. Use colour and different fonts to help information stand out.

7. Practice makes perfect!
Practice your presentation as often as you can using your index cards. By practicing, you will know how long it will take, and where the difficult areas are in your talk. The more you practice, the more confident you will feel!

8. Prepare questions and answers

You're likely to have questions at the end of your presentation, so try to think of some in advance, as well as possible answers. The more you prepare these, the better you'll feel able to deal with them.

English Language Lab / English idioms of the face
« on: September 29, 2011, 01:35:39 PM »

English idioms that use parts of the face.


face-to-face = in person: "We need to arrange a face-to-face meeting."

face the music
= take responsibility for a difficult situation: "We've got to face the music – this company is going under."

face up to responsibilities
= accept responsibilities: "You need to face up to your responsibilities – it's time you got a job and started to save money."

be two-faced
= be hypocritical: "I can't believe she told you that she likes Harry – she told me she hates him! She's so two-faced!"


be all ears = listen attentively: "So, you've got an idea. I'm all ears."

have an ear for = be good at music: "He's doing well in his piano lessons – he's definitely got an ear for music."

keep your ears to the ground
= listen out for something: "I'll keep my ears to the ground – the next time I hear someone wants to rent out a flat, I'll let you know."

up to your ears in something
= be extremely busy: "I'm sorry I can't come out this weekend – I'm up to my ears in work."


keep your eyes peeled = watch extremely attentively: "Keep your eyes peeled for him – he's in the crowd somewhere."

keep an eye out for = watch for someone or something: "Keep an eye out for the next turning on the left."

eye up = look at someone because you think they look nice: "Whenever she goes to a club, she always gets eyed up by older men."

have your eye on something / someone = want someone or something: "I've got my eye on a new computer."

have eyes in the back of your head = warn someone that you can see exactly what they are doing: "Don't make those signs at me – I've got eyes in the back of my head!"

see eye to eye on something = agree with someone: "Those two don't always see eye to eye – they often argue."

Other parts of the face

stick your nose in = get involved in something or someone else's business: "I wish she wouldn't stick her nose in like that – I really don't want anyone else's help."

on the tip of my tongue
= when you've forgotten the word you want to say: "What's the word for it – it's on the tip of my tongue…"

= when you can't say anything because you feel shy: "She's tongue-tied when she has to speak in public."

by the skin of my teeth = just manage to do something: "He got out of the burning building by the skin of his teeth."

cut your teeth on something = where you learn to do something: "He's the best man to run the company – he cut his teeth in the Production Department and ran it successfully for years."

teething problems = start-up problems with a new project: "We're having teething problems with our distribution systems."

have a cheek = be disrespectful: "He's got a cheek saying you never help him – I saw you writing his report for him!"

a frog in my throat = when your throat tickles and makes you cough: "Sorry I can't stop coughing – I've got a frog in my throat."

stick your neck out = do or say something that might have negative results: "I'm going to stick my neck out and say what I think."

be up to your neck in = be in a difficult situation: "He's up to his neck in debt."
breathe down someone's neck = check constantly what someone else is doing: "I can't write this letter with you breathing down my neck!"

English Language Lab / 7 *Aches*
« on: September 27, 2011, 12:57:58 PM »


7 Aches

You probably know the word "ache". It can be a verb or a
noun, and means "to hurt" or "a pain". We sometimes combine
the word "ache" with parts of the body. For example, if our
back hurts, we say that we have "backache" or "a backache".
We do *not* do this with all parts of the body. For example,
we cannot say that we have a "handache". There are really
only five parts of the body that we combine with "ache".
They are shown below
, plus two other words that we use in a
slightly different way.






We do not use this to mean a *physical* pain in the heart.
Instead, it means an emotional pain.

This means an ugly or miserable-looking person.

Allah: My belief / Special Ramadan Gift 'He Manush Shono'
« on: August 20, 2011, 12:53:33 PM »
Respected All:

The Quantum Foundation has a special Ramadan gift for you this year. Our new audio CD 'He Manush Shono' (Listen, Oh Mankind) was released on July 13th. The CD contains beautiful Bangla versions of some universal verses from the Quran and Hadith in Gurujee Shahid El Bukhari Mahajataq's voice. It also includes prayers from the Quran and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)'s last speech.

Please download the 6 tracks of the CD free from the following links and listen to them. Listen to the prayers every day at the opportune time before iftaar. You never know when Allah will grant your wish.

May Allah bless of us. Thank you.

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