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Messages - DBH

Pages: [1] 2 3

Five types of plants have been planted in DIU Gojaria field.
Professor Rahim acts as an advisor.


NFE Dept has started Agro crops dehydration after post harvesting as industrial raw materials.
Mainly sessional vegetables and fruits like Jackfruit, Mango, Pineapple, Boroi , Olive, Spinach, Carrot, Beet, Shajna and different varities of potato are selected.

A few tasks have completed as students project works under the supervision of NFE Faculties.

I always activate NFE student under Academia -Industrial exchange for professional changing of knowledge.

Agro processors enterpreunership training under BAPA

Two days workshop on HONEY Processing under BAPA, BPC and NFE-DIU.

Multihead Solar tunnel dehydration of ethnic food

Nutrition and Food Engineering / Fermented Green chily
« on: July 07, 2012, 05:44:12 PM »
Now ,world food behavior is going to change. Lacto bacillus cultured green chilly can develop health immunization and can prevent gastric juice disorder in the system.

Our students, has developed the cultured green green chily.
If any person interest to taste the product, please contact to NFE

Nutrition and Food Engineering / Re: Health Benefits of KALE
« on: July 07, 2012, 05:28:16 PM »
Kali is a fresh spices .
Ethnic and flavor enhancer .
Always any one can take with food.

In the northern area of Bangladesh, max family peoples are used to KALI Spices leaf

Nutrition and Food Engineering / CULTURED GREEN CHILLI
« on: June 25, 2012, 02:54:39 PM »
New addition in the diet chart should be cultured green chilli.
To detoxify our body, we can take 2 pcs cultured green pepper with meal.

It has no side effect in digestion system.

Enjoy with this new concept.

Nutrition and Food Engineering / Cultured yoghart and health
« on: June 25, 2012, 02:51:50 PM »
Every day we should take 120 gm sour curd with our meal.
To get good bacteria for digestion, sour curd is the best.
It has a probiotic effect so we can use to add in our menu every day.


Anthrocyanine is latest addition in human boy as antioxidant.
Naturally , it is exist in sweet potato.
Every one can consume  sweet potato as meal or snacks food.

Nutrition and Food Engineering / Re: Caffeine - good or bad?
« on: June 25, 2012, 02:41:25 PM »
Now a day , we are suffering from micro nutrient deficiency problem in our body .
Caffeine is an effective phyto nutrients act as anti oxidant . It is effective on central Nerval System.
After control intake with trace lemon and fresh spearmint, you can energies your self.

In Bangladesh, our RDA for Caffeine :180 mg per day.

Artificial energy drinks is a source of chemical grade caffeine, so we should try with fresh raw tea as substitute.


Nutrition and Food Engineering / Re: Peanut-A smart choice of food
« on: June 25, 2012, 02:10:04 PM »
Pea nut contains unsaturated fat which have good health benefit.
At the noon, every body can take 20 pcs roasted Peanut with water for fresh up and recharge your system

Sadek , do not write in Bangle .
You are going to first graduate engineer in Food processing sector.
Try to improve English write up

This is most vital information in the summer session.
Fruits are  nutrients rich and easy source for every body.

No problem, information never be old.

Human health needs energy from diet through meal intake.
Any man can calculate his or her daily energy as per body weight and pattern of job.

As per need you can adjust your energy from daily meal.
Normally . carbohydrate and fat  are energy giving food and Protein is body building food.

As your need , please any professional nutritionist help .

Nutrition and Food Engineering / MANGO MILK PUDDING
« on: June 17, 2012, 04:42:47 PM »
To enjoy a new recipe of Mango milk pudding in your meal.
At this time , mango is most common fruit so, every house holds may try with high calorific mango pudding .
Mango pudding is delicious and high fiber fruit based pudding.

Its consumption is healthy.


Nutrition and Food Engineering / Lactose intolarence milk
« on: June 17, 2012, 04:39:52 PM »
More then 70% peoples are suffering from lactose intolerance diseases after milk intake.
To remove the problem, we have developed a new technology " lactese treated milk".

After enzymatic fermentation of milk, more then 80% lactose break down into galactose and glucose.

Due to monomeric saccharides, liquid milk are to be suitable for lactose intolerance patients.

In Bangladesh , we are working with this product but its started in India, and other developed country.

Hope , every one can take this lactose free milk from departmental store.


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