Daffodil International University

Faculty of Science and Information Technology => Recent Technologies and Trends in Software Engineering => Software Engineering => Cloud Computing => Topic started by: lamisha on July 09, 2019, 09:16:20 AM

Title: How to know if AWS Blockchain is right for your business
Post by: lamisha on July 09, 2019, 09:16:20 AM
In April, Amazon made its managed blockchain available to the public. Two weeks later, the company announced that it would offer $10,000 to any employee who quit Amazon and formed their own delivery company.

While the two announcements may not seem immediately connected, the relationship is there if you scratch the surface. But before I get into why, let me back up a little. Since blockchain exploded into the public consciousness with the price surge of Bitcoin in late 2017, business leaders have been wondering whether they should be exploring blockchain solutions. When Amazon made launching a blockchain as easy as opening a Facebook account this year, the question took on new urgency.

Today, though, it’s still not a viable technology for most business applications. Here’s why.

Source:  https://www.cloudcomputing-news.net/news/2019/jun/27/how-know-if-aws-blockchain-right-your-business/