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Messages - Shafa Ahmed

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শীতের এই সময়ে ঠান্ডার প্রকোপে আমাদের অনেকেই শর্দি-কাসি জনিত রোগে আক্রান্ত হই। কফ জমে গেলে দেখা দিতে পারে মারাত্ত্বক বিপত্ত্বি। কয়েকটি কৌশল এই বিপত্ত্বি থেকে আমাদের দূরে রাখতে পারে,
১। প্রয়োজন মত গরম কাপর পরিধান করা।
২। ঠান্ডা বাতাসে নাক , মুখ ঢেকে রাখা।
৩। দুপুরের মধ্যে গোসল সেরে ফেলা।
৪। সম্ভব হলে প্রতিদিন সকালে তুলসি পাতার রস খাওয়া, অথবা তুলসি পাতা পরিস্কার করে ধুরে চিবিয়ে খাওয়া।
৫। ঠান্ডা পানি পান থেকে বিরত থাকা।
৬। চা খাওয়া।
৭। সম্ভব হলে সপ্তাহে এক দিনে বাসক পাতার রস খাওয়া।

আমি একটি তত্ত্বে বিশ্বাস করি যা নিম্নরুপঃ
"যদি আমি কেবল নিজেকে সুন্দর করে গড়ি তাহলে কখনোই সে সৌন্দর্য্য নিজে উপভোগ করতে পারবো না, কারন নিজেকে নিজে দেখা যায় না। যদি আমি আমার পরিবারকে সুন্দর করে গড়ি তাহলে আমি কেবল আমার ঘরের মাঝেই সৌন্দর্যের আবেশ পাবো, ঘর থেকে বের হলেই কলুষিত সমাজ আমাকে গ্রাস করবে। যদি আমি আমার সমাজকে সুন্দর করে গড়ি তাহলে আমি সকল ক্ষেত্রেই সৌন্দর্যের আবেশ পাবো :) "

তাই আমি মনে করি, শুধু নিজের সুন্দর ভবিষ্যৎ সুন্দর করলে হবে না। নিজের প্রয়োজনেই সমাজকেও সুন্দর করে সাজাতে হবে।

বেপার টা অনেকটা এমনঃ
আমি শিক্ষার আলো পাচ্ছি, আমার প্রতিবেশী এই আলো থেকে বঞ্চিত হচ্ছে কিনা তা খেয়াল রাখা আমারই দায়িত্ব।
আমি ভাল খাবার পাচ্ছি, আমার প্রতিবেশী অনাহারে আছে কিনা তা খেয়াল রাখা আমারই দায়িত্ব
আমি সুস্থ আছি, আমার প্রতিবেশী অসুস্থ আছে কিনা তা খেয়াল রাখা আমারই দায়িত্ব।
আমি মানসিক চাপ-মুক্ত, আমার প্রতিবেশী কোন চাপে আছে কিনা তা খেয়াল রাখা আমারই দায়িত্ব।
আমার বাবা-মায়ের সেবা করার সক্ষমতা আছে, আমার প্রতিবেশীর সক্ষমতা আছে কিনা তা খেয়াল রাখাও আমার দায়িত্ব।
আমার সন্তান ভাল আছে, আমার প্রতিবেশীর সন্তান কেমন আছে তা খেয়াল রাখাও আমার দায়িত্ব।

এমন আরো অনেক দায়িত্ব আছে যা অন্যের জন্য নয়, বরং নিজের জন্যই :)

নিজ নিজ দায়িত্বের অবহেলার কারনেই হয়তো সমাজ আজ অবহেলিত :(

আসুন সবাই নিজ নিজ দায়িত্ব যথাযথ পালন করি, সুন্দর সমাজ গড়ি ঃ)  নিজের প্রয়োজনেই।

Pharmacy / Lets know about Pneumonia(নিউমোনিয়া)
« on: October 29, 2018, 11:43:00 PM »
What is pneumonia?

Pneumonia is lung inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infection, in which the air sacs(in alveoli) fill with pus and may become solid. Inflammation may affect both lungs ( double pneumonia ) or only one ( single pneumonia ).
It is mainly a lower repiratory tract inflammation caused by micro organism ( occasionally inhaled irritant ) .

Types and causes of pneumonia
There are more than 30 different causes of pneumonia. But the main types of pneumonia are:
•   Bacterial pneumonia. This type is caused by various bacteria. The most common is Streptococcus pneumoniae. It usually occurs when the body is weakened in some way, such as by illness, poor nutrition, old age, or impaired immunity. Bacterial pneumonia can affect all ages.

•   Viral pneumonia. This type is caused by various viruses, including the flu (influenza). Respiratory viruses are often the cause of pneumonia, especially in young children and older people. Viral pneumonia is usually not serious and lasts for a shorter time than bacterial pneumonia.

•   Mycoplasma pneumonia. Mycoplasma organisms are not viruses or bacteria, but they have traits common to both. It is caused by the bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae. It generally causes a mild, widespread pneumonia that affects all age groups.

•   Other pneumonias. There are other less common pneumonias that may be caused by other infections including fungi. This condition generally affects people with weakened immune systems.

Who is at risk for pneumonia?
Anyone can get pneumonia. However, the following groups are at the highest risk:
•   Adults ages 65 and older
•   Children younger than age 2
•   People with certain medical conditions
•   People that smoke
symptoms of pneumonia
the following are the most common symptoms of pneumonia can include:
•   coughing that may produce phlegm (mucus)
•   fever, sweating, and chills 
•   shortness of breath
•   chest pain
•   Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
•   Fatigue
Other symptoms can vary according to the cause and severity of the infection, as well as the age and general health of the individual.
Symptoms by cause
•   Viral pneumonia may start with flu-like symptoms, such as wheezing. A high fever may occur after 12–36 hours.
•   Bacterial pneumonia may cause a fever as high as 105°F along with profuse sweating, bluish lips and nails, and confusion.
Symptoms by age
•   Children under 5 years of age may have fast breathing.
•   Infants may vomit, lack energy, or have trouble drinking or eating.
•   Older people may have a lower-than-normal body temperature.

Diagnosis of pneumonia
•   Listening to your lungs, with a stethoscope, for a crackling or bubbling sound
•   Chest X-ray
•   Blood test to check white blood cell count
•   Sputum tests (using a microscope to look at the gunk you cough up)
•   A pulse oximetry test, which measures the oxygen in your blood
•   Pleural fluid culture
•   Urine test( This test can identify the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae )
•   In severe cases, your doctor might also do a bronchoscopy.
Treatment of pneumonia
Home treatment : You can help your recovery and prevent a recurrence by:
•   taking your drugs as prescribed
•   getting a lot of rest
•   drinking plenty of fluids
•   not overdoing it by going back to school or work too soon
If your symptoms are very severe, you may need to be hospitalized. At the hospital, doctors can keep track of your heart rate, temperature, and breathing. Treatment may include: 
 Intravenous antibiotics  :These are injected into your vein.
Respiratory therapy  : The respiratory therapist may also teach you or help you to perform breathing exercises to maximize your oxygenation..
Oxygen therapy : This treatment helps maintain the oxygen level in your bloodstream.

 Pneumonia vaccine
The first line of defense against pneumonia is to get vaccinated . According to the National Institutes of Health, pneumonia vaccines won’t prevent all cases of the condition. But if you’re vaccinated, you’re likely to have a milder and shorter illness, and a lower risk of complications.
Prevnar 13: This vaccine is effective against 13 types of pneumococcal bacteria.CDC( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention )  Recommended for:
•   babies and children under the age of 2
•   adults ages 65 years or older
Pneumovax 23: This vaccine is effective against 23 types of pneumococcal bacteria. The CDC recommends it for:
•   adults ages 65 years or older
•   adults ages 19–64 years who smoke

Pharmacy / Lets know about Vasaka(বাসক গাছ)
« on: October 29, 2018, 11:37:48 PM »
Plant Description:Vasaka is a tall, branched, dense evergreen shrub of about 2.2-3.5
meters height. It has large leaves. Its flowers are white in color with some purple. Its
fruits are capsular with four seeds.

Local Name:Bashok, Harbakash
English Name:Malabar nut
ScientificName:Justicia adhatoda

Scientific Classification:
 Domain: Eukaryota
 Kingdom: Plantae
 Subkingdom: Tracheobionta
 Superdivision:Spermatophyta
 Division: Magnoliophyta
 Class: Magnoliopsida
 Subclass: Asteridae
 Order: Scrophulariales
 Family: Acanthaceae
 Genus: Justicia
 Species: Justicia adhatoda

Local area:
 Bangladesh
 Sri-lanka
 Nepal
 India
 Pakistan
 Indonesia
 Malaysia
 China
 panama

Plant Type: Sub-herbaceous bush
Plant Duration: perennial shrub

Plant usable  Parts:
 Fresh,
 dried mature leaves,
 roots,
 flowers,
 bark

Chemical Constituents:
 The leaves of Adhatoda vasica
tannins, siphoning, phenolic and
 The most important constituent is
 It also contains Adhatodine, Adhatonine, Adhavasinone, Anisotine, Vasakine,
Vasicinol, Vasicinolone, Vasicinone, Vasicol, Beta sitosterol, Betaine etc
contains phytochemicals such as alkaloids,
vasicine ,a quinazoline alkaloid
.Medicinal Uses:
 Abortifacient: induces abortion.
 Anthelmintic: expel parasitic worms (helminths) and other internal parasites
from the body.
 Anti-asthmatic: Against asthma.
 Anti-inflammatory: Reduces swelling. It possess strong antiinflammatory
 Antioxidant: Neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals and other substances.
 Antiseptic: Capable of preventing infection by inhibiting the growth of
infectious agents.
 Antitussive: prevent or relieve a cough. Animal studies show that Adhatoda
extract exerts considerable antitussive activity comparable to codeine due to the
presence of vasicinone and vasicinol.
 Antiulcer: tending to prevent or heal ulcers.
 Bronchodilator: causes widening of the bronchi. Vasicine and vasicinone
possess in vitro and in vivo bronchodilatory activity and inhibit allergeninduced bronchial obstruction.
 Expectorant: promotes the secretion of sputum by the air passages, used to
treat coughs.
 Hepatoprotective: Protects liver.
 Oxytocic: Hastening or facilitating childbirth, especially by stimulating
contractions of the uterus.
 Rubefacient: produces redness of the skin on topical application by causing
dilation of the capillaries and an increase in blood circulation.
 Wound healing: Vasak increases rate of healing.Contraindication:
 Its medicinal formulations should be taken only after consultation of physician.
 Larger doses can cause irritation and vomiting.
 It is not recommended during pregnancy except in assisting delivery.
 Expecting mother shouldn’t take vasaka as it heavily impacts the uterus.
 Care should be exercised when taking this herb with other drugs or supplements
that exhibit expectorant or antispasmodic effects.
 It lowers the blood sugar level, therefore diabetic patients should care of it.
 Children shouldn’t use it.

Pharmacy / “One Career Will Create Thousands of Career”
« on: October 18, 2018, 05:40:29 PM »
A Quote of my own and I believe that one day I will make it happen.  Bangladesh is a country of dream and hope. No country has tremendous opportunity such as a developing country. People just to believe in themselves and to dream big and keep trying to do what they want to do. Interruption is the rhythm of life. We just have to overcome them. If someone tries something with pure demand of mind Allah never return him / her empty handed. Pattern of my thinking I tried to express above. ………………………………………………………………… …………………………………
Bangladesh has a huge natural source. Appropriate research and action can make this source usable. Natural drugs are much better then Synthetic drugs. Which is a plus point for us. But to use this source we need a bunch of pharmaceutical lab and institute. From where our student will get chance to show their talent and creativity and show to the world. I believe we are not less then any others of the world. We have the ability to compete any nation of the universe. But for all of this done we have to develop a large pharmaceutical research community and enough equipment and independent pharmaLab. That will also create job opportunity for our younger’s. Which will grow our Economical status. By other hand medicine cost will be decreased which will make our medical service much flexible to our citizen. Now a days we are exporting cancer vaccines at a lower cost package then our neighbour’s an independent lab will boost this strategy with a
small time. Our oceanic area has increased few years back. We should make proper use of marine plants and creature’s. for that we need proper research and actions. All of this is only possible if an independent research lab is available in our country. I know that is risky but I believe in “No Risk No Gain” mentality. Where it is much risk there is much opportunity. 

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