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Topics - chhanda

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Skin / Postponing aging through a smart lifestyle
« on: July 01, 2013, 12:10:36 PM »
Lifestyle has a tremendous effect on health and that is no secret, but few people may know that lifestyle also has a claim on beauty. The food you consume and your daily exercise habits are an important factor in determining your vigor and youthfulness.
A healthy balanced diet is essential for any anti-aging program. Every day a new research shows the positive effects natural foods have on the health and appearance of the skin.
This is why you should strive to consume lean meats as well as good fats and natural carbohydrates, removing all refined sugars from your diet. Sugars contained in sweets often destroy the metabolism, especially when a person is undergoing a stressful period. A better alternative are the whole wheat products, fruits and foods rich in vitamins. Whole wheat products contain vitamins B5 and B6, which are required for the proper work of the nerve cells. Bananas, walnuts and green-leafed vegetables contain magnesium, which is an important mediator in spreading the nervous impulses.
Statistically most people lack diversity in their diet. When grocery shopping we tend to buy the same familiar foods. This makes our menu somewhat unvarying. In such cases the small step philosophy should be considered. Instead of drastically changing your whole diet, substitute one unhealthy meal a day with its healthier alternative.

•   Substitute whole wheat flour for white flour, fruit for sweets, and chicken for red meats.
•   Try to add fish to your menu at least three times a week.
•   Replace all unhealthy fats for healthier products.
•   Gradually reduce the amount of sugar in your coffee until you get used to its new black taste.
•   Drink more tea.
•   Add soy products to your daily menu.
•   When drinking alcohol, ask for whine and drink moderately.
•   Use natural cosmetics.

A balanced level of hormones keeps you healthy and slows the aging process. Keeping your hormonal balance should be easy with the right diet using natural foods containing phyto hormones.
When the natural level of hormones begins to decrease with age, phytohormones kick in and act as their replacements. This helps in overcoming the hormonal deficiencies of age.
To this day dozens of different hormones have been discovered, yet the following two are the most essential for maintaining the youthful and healthy condition of the skin.

This is the most powerful anti-aging hormone and it is secreted mostly during the deep phases of sleep. This is where the popular notion of beauty sleep comes from. It is a known fact that the sleep before midnight is most beneficial.
With the advancement of age this hormone is secreted less and less. The results are discomfort, rounding of the belly, dry and thinning skin which is easily wrinkled and prematurely aged.
You can help your body during this period by consuming a mixture of propolis and pollen extracts.

The female hormone estrogen truly beautifies. It keeps the skin youthful, tight and elastic and also maintains a tight bust. With the approach of menopause, the levels of estrogen in the female organism suddenly decrease, leading to the typical complaints of that age – warm waves, moodiness, dry skin, etc. The regular consumption of red clover and soy products can alleviate these complaints significantly. Asian women who vastly include soy in their menu rarely have such problems.

Regular movement is one of the requirements for maintaining youthfulness, because sports and physical activities are a natural way of bringing harmony in the body. The level of hormones triples after 20 minutes of moderate movement. The increase in oxygen better supplies the cells with nutrients. Micro circulation of the skin also improves, making your complexion brighter and healthier.
Brisk walking is the best way to exercise. It is easy on the joints, while it pumps oxygen into the lungs and heart. If you are a beginner at any sport, you should start with minimal stress and follow your heart rate.

Skin / Homemade anti-aging masks that really work
« on: June 29, 2013, 10:20:33 AM »
Strawberry mask anti  wrinkles
Mash 5 strawberries and mix them with one tablespoon of vegetable oil. Add one teaspoon chamomile brew and one teaspoon of honey. Mix thoroughly and apply to face and neck area for 15-20 minutes. Remove mask with a cotton ball dipped in cold milk.

Carrot and cottage cheese mask
Mix one tablespoon of fresh thick sour cream with one tablespoon of cottage cheese and one tablespoon of carrot juice. Apply to the face and neck for 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water and massage the face with an ice cube.

Egg yolk anti-wrinkle mask
You will need one egg yolk, one teaspoon of carrot juice and two tablespoons of fresh sour cream. Mix ingredients until completely blended and apply to face for 30 minutes. Rinse off with linden blossom brew.

Skin / Cleansing the skin at home
« on: June 27, 2013, 12:50:35 PM »
In order to keep the skin healthy in between the professional deep cleansing procedures or the ones you perform at home the face has to be cleansed once a week. The weakly cleansing is important not only for oily skin, but also for dry and mixed skin type. Clean the skin
If your skin is oily or mixed, cleanse it with a gel cleansing product. Use cream cleansing products for dry skin.
Use a gentle exfoliating scrub on a wet face, massaging with light circular motions. Concentrate on the areas of the nose and the forehead where the formation of blackheads is most common. If your skin is mixed type, pay special attention to the areas prone to oiling. Thoroughly rinse out the scrub before it has dried on your face

Opening the pores
At home you can achieve this with steam. Fill a pot with boiling hot water and bend over it draping a towel over your head. Allow the steam to work on your face for 10 minutes and then dry it with a towel.

If your skin is oily, use masks containing clay. For dry skin, use hydrating gel or cream masks. When applying the mask, avoid the eye area. Leave it on for 10 to 20 minutes, or according to the product’s instructions and rinse.

Avoid heavy moisturizers containing retinitis or acids. They will over-exfoliate the already treated skin. A simple moisturizing lotion is enough.

Life Style / Skin Protection Tips
« on: June 27, 2013, 11:47:44 AM »
For a lot of people, skin is one of the places where one spends the most. Yet, protecting the skin seems to be one of the last things generally people do. So, let us see some of the tried and tested methods that would help you protect your skin, especially in adults, who have a problem maintaining and improving their skin.
First of all, it is crucial to maintain a cleaning routine for your skin. No matter if you are a man or a woman, keeping the skin clean is a good idea because it actually helps you maintain your skin better. It is easy to apply a bit of soap or good quality body and face wash all over your skin, and then washing it away with a lot of water. It is also important to wash with lukewarm water if possible, rather than using absolutely cold or hot water, especially on the skin of your face. Lukewarm water actually keeps the skin healthy and does not allow one to lose out its essential oils.
Another important thing to protect the skin is to use a good quality moisturizing and hydrating cream. Otherwise, your skin might get too dry. Your skin should also have a good bit of moisture but at the same time not look like an oil spill. So, getting the right kind of cream is important. There are a number of good protective skin creams available in the drugstores. Also, it is important to take care of the parts of your skin that stay exposed for long durations of time in any season, like your nose, elbows, fingers and feet. Using a good, protective cream, and also wearing gloves and other protective clothing would actually help your skin stay safe through the season.

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