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Common reasons why candidates fail to get the job

Bad Job Interviews - What Went Wrong?
Original article "Bad Job Interviews" by the authors of

Summary: After bad job interviews it can be difficult to recognize exactly what went wrong and why. Getting a rejection letter or just not hearing again from the company is disappointing.
Bad interviews happen to all job candidates at some point but how you fix your job interview mistakes is the key to future success.

First, be encouraged by the fact that you got the job interview in the first place.
This means that your resume and letters of application are doing their job and creating the right impression.

Focus on the interview itself and spend some time considering why it didn't go well. Here are the common ways to mess up an interview.

7 Reasons for Bad Job Interviews

1. You did not make a good first impression

First impressions are critical in job interviews as they set the tone for the entire interview. These are some possible reasons for not making the right first impression:

You arrived late for the interview. This is a bad start from which it is very difficult to recover.
You did not greet the interviewer properly. A firm handshake, addressing the interviewer by the correct name and title and making good eye contact all create a good impression.
Your interview dress was inappropriate. Think back to what the other people in the company were wearing including the interviewer. Did your style of clothing fit in with this? Whatever people say, your appearance is a key element of your initial impression. Was your personal grooming good and were your clothes clean and neatly pressed? Find out the right interview dress code for your next job interview.

2. You came across as unfocused and inattentive

Listening carefully to the interview questions you are asked and understanding what the interviewer is looking for in your answer is essential to responding with the right information in the interview. Clues that will tell you if you did this or not include:

the interviewer had to repeat or rephrase the same question back to you a number of times.
your answers were too general and the interviewer asked a number of further questions to get specific details.
you struggled to answer common interview questions that explored what you knew about the position and investigated your motivation and suitability for the job.
You did not know enough about the company. Walking into an interview without preparing by conducting some research on the company will result in bad job interviews. Not having done your homework shows you up as uninterested and uncommitted.

3. You stumbled over your interview answers

Not being ready for the interview questions results in tripping over your answers and focusing on irrelevant information.
Almost every job interview will include common job interview questions that you can easily prepare for.
Sample answers for "Tell me about yourself"

Job interview questions including "What are your strengths and weaknesses?", "Why should we hire you?" and "What are your goals?" are almost always asked. You can prepare your answers to typical interview questions using the sample interview answers and practice them. This way you will be able to answer fluently and concisely.

4. You did not ask good questions

You were unable to respond appropriately when asked "Do you have any questions for us?" Prepare some good questions to ask in your interview. Use the job interview question list to help you with this.

5. You were too nervous

Interviews can make you very anxious. One way to deal with this is to be well prepared beforehand. Use the interview checklist to make sure you have everything covered.Good preparation increases confidence.

Spend some time before the interview collecting your thoughts. Use these stress-reducing techniques to reduce interview anxiety.

6. You did not establish a rapport with the interviewer
Bad job interviews happen when the interviewer feels little or no connection with the candidate. Failing to establish rapport soon in the interview creates an uncomfortable situation.

To establish rapport you need to match your interview communication style to that of the interviewer.

7. You did not close the interview properly

it is important to leave the interviewer with the right impression. How you close your job interview will determine this.

If you conclude that the reason you were unsuccessful lies with one of these areas the good news is that it is entirely fixable! You can work on it and avoid bad job interviews happening again.

If you don't think it was one of the above then you need to investigate further. One way to get real and valuable feedback on how you come across in an interview is to ask a friend to role-play a mock job interview with you. Ask for honest feedback on how you come across
How to save a bad job interview

What to do after a bad job interview?
You can turn the negative interview into something more positive by contacting the interviewer to thank them for their time and ask them to keep you in mind for future openings.

Or you can send an interview follow up email. This is a positive step that helps to keep you motivated.

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CV writing Skills / 5 Quick Resume Fixes To Improve Your Job Search
« on: January 26, 2021, 09:52:35 AM »
5 Quick Resume Fixes To Improve Your Job Search

Edge Career Solutions

If your resume is not winning you frequent interviews, then it is not doing its job. Here are some quick fixes to turn that around.

Quick Resume Fixes to Improve Your Job Search

I recently met a woman at one of my local LinkedIn workshops who was frustrated in her job search. She had applied to many, many jobs, but had not landed any interviews.

I quickly reviewed her resume and could tell in an instant why it was not impressing employers. I suggested a few improvements that she could quickly implement and share these with you here. (Her revised resume worked! She landed an interview the next week and is now working at a job she enjoys.)

1. Address the employer’s needs
Change the focus of your resume to address the employer’s needs not yours. How can you help them achieve their goals? Position yourself as the solution to their problem and highlight your differentiators.

2. Target a specific role
These days, companies are looking for specialists, not generalists. Focus your resume on a specific role, so the reader can quickly see where you’d fit within their organization. They won’t guess – if unsure, they will move on to the next resume and you just missed out on the opportunity.

3. Make sure your resume is age-neutral
Employers are concerned that as a seasoned worker, your skills may not be as sharp as they used to be or you are too set in your ways. Show them that is not true. Don’t include any work history prior to 2000 and play up your tech skills. And please, lose the AOL email address! That screams “Dinosaur!”.

4. Don’t underestimate the importance of ATS compatibility
Your resume must be compatible with the Applicant Tracking Systems that almost every company uses today to screen incoming resumes. If you don’t get through this online filter, no one will ever see your resume. Work with these systems by using clean document formatting and including the keywords relevant to your role.

5. Show them you have what they need
Don’t just list your responsibilities or tasks at former jobs. Use quantified achievements to show how you added value to the organization. How did the company benefit from you doing your job so well? Use #’s or %’s where possible to describe your accomplishments.

A weak resume is the #1 reason for a stalled job search. The second most common problem is wasting your time on online job boards. For more information on better ways to spend your time, read this. There are a lot of great jobs out there and one has your name on it – go get it!

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Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills: What's the Difference?

During the job application and interview process, employers look for applicants with hard skills and soft skills. Successful candidates will make sure to put both skill sets on display. In order to do so effectively, it helps to understand the difference between these two types of skills.

Hard Skills
Hard skills are teachable abilities or skill sets that are easy to quantify. Typically, you'll learn hard skills in the classroom, through books or other training materials, or on the job. These hard skills are often listed in your cover letter and on your resume and are easy for an employer or recruiter to recognize. Hard skill include:
Proficiency in a foreign language
A degree or certificate
Typing speed
Machine operation
Computer programming

Soft Skills

Soft skills, on the other hand, are subjective skills that are much harder to quantify. Also known as "people skills" or "interpersonal skills," soft skills relate to the way you relate to and interact with other people. Soft skills include:
Problem solving abilities
Time management
Work ethic

Unlike hard skills, it's hard to point to specific evidence that you possess a soft skill. If an employer is looking for someone who knows a programming language, you can share your grade in a class or point to a program you created using the language. But how can you show that you have a work ethic or any other soft skill?

Tips: Make note of your soft skills and point out some concrete instances where you've used them.

Just saying you have the skill isn't very meaningful. Instead, your best bet is to demonstrate that you possess this quality by sharing examples of times when you used it.

During the job application and interview process, employers look for applicants with hard skills and soft skills. Successful candidates will make sure to put both skill sets on display. In order to do so effectively, it helps to understand the difference between these two types of skills.

Top Skills Employers Look For
While certain hard skills are necessary for any position, employers increasingly look for job applicants with certain soft skills. That's because it's generally easier for an employer to train a new employee in a hard skill (such as how to use a certain computer program) than to train an employee in a soft skill (such as patience).

Analytical skills, communication skills, interpersonal skills, and leadership skills are among the top skills employers look for from prospective employees.

Employers are increasingly looking for candidates with hybrid skills, which are a combination of soft and technical skills. Candidates with this skill set are very competitive in a continually evolving, technologically-focused economy. If you possess the top skills employers seek in candidates for employment, incorporate them into your resume and cover letters and mention them during job interviews.

Emphasize Both Hard and Soft Skills
Since they're both important, emphasize both your hard and soft skills during the job application process. This way, even if you lack a hard skill required by the company, you can emphasize a particular soft skill that you know would be valuable in the position. For example, if the job involves working on a number of group projects, emphasize your experience and skill as a team player and your ability to communicate with team members.

How to Highlight Your Skills
To make sure potential employers are aware of your skills, highlight them on your resume and cover letter. Weave in mentions of your skills during job interviews.

Incorporate Skills Into Your Resume: On your resume, include a skills section that lists out relevant skills. You can also point to your skills in the job description. For instance, if you're applying for a job where you need legal knowledge and the ability to communicate with clients successfully, you can include similar experience in job descriptions.

Include Relevant Skills in Your Cover Letter: Your cover letter is also an opportunity to highlight both sets of skills. When it comes to soft skills, however, rather than saying you have a soft skill, demonstrate that you have it. For instance, rather than saying "I have leadership skills," say, "At my role at Company ABC, I steered the sales team to record numbers, creating a bonus structure that generated strong results."

Share Your Skills During Job Interviews: During interviews, the STAR interview response technique can help you show off soft skills. STAR, which stands for Situation, Task, Action, Result, is a way to answer behavioral interview questions ("Describe a time when...") that involves recounting a work-related challenge, what role you played, what you did to affect the outcome, and what the result of the action you took was on the situation.

Skills to List and Avoid
The type of skills to highlight on resumes, cover letters, and during interviews vary depending upon the type of job for which you're applying. If you're seeking an administrative job, for instance, communication skills, customer service skills, experience crafting business correspondence, and stenography are helpful skills to list.

If the position is managerial related, it's imperative to demonstrate supervision experience and leadership skills like the ability to delegate and problem-solve. Interpersonal skills such as empathy, patience, and diplomacy are also important traits to possess.

Reading the job description carefully will give you a sense of the type of job-specific skills an employer is looking for in applicants. What you won't find in that description, however, are the skills not to list, including proficiency with software or technology that is no longer relevant like MS-DOS or Lotus 1-2-3. The same goes for skills that you do not possess or are otherwise unrelated to the job in question. Experience as a graphic designer, for example, wouldn't necessarily be applicable to a position in human resources.

Fore more, please visit-

Source: BY ALISON DOYLE | The Balance Career


Career Guidance / Hybrid Jobs and the Hybrid Skills Candidates Need Most
« on: January 23, 2021, 11:17:14 AM »
Hybrid Jobs and the Hybrid Skills Candidates Need Most

The hybridization of jobs in America is a powerful trend that is transforming the job market and changing what employers look for in employees. The rapid expansion of new technology and the digitization of the economy have changed the character of jobs by integrating an element of technology into traditionally non-technical positions.

What Are Hybrid Skills?
Hybrid skills are a combination of technical and non-technical skills. What are considered hybrid skills will vary, depending on the job and the company. For example, very few employers now look for administrative support staff who can simply greet visitors, answer phones, and organize files. Employers need administrative staff with a hybrid skill set that includes social media, updating websites, designing presentation materials, as well as manipulating spreadsheets and database programs.

At the same time, the ever-changing landscape of technology demands that workers in traditionally specialized or technology-based jobs have the softer skills to adapt to, change, and develop new products and services.1

For example, application developers don’t just need coding skills. They must be able to write copy, communicate with designers about visual aspects of applications, solicit and integrate feedback from users, and solve problems as they arise. Developers must also have continual learning skills to update their coding techniques and adapt to new and revised platforms.

Key Skills for Hybrid Jobs
Burning Glass has analyzed a database of nearly 1 billion past and current job ads and deduced that one-in-four jobs show signs of hybridization, and one-in-eight positions are highly hybridized, encompassing more than 250 occupations. Burning Glass reports that the skills that drive hybridization fall into five key areas. Some are new skills and others are traditional skills being applied in new ways:

Big data and analytics
The intersection of design and development
Sales and customer service
Emerging digital technologies
Evolving compliance and regulatory landscape

Workers in traditionally soft-skilled jobs will benefit from cultivating the hard skills that will show employers that they are equipped to keep pace with technological developments in their sector. Job seekers and employees in technology-oriented and specialized jobs can distinguish themselves by enhancing the soft skills that will enable them to add value beyond narrow applications of technology.

LinkedIn has produced a list of the most sought-after soft and hard skills for 2019. The soft skills in highest demand include creativity, persuasion, collaboration, adaptability, and time management.

The hard skills that employers need the most include cloud computing, artificial intelligence, analytical reasoning, people management, UX design, mobile applications development, video production, sales leadership, translation, audio production, natural language processing, scientific computing, game development, social media marketing, animation, business analysis, journalism, digital marketing, industrial design, competitive strategy, customer service systems, software testing, data science, computer graphics, and corporate communications.

Tips: A candidate who has strong hybrid skills will have a mix of both the hard and soft skills required to get hired.

One of the best ways to show employers that you have those skills is to match your credentials to the skills mentioned in the job posting when you're applying for a position, and highlighting them in your resume and cover letters.

Examples of Hybridized Jobs

must learn to identify complex cyber threats, but they also need communication and persuasive skills to convince management and coworkers to adopt stricter safety protocols.

must possess strong communication, persuasive, and interpersonal skills, while also comprehending the complex technical demands of the positions that they are filling. They must also master data-mining skills to identify appropriate prospects from candidate databases.

need artistic sensibility and creativity to create appealing designs, as well as communication skills to extract customer preferences. They also must have strong technical skills to use computer-aided design systems and web-authoring tools.

must have strong verbal communication and relationship-development skills, as well as fluency in scientific concepts and research methodology regarding drug trials.

must possess strong research, writing, and interviewing skills, and be confident in deciphering complex financial reports and identifying economic trends.

How Hybrid Skills Can Boost Your Salary
Burning Glass provides some illustrations from its research about how the pay for employees with hybrid skills is enhanced:

Marketing managers received an average salary of $71,000, but when they possessed database management competency in SQL their average salary was $100,000, a premium of 41%.
Civil engineers were paid an average of $78,000, but when strong people-management skills were added to the mix, their compensation rose to $87,000, a 12% premium.
Project managers received an average salary of $75,000, but when they were skilled in Tableau they boosted their pay to $85,000, a 13% premium.
General managers earned an average salary of $63,000, but those managers with strong data analysis skills secured an average salary of $81,000, a 29% premium.
Customer service managers were paid an average salary of $49,000, but managers with expertise in CRM earned an average of $60,000, a premium of 22%.

Upgrade Your Skills to Become More Competitive
If your skills need upgrading so that you’re more competitive in the job market, there are many ways you can add to your skill set. There are short-term certificate programs that you can take online. If you’re looking for a career shift, there are certification programs that lead to high-paying jobs.

Also, consider taking free or low-cost online courses to add the specific skills you need to enhance your resume and show you have the hybrid skills employers are seeking.

Developing New Skills and Job Opportunities, please visit

Source:ALISON DOYLE | Balance Career

Job Satisfaction & Skills / The Top Hard Skills Employers Seek
« on: January 23, 2021, 10:07:21 AM »
The Top Hard Skills Employers Seek

If you’ve ever spoken with a career counselor or spent much time learning about the job search process, you’ve probably heard of hard skills.

But what exactly are hard skills, and how are they different from soft skills? What are the most in-demand hard skills that employers look for?

Hard Skills Defined
Hard skills are part of the skill set that is required for a job. They include the expertise necessary for an individual to successfully do the job. They are job-specific and are typically listed in job postings and job descriptions.1

Hard skills are acquired through formal education and training programs, including college, apprenticeships, short-term training classes, online courses, and certification programs, as well as on-the-job training.

Types of Hard Skills
Hard skills include the specific knowledge and abilities required for success in a job. These types of skills are learned and can be defined, evaluated, and measured.

They are most commonly used during the hiring and interview process to compare candidates for employment.

Note: In some industries, employers may even test candidates’ hard skills to make sure that they can really do what their resume claims they can do.

Once you have the job, your employer may evaluate your hard skills again, if you’re up for a promotion or a transfer.

Top Hard Skills Employers Want
LinkedIn reported on the hard skills that are in greatest demand in 2020:22

Cloud Computing
Analytical Reasoning
Artificial Intelligence
UX Design
Business Analysis
Affiliate Marketing
Scientific Computing
Video Production

More Examples of Hard Skills
The following are examples of some of the hard skills required for different occupations:

Automotive Technology
Banking Operations
Database Management
Java Script
Manufacturing Technology
Marketing Research
Medical Diagnosis
Pharmaceutical Coding
Python Programming
Project Management
Proposal Writing
Social Media Marketing
Technical Writing
Word Processing

Types of Soft Skills
Conversely, soft skills are attributes and personality traits that impact interpersonal interactions and productivity. While different, they are equally as important as hard skills in the workforce.

LinkedIn rated the following five soft skills as most valued in the workplace:
Emotional Intelligence

The Importance of Skills in the Workplace
Both hard skills and soft skills are important in the workplace, and the top skills employers look for will depend on what the employer is seeking for a particular position.

The main difference between hard skills and soft skills is that hard skills can usually be taught in a series of concrete steps. From an instructor’s or a manager’s perspective, teaching someone how to code is a more easily defined process than teaching them to listen and communicate effectively with a client.

Soft skills can’t be learned by rote, and they involve emotional intelligence and empathy, which often makes them more complicated to impart to a student.

The bottom line is that both hard and soft skills are important to career readiness. Once you have both, you’ll be able to do your job well in the real world, where it’s essential to know what you’re talking about—and be able to talk about it so that other people can understand.5

Focus on Your Most Relevant Skills
When job searching, it’s important to include the skills the employer is seeking in your resume and job applications. The desired skills (both hard and soft) will be listed in the requirements section of job postings and help wanted ads.

Highlight the Skills That Qualify You for the Job: Start by highlighting the skills that are the closest match to the job requirements in your job application materials.

Match Your Qualifications to the Job: But while you need to match your qualifications to a job, there is more to it than just looking for keywords in the listing. It’s also essential to go beyond the job posting.

Tips: Go to the employer’s website to see if their listing provides additional information that might not have made it onto a job board or a referral from a friend.

Source: ALISON DOYLE | The Balance

Is it safe to bring students back to campuses? App helps gauge risk

A new tool designed by Harvard researchers models COVID-19's likely spread in settings unique to colleges.

COVIDU models the spread of COVID-19 in college settings

Colleges and universities are confronting a pressing question: How do they safely bring students back to campus amid a surging, world-wide pandemic? The decision involves careful consideration of a range of factors, from shared housing to testing capabilities to the likelihood of asymptomatic spread among students and staff. With death rates climbing to devastating levels and more contagious variants of the virus emerging, that choice has become even more consequential.

To help inform some of those decisions, a team of Harvard researchers that includes Gary King, the director of the Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS), and Rochelle Walensky, the incoming director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have launched a new disease-modeling app that simulates what different transmission and mitigation scenarios can look like in university settings.

Called COVIDU, the app is an interactive tool that factors several important conditions  — community transmission, external infection, testing cadence, student population, and other social settings unique to campus communities — in modeling the spread of COVID-19 on a hypothetical campus and estimating the likelihood of different potential outcomes.

The easy-to-use tool allows users to fully customize the range of conditions on which the system bases its calculations. This helps to better mimic the users’ own campus community. It also considers the behavior of students and potential visitors, including how many might flout rules and attend social gatherings. The app even models super-spreader events and their fallout.

“The app essentially creates hypothetical people that would mirror what actually happens in the real world as closely as possible.”
— Gary King

“It models how often do students interact with each other? How often might they just not follow exactly the public health recommendations? How often will we have a visitor from somewhere else that maybe shouldn’t be there? How often may somebody who’s helping undergraduates [like a staff member] come on campus with the disease and spread it to somebody else?” said King, the Albert J. Weatherhead III University Professor. “The app essentially creates hypothetical people that would mirror what actually happens in the real world as closely as possible.”

The app can also account for different epidemiological conditions in its predictions, like a surge in infections in the surrounding area or more aggressive mutations of the virus. For instance, Harvard administrators used the system recently to model how the new U.K. variant could impact the campus community.

The idea for the app came from the modeling work done by Harvard’s evidence-based decision-making subcommittee over the summer. Along with King and Walensky, who’s also chief of Massachusetts General Hospital’s Division of Infectious Diseases and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, the group included Christopher Avery, the Roy E. Larsen Professor of Public Policy at HKS; James Stock, the Harold Hitchings Burbank Professor of Political Economy in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences; and David Paltiel, professor of public health at Yale University.

Last summer, the subcommittee was tasked with amassing evidence and doing modeling and statistical analyses to inform decisions about bringing Harvard’s students back to campus for the fall and spring semesters. Working with IQSS, the group designed a system that combined classic epidemiological modeling with on-campus dynamics like shared housing, transmission rates in the surrounding community, student interactions, and a mass testing and isolation system. The system built on a similar COVID model for campuses that Walensky and Paltiel helped create earlier in the summer.

The researchers modeled the Harvard community with the new system and used it to come up with a recommendation for how many students could be brought back to campus and to decide the right level of testing to keep the community safe.

The COVIDU app expands that model and generalizes it so that other universities and organizations can use it. “You can set the parameters to reflect whatever conditions are appropriate to your campus or other campus-like environments, and then you can run the app and it’ll make any predictions from there,” said Zagreb Mukerjee, a research data scientist at the IQSS who helped design the system.

Users can also generate reports with graphs and tables on the scenarios they model and ones comparing different circumstances and consequences. The researchers hope the app will help improve understanding of COVID-19 transmission and mitigation strategies on college campuses, even among those without a background in modeling or epidemiology.

“By putting this out there, we’re hoping to get feedback from other scientists so that the underlying science can get better through collaboration. Of course, we also hope other campuses will benefit as well,” Mukerjee said.

Source: The Harvard Gazette

Workplace Behavior / 10 Tips to Improve Your BODY LANGUAGE
« on: January 13, 2021, 10:14:14 AM »
10 Tips to Improve Your BODY LANGUAGE

Winning Interview Techniques / Top 10 interview questions to ask employer
« on: January 13, 2021, 09:57:05 AM »
Top 10 interview questions to ask employer

The following are the Top 10 interview questions to ask employer:

1. Can you tell me more about the day-to-day responsibilities of this job?
This is your chance to learn as much as possible about the role so you can decide whether this is a job you really want. By learning more about the day-to-day tasks, you will also gain more insight into what specific skills and strengths are needed and you can address any topics that haven’t already been covered.

2. What do you think are the most important qualities for someone to excel in this role?

This question can often lead to valuable information that’s not in the job description. It can help you learn about the company culture and expectations so you can show that you are a good fit.

3. What are your expectations for this role during the first 30 days, 60 days, year?
Find out what your employer’s expectations are for the person in this position.

4. Describe the culture of the company. Are you a good fit for this particular organization?
Make sure you are comfortable with the culture and the dynamic of the company.

5. Where do you think the company is headed in the next 5 years?
If you plan to be in this role for several years, make sure the company is growing so you can grow with the company.

6. Who do you consider your top competitor, and why?
You should already have an idea of the company’s major competitors, but it can be useful to ask your interviewer for their thoughts.
Naturally, they will be able to give you insight you can’t find anywhere else.

7. What are the biggest opportunities facing the company/department right now?
This question shows your drive to seize opportunity and may help you learn more about where the company will be focusing over the next several months.

8. What are the biggest challenges facing the company/department right now?
On the flip side, you may want to ask about challenges. This question can help you uncover trends and issues in the industry and perhaps identify areas where your skills could save the day.

9. What is the typical career path for someone in this role?
This question can help you learn whether the company promotes from within, and how career advancement works within the organization. By4. asking the question, you show your interest in growing with the organization — just be careful not to phrase it in a way that sounds too self- serving (i.e. When can I expect a raise and a promotion?).

10. What are the next steps in the interview process?
This question shows that you are eager to move forward in the process. It will also help you gain important information about the timeline for hiring so that you can follow up appropriately.

Source: P-Interest

চাকরির ইন্টারভিউয়ের ক্ষেত্রে যে কৌশলগুলো মনে রাখা উচিত

By Skill.Jobs Blog | JAN 3, 2021

সাধারণত ইন্টারভিউ বলতে আমরা বুঝি-সরাসরি,ফোনের মাধ্যমে অথবা ভিডিও কলের মাধ্যমে যখন কোনো নির্দিষ্ট কোম্পানিতে আমরা চাকরির জন্য যোগাযোগ করে কোনো মৌখিক পরীক্ষা দিয়ে থাকি বা কথোপকথন করে থাকি।ইন্টারভিউ দেওয়ার  সময় আমদের বেশ কিছু জিনিষ মনে রাখা দরকার।  যেগুলো আমাদের ইন্টারভিউ দিতে সাহায্য করে। তাই, কিছু সময় নিয়ে হলেও এসব বিষয় চর্চা করা উচিত।

** ইন্টারভিউ কৌশলগুলোর দক্ষতা বাড়ানো– চাকরির ইন্টারভিউ হচ্ছে আপনার জন্য একটা বড় ধরনের সুযোগ যার মাধ্যমে আপনি আপনার সেই নির্দিষ্ট চাকরিটি আপনার দক্ষতার ভিত্তিতে পেতে পারেন।  তাই, ইন্টারভিউয়ের দক্ষতাগুলো বাড়ানো উচিত।

** পারফেক্ট আউটফিট বা পোশাক– ইন্টারভিউ দেওয়ার জন্য আপনার দরকার পারফেক্ট আউটফিট। কারন, আপনি যখন কোথাও ইন্টারভিউ দিতে যাবেন তখন প্রথমই আপনার যেটি খেয়াল করা হবে সেটি হলো আপনি কিভাবে বা কি পোশাকে এসেছেন সেখানে। যার ফলে, সহজেই বোঝা যায় আপনি কতটা উপযুক্ত সেই নির্দিষ্ট চাকরির জন্য।

** ইন্টারভিউ স্কিল বা দক্ষতা বাড়ানো– একটা ইন্টারভিউ দেওয়ার সময় আপনার উচিত সেই পরিমাণ ইনফরমেশন বা তথ্য সম্পর্কে জানা যার মাধ্যমে আপনার দক্ষতাগুলি প্রকাশ পায়। এবং,যা তার রিজিউম বা সি.ভি তে দেওয়া আছে যে সে কোনসব বিষয়গুলিতে দক্ষ।

** ইন্টারভিউয়ের সময় স্ট্রেস বা নার্ভাসনেস আয়ত্তে রাখা– ইন্টারভিউয়ের সময়টাই হচ্ছে স্ট্রেসফুল কারন, আপনি যতই এই ব্যাপারে দক্ষ হোন না কেন একটু নার্ভাসনেস সেই সময় কাজ করেই থাকে। তাই, যতটা সম্ভব সেই সময়ে নিজেকে রিল্যাক্স বা শান্ত রাখা।

বিভিন্ন ধরনের চাকুরীর তথ্য পেতে ভিজিট করুন

** প্রথম ইম্প্রেশনে ভাল মনোভাব তৈরি করা-
প্রথম ইম্প্রেশন সবসময়ই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ একজন ইন্টারভিউইের জন্য। তাই, সেই কোম্পানিতে প্রবেশ করা থেকে শুরু করে কাজ শেষ করা পর্যন্ত আপনাকে অবশ্যই আপনার একটি ভাল মনোভাব সেখানে বজায় রাখতে হবে।

** নিজস্ব গুনাবলির প্রকাশ– ইন্টারভিউ দেওয়ার সময় নিজস্ব গুনাবলি গুলো ব্যবহার করে নিজেকে আরও ভালভাবে প্রেজেন্ট বা উপস্থাপন করা উচিত। তাহলে, যারা ইন্টারভিউ নিবে তারাও বেশ ভালভাবে বুঝতে পারবে যে আপনি সেই চাকরিটা এবং সেই পদবীটার জন্য কতোটা উপযুক্ত।

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Tips on answering commonly asked behavioral HR interview questions dealing with your past such as 'Describe a situation where you regret your actions'

TIPS on answering Behavioral Interview Questions |Commonly asked questions on Strengths and Achievements

What are your Strengths? / Can you give an example of some innovative or creative idea that you’ve had? / What is your proudest achievement?
“My greatest strength is my work ethic. And I believe that my academic scores reflect that. Whatever tasks are assigned to me, I always try to complete them dutifully.”

“I am a people-person. I like interacting with people and making them smile. I have done Standup routines at our Amateur Club on Campus. I loved that experience. I think it will definitely come in handy in this Sales Opening.”

The best answers include illustrations demonstrating those strengths and are relevant for the role that the candidate is being interviewed for.

1.    Don’t be humble. This is your chance to brag and “sell yourself.”

2.    Don’t offer strengths that are irrelevant or lame.

3.    Don’t offer strengths that are contradicted by your CV. You cannot say that you’re a studious hard-working student if your grades are poor.

1.    Introspect and identify your strengths.

2.    Come up with specific examples demonstrating those strengths.

3.    Talk about strengths that align with the role that you’re applying for.

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Commonly asked questions on Weaknesses and Failures:

What are your weaknesses? / What are your biggest regrets in life? / Can you give an example of a time you failed to achieve your goals?

Choose a Weakness that is:

Obvious and has been noticed by the Interviewer already:

“English is not my primary language. My Spoken English is not very good.”

“I have not performed well academically.”

Something that is NOT extremely crucial for the role that you are applying for *

For an IT Role: “I get nervous when I am on stage. I am not very good at public speaking.”

For a Sales & Marketing Role: “I have always performed poorly in Mathematics. Trigonometry and Calculus are just not my cup of tea.”

A common human failing that is shared by most people

“I have not really made the most of the opportunities that life has given me.”

“I have done poorly in courses where the subject matter or the Professor was boring.”

[* If you are breaking this rule, you should have a good story on self-improvement.]

Personalize your Story. Wrap it up with a neat ending!
End your story with the promise of improvement in the future:

“My academic scores from school are very good. But, somehow, in college, I have lacked motivation, possibly because my parents were not around to push me. I realize that it is time for me to grow up.”

“I have just done the minimum to get by in college. I have not pushed myself to do my best, either academically or in campus events/ clubs etc. When I look back, there are so many opportunities I have missed by being lazy. From now on, I intend to make the most of every opportunity I get in life!”

“I have performed poorly in subjects that have bored me. I do realize that in my career, I’m not always going to be involved in exciting projects. However, I believe that I have the necessary discipline to power through boring routine tasks related to work.”

End your story with indications of personal improvement already happening:

“I come from a poor background. I did not attend an English Medium School. However, I have enrolled in a Spoken English Course and I think there has been significant progress.”

“I have enrolled in a Toastmasters Club in my city to get over my fear of public speaking.”

“I compensate for being bad in Mathematics by paying significant attention to detail in basic arithmetic and data handling. For instance, I track my daily finances rigorously to ensure that I keep my college expenses to a minimum.”

1.    Copy the examples we have given and repeat it verbatim.

2.    Be afraid about opening up and revealing weaknesses about yourself

3.    Mug up your answer so that it sounds rehearsed and artificial

1.    Introspect. Identify a weakness that is actually true.

2.    Realize that nobody is perfect. The best we can do is identify our weaknesses and work on them.

3.    Note down your answer in bullet points to help you remember. But, don’t practice it verbally multiple times.

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Commonly asked questions on long term goals:

Where do you see yourself in five years? / What are your long term goals? / What have you always dreamt of achieving since you were a child?
“I want to build something – a Software Service, a Website or an App that becomes very popular. Basically I want to be involved in building this from scratch and I would love to see it grow and become a household name.”

“I want to work at an Organization where I can learn and grow quickly to take on more responsibilities over time. Ultimately, I want to build a career that leads towards me getting involved in product strategy and management.”

The best answers demonstrate ambition without raising any concerns that the candidate might quit immediately after joining.

1.    Don’t talk about a career path that is not aligned with the job role.

2.    Don’t talk about roles that are not available at the Organization you’re interviewing with.

3.    Don’t have unrealistic goals. You cannot say that you want to become the CEO of the company in five years, if you’re interviewing as a Fresher.

1.    It’s OK to be generic and talk about advancing your career in a particular stream.

2.    Demonstrate enthusiasm and ambition.

3.    Express interest in a long term career, rather than short term gigs.

Commonly asked questions on experience dealing with stress and conflict:

Describe a situation where you had to make a tough decision. / Describe a situation where you had to manage a conflict. / When have you been the most stressed out in your life?

=> “During a team presentation with my friend, he was supposed to bring the PPT in his USB after some final corrections. But, he was absent and I had to deliver my speech without a Presentation. Luckily, I’d memorized most of it and I was able to use the white board to highlight my points as I talked.”

=> “During my internship, I believe that my Manager had formed a negative opinion of me. So I sat down with him and had a heart-to-heart discussion where we managed to thrash things out successfully. Today, he is one of my most cherished mentors.”

Start by describing the situation which was the cause of stress or conflict. Then, talk about your actions in response to that situation as a way of showcasing your interpersonal skills. Finally wrap up your response with a happy ending.

1.    Don’t pick an example which shows you in bad light, because you were the cause of the conflict.

2.    Don’t be vague. Choose a very specific scenario to answer this question.

3.    Don’t say that you’ve never been stressed out in your life.

1.    Choose a good example where you took an active approach and managed to produce positive results.

2.    Describe the situation as well as your actions in detail.

3.    If possible, choose a conflict that is common in a professional organization.


সরকারি চাকরির প্রস্তুতি – করণীয় কি?

By Skill Jobs Blog (DEC 22, 2020)

সরকারি চাকরির প্রস্তুতি – করণীয় কি?

বাংলাদেশের প্রায় বেশিরভাগ মানুষেরই সরকারি চাকরি করার ইচ্ছা থেকে থাকে। আর সে জন্যই যারা সরকারি প্রত্যাশী তাদের বেশ ভালো প্রস্তুতি গ্রহণ করতে হয়।  সরকারি চাকরির প্রস্তুতির জন্য বিশেষ কিছু প্রসেস অনুসরণ করা উচিত,যার ফলে আপনি সেসব চাকরির লিখিত বা মৌখিক পরীক্ষা একটা ভাল রেজাল্ট আশা করতে পারেন।

“এইধরনের চাকরির প্রস্তুতির ক্ষেত্রে আপনার অনেকবারই মনে হতে পারে আপনাকে দিয়ে আর হবে না, আপনি পারছেন না, বিষয়গুলো আপনার কাছে অনেক জটিল বলে মনে হচ্ছে। কিন্তু আপনি যদি একটু নিজের প্রতি বিশ্বাস রাখেন তাহলে আপনি অবশ্যই সেসব সময় বা বিষয়কে সহজেই পার করতে পারবেন।“

** কখন থেকে প্রস্তুতি গ্রহণ করা উচিত?

আপনারা যারা সরকারি চাকরি করতে চান তারা আপনাদের অর্নাস শেষ হবার আগে থেকেই চাকরির প্রস্তুতি নিতে পারেন। এতে করে আপনারা বেশ ভাল একটা সময় পেয়ে যাবেন এর মধ্যে। যেহেতু, যেকোনো সরকারি চাকরির জন্য বেশ ভালই প্রস্তুতি নেওয়া লাগে তাই সেসব প্রস্তুতি যত আগে থেকে শুরু করা যায় ততই ভালো।

সরকারি চাকরির প্রস্তুতির ক্ষেত্রে কিছু প্রাথমিক টিপস –

**পড়ার জন্য রুটিন তৈরি করা– যেকোন পড়াশোনার ক্ষেত্রেই রুটিন প্রস্তুত করে সে অনুযায়ী পড়াশোনা চালিয়ে যাওয়া। এতে টাইম ম্যানেজমেন্ট অনেক ভালোভাবে করা যায়। দৈনিক কোন কোন বিষয়ের জন্য কতটুকু সময় বরাদ্দ থাকবে তা ঐ বিষয়ের পরিধির উপর নির্ভর করে। সাধারণত সরকারী জব এর ক্ষেত্রে বাংলা, ইংরেজি, ম্যাথ, ইন্টারন্যাশনাল বিষয়বলি, সাধারণ জ্ঞান এর বিষয় সমূহ থাকে।

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How to Create Career Planning Mind Map

by Chelsea Yang

Career planning mind mapping is an ongoing process that can help you manage your learning and development in your career life. This passage will clearly show you how to make career planning mind map step by step.
Career planning helps you find out what you would like to do in your working life. A career planning mind map helps you focus on what you should do when thinking about a new career. It is also a good assistant for you if you would like to progress in the career you are in.

Steps to Make Career Planning Mind Maps

Having a career planning mind map is important. It can help you manage the direction you want your career to take, the job skills and knowledge you will need, and how you can get them. Below are the steps to create a career planning mind map which I am sure will be of great help to you.

Knowing Who You Are
Begin by thinking about where you are now, where you want to be and how you're going to get there. Once you have thought about where you are at now and where you want to be, you can work on getting to know your skills, interests and values.

Consider what is important to you. We all have different values, needs and motivations. Our work takes up a significant part of our day - usually a third or more - and has a significant impact on other aspects of our life, including our sense of self-worth and wellbeing. This is why it is very important to carefully consider your values and needs when planning your career direction and developing your career planning.

Finding out Skills & Knowledge Needed

It is important to understand your skills, knowledge so you can match them to jobs you would like to do. This will also help you identify the knowledge and skills you might need to acquire you might need, to achieve your career goals. An accurate and realistic assessment of these things is vital to an achievable career planning. This kind of understanding is a powerful aid when selling yourself for potential jobs. It will also boost your self-esteem and confidence. Try to think of your skills in terms of those that are transferable and those that are specialized. Think about how the skills you use in one job could be used or adapted elsewhere. A smart career planning needs to be flexible and adaptable. So describe your skills in a way that makes them applicable to the widest range of situations.

Decide on your goals

Making decisions involves comparing your options, narrowing down your choices and thinking about what suits you best at this point in time. Carefully consider the information you have gathered. If you have completed the 'career/life planning timeline', you might have already decided on your career goals (the cornerstone of career strategy) and be ready to enter them on your career planning chart. If you are yet to decide on your career goals, or you want to revise them, start by considering your career goals for the next two years. What do you want to be doing in two years' time? What about five and ten years' time? This kind of thinking helps break down big picture career strategy and planning into manageable pieces. At the end of this step you will have narrowed down your options and have more of an idea of what you need to do next to help you achieve your goals.

Make Your Move

Regardless of what you choose to do, even if it's nothing for now, there's tremendous value in taking stock of your strengths and weaknesses and where you are professionally. You can use that information to make your current job more bearable just as easily as you can use it to find a new direction. Spending a little time making a map of how you want your career to evolve can save you weeks or even years of toiling away in a job or career that brings you no joy.

কেন করবেন ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিং? | Importance of Digital Marketing

Source: Blog Post, Date : DEC 17, 2020

ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিং দুইটি শব্দ, শব্দ দুটি শুনেই আমাদের মাথায় প্রথমেই আসতে পারে ডিজিটাল পদ্ধতিতে যে মার্কেটিং করা হয়। যদি ভেঙে বলি শব্দ দুটোকে ডিজিটাল বলতে আমরা মূলত ইনটারনেটের জগৎকে বুঝি এবং মার্কেটিং দিয়ে কোন পণ্যকে বাজারে তার চাহিদা অনুযায়ী বিজ্ঞাপনসহ বাজারে বিক্রয় করার প্রক্রিয়াকে বুঝায়। শুধু ডিজিটার মার্কেটিং এর মাধ্যমেই ডিজিটাল মিডিয়া ও ডিজিটাল প্রযুক্তি কে ব্যবহার করে অনলাইন/ইন্টারনেট এর মাধ্যমে পণ্য বা সেবার বিক্রয় কাজ বৃদ্ধি করা যায়।

অনেকে মনে করেন ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিং তাদের ব্যবসায় দরকার নেই। আমরা যে সময়ের মধ্যে দিয়ে যাচ্ছি সে সময়টাতে ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিংয়ের মাধ্যমেই নতুম ক্রেতাদের সাথে সম্পর্ক স্থাপন করে ব্যবসায় টিকে থাকা সম্ভব। সুতরাং ব্যবসার এই প্রতিযগিতাতে টিকে থাকতে ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিংযের গুরুত্ব অপরিসীম।

তাহলে এখন আসি কেন করবেন ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিং???? ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিং কীভাবে শিখবেন বিস্তারিত জানতে হলে পড়ুন “ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিং কিভাবে শিখব | How to learn Digital Marketing?”

করোনাকালীন প্রভাবঃ
আমাদের অস্বীকার করার কোন অবকাশ নেই করোনাতে আমরা অর্থনৈতিক ভাবে ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ হইয়েছি। আমাদের অনেকের চাকরি চলে গিয়েছে, অনেকের ছোট ব্যবসা ছিল সেটা ক্রেতার অভাবে বন্ধ হইয়ে গিয়েছে। এমন সময়ে অনেকেই অনলাইন ভিত্তিক ব্যবসা গড়ে তোলার ট্রাই করেছেন। কিন্তু সব থেকে বড় চ্যালেঞ্জের হচ্ছে এত এত নতুন ব্যবসার মধ্যে আপনার ব্যবসাটাকে কিভাবে সর্বোচ্চ সংখ্যক ক্রেতার কাছে পোঁছাবেন? কিভাবে আপনার ব্যবসার প্রসার বৃদ্ধি করবেন? পোঁছানোর পরেও কথা থেকে যায়, আপনার প্রোডাক্ট বা পণ্যকে আপনি কতটা আকর্ষনীয় ভাবে উপস্থাপন করতে পারছেন? কিভাবে অন্যদের থেকে আলাদা করবেন আপনার প্রোডাক্ট বা পন্যকে ক্রেতাদের কাছে? ক্রেতার এই ইনগেজমেন্ট কিন্তু আপনাকেই বৃদ্ধি করতে হবে। ব্যবসায় ক্রেতার ইনগেজমেন্ট যত বাড়াতে পারবেন তত মুনাফা। আর ব্যবসায় মুনাফা মানেই উন্নতির সূচনা।

ক্রেতারা অনলাইন নির্ভরশীল হচ্ছেনঃ
করোনা পরবর্তী সময় বলে না, ক্রেতারা অনলাইন ভিত্তিক কেনাকাটাতে ঝুঁকছেন বেশি। সেটা অবশ্যই সময় ও প্রযুক্তিগত পরিবর্তনের জন্য। ক্রেতা কোন পণ্য কেনার আগে অবশ্যই যাচায় করে দেখবে। পণ্যের গুনাবলী কি? পণ্য ব্যবহারের ফলে কি কি সুযোগ সুবিধা পাবেন? একই ধরনের পণ্য কে কিভাবে উপস্থাপন করছেন? কি কি পার্থক্য তাদের মধ্যে? কেউ কি এই একই পণ্য ব্যবহার করেছেন কি না? কে কেমন রিভিউ দিচ্ছে? পজেটিভ নাকি ণেগেটিভ রিভিউ?সব কিছুই একজন ক্রেতা এখন খুব সহজেই জেনে ফেলছেন বিভিন্ন ডিজিটাল প্ল্যাটফর্মে হাতের মুঠোফোনটি দিয়ে। ক্রেতা একটি পণ্য কেনার আগে ডিজিটাল পদ্ধতি ব্যবহার করে পণ্যের তথ্য (ছবি, সুবিধা, কোন কোম্পানির) পেয়ে থাকেন। কোন একটি পণ্যের পজেটিভ রিভিউ দেখলে সেই পণ্যটি কেনার ক্ষেত্রে ক্রেতার ইচ্ছা কয়েক গুন বেড়ে যায়। যেহেতু ক্রেতারা ডিজিটাল পদ্ধতি ব্যবহার করছে সেহেতু আপনাকে আপনার ব্যবসাটিকেও ডিজিটালি উপথাপন করতে হবে। যেন অনলাইনে খুব সহজেই আপনার পণ্যের তথ্য গুলো ক্রেতার কাছে পোঁছে যায়। তবেই তো ব্যবসার প্রসার বাড়বে।

ক্রেতাদের সাথে খুব সহজেই সম্পর্ক স্থাপনঃ
যার ক্রেতার সাথে সম্পর্ক যত ভালো তার ব্যবসায় তত উন্নতি। ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিংয়ের মাধ্যমে ক্রেতার সাথে এই সম্পর্ক তৈরি করা সম্ভব। বিভিন্ন ডিজিটাল প্লার্টফর্মের (ওয়েবসাইট, ফেসবুক পেইজ, ইউটিউব, ব্লগ) মাধ্যমে সরাসরি ক্রেতাদের সাথে যুক্ত থেকে তাদের ভাল লাগা, মন্দ লাগা, পছন্দ, অপছন্দ সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত মতামত জানা যায় এবং সেটার উপর নির্ভর করে পণ্যের মান পরিবর্তন করা যায়। আপনি আপনার পণ্যটিকে ক্রেতার রিভিউয়ের উপরে নির্ভর করে কাস্টোমাইজ করছেন এতে আপনার ক্রেতারাও খুশি সাথে ব্যবসার উন্নতি।

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Guidance for Job Market / Best 25 Tips for Finding Better Jobs
« on: December 22, 2020, 11:52:03 AM »
Best  25 Tips for Finding Better Jobs

Source: Blog Post (Date:  Dec 21, 2020)

Is a work order changing? Consider 25 effective ways to find work. If this is a new start time and if you are looking for a job then this is a good time to make sure you have a priority check. Start with some basic soul-searching, go into creative networking and end up with the best ways to investigate potential companies. These are all surefire strategies to gain a competitive edge in the job market. But finding a job means more than being competitive. In a dazzling new world of technology-online boards, career centers and a growing number of complex web sites – that means understanding the way around you. Here are 25 tips on how to increase your time, your effectiveness, and your chances of success in your next career search!

1. First and foremost-take a personal inventory . The job victim gives you a chance to get back to “Square One” and inventory of everything, what skills and knowledge you have acquired and what you want to do. Who are you? What do you want to do outside of life? Jobs? A job? Where are you going? Do you know how to get there? Are you happy with your job / profession / profession? Do you want to change? An innovation like this is to create the best job hunting method because it focuses on your skills and talents as well as your inner aspirations. You first start your job search by identifying your transferable, functional, skills. In fact, you are identifying the primary building blocks of your work.

2. Apply directly to an employer. Select the employers you are most interested in from any source available (web listings, yellow pages, newspaper ads, etc.) and get their addresses. At their doorstep at your first opportunity to re-work. Even if you don’t know anyone there, this job hunting method works about half the time, if you’re diligent and continue your exploration for several weeks or months.

3. Ask relatives and friends about jobs where they work. Ask all your relatives and friends now where they have worked or where they work elsewhere to find out if there are any vacancies or if there are still vac can go to the village to raise a child, but find a new job It takes a network! If you know or tell everyone you know that you are a victim of the job and you appreciate their help, your chances of success are more than four times higher.

4. Search hidden job markets. Networking is the “head job market”. Because every time you contact someone who is directly involved in your career interests, you probably set the possibility that he or she will take you to more people or that people are connected to each other in an infinite number of ways to find the job you are looking for. Many of these paths are available to you, but you need to enable them to work for your convenience. Most of the available jobs are in the hidden job market. These are not listed in the classification or kept with a headhunter. Find them through your contact network. This is your most valuable resource!

5. Ask a professor or old teacher to take you to the job. No one knows your skills, dedication and discipline better than a teacher or professor who has had the opportunity to work with you at school. Since more people find their work in some other way directly through referrals from other people, this is the target audience you don’t want to miss.

6. Spend more hours each week looking for your job. Finding a job is a job! Deal with your job victim in the same way that you work a normal job and a normal number of hours a week, at least 35, 40 preferred methods. This will dramatically reduce the time it takes you to find work. Did you know that the average person in the job market spends only 5 hours or less per week looking for work? With these statistics, it is not surprising that it can be a long, tedious process. Improve your chances and show your discipline and determination. Dedicate Sunday to answering ads and planning your strategy for next week. Don’t spend precious time of the week behind a computer. You need to do research on leads, networking and interviews there. Work smart for yourself!

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