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Topics - Noman_1450

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Inspiration Stories / অন্ধ বালক
« on: August 07, 2012, 10:27:44 AM »
এক অন্ধ বালক একটি বড় ব্যাংকের সামনে বসে ছিলো।তার সামনে ছিলো একটি থালা আর হাতে ছিলো একটি কাগজ,যাতে লেখাঃ ‘আমি অন্ধ,অনুগ্রহ করে সাহায্য করুন’।

সারাটা সকাল তার থালায় মাত্র কয়েকটি পয়সাই জমেছিলো। ব্যাংকের এক চাকুরিজীবী ব্যাংকে ঢোকার
সময় অন্ধটিকে দেখলো। সে তার মানিব্যাগ বের করে তাকে কিছু পয়সা দিলো, তার হাতের কাগজটি নিল এবং এর পেছনে কিছু লিখলো। এরপর ছেলেটির হাতে তা ধরিয়ে দিল যাতে সবাই নতুন লেখাটি দেখতে পায়।

এরপর আশ্চর্যজনক ভাবে সবার সাহায্যের পরিমান বেড়ে গেল।অনেক বেশি লোক ছেলেটিকে সাহায্য করতে থাকলো,তার থালাও ভরে উঠলো।বিকেলে সেই ব্যাংকার তার অফিস থেকে বেড়িয়ে ছেলেটিকে দেখতে এলো। তার গলা চিনতে পেরে ছেলেটি তাকে জিজ্ঞেস করলো,‘তুমিই কি সেই লোক যে আমার কাগজের লেখাটি বদলে দিয়েছিলে? কি লিখেছিলে তুমি?’

লোকটি বললো,‘আমিও সত্যটাই লিখেছিলাম তবে একটি ভিন্ন ভাবে।লিখেছিলাম,‘‘আজ খুব সুন্দর একটি দিন কিন্তু আমার দুর্ভাগ্য আমি দেখতে পাই না।’’

দুটো লেখাই মানুষকে বলে যে ছেলেটি অন্ধ।কিন্তু প্রথমটি শুধু বলে যে সে অন্ধ।কিন্তু দ্বিতীয় লেখাটি মানুষকে বলে তারা অনেক ভাগ্যবান যে তারা অন্ধ নয়।

তোমার যা আছে তারজন্য আল্লাহর কাছে কৃতজ্ঞ থাকো। নতুন ভাবে চিন্তা করতে শিখো, সবার চেয়ে একটু ভিন্নভাবে কিন্তু পজিটিভ ভাবে ভাবতে শেখো। জীবন যখন তোমাকে কষ্ট পাওয়ার একশটা কারন দেয়,জীবনকে দেখিয়ে দাও যে তোমারও সুখী হওয়ার হাজারটা কারন আছে।

হযরত আবু হুরইরহ রদিয়াল্লহু আ’নহু (أبىْ هريْرة رضى الله عنْه) হইতে বর্ণিত আছে যে, রসুলুল্লহ সল্লাল্লহু আ’লাইহি ওয়া সাল্লাম এরশাদ করিয়াছেন, (যখন) কোন বান্দা অন্তরের এখলাসের সহিত, লা ইলাহা ইল্লাল্লহ বলে, তখন এই কালেমার জন্য নিশ্চিতরূপে আসমানের দরজাসমূহ খুলিয়া দেওয়া হয়। এমনকি এই কালেমা সোজা আরশ পর্যন্ত পৌঁছিয়া যায়। অর্থাৎ সাথে সাথেই কবুল হইয়া যায়। তবে শর্ত হইল, যদি এই কালেমা পাঠকারী কবীরা গুনাহ হইতে বাঁচিয়া থাকে। (তিরমিযী)

ফায়দাঃ এখলাসের সহিত বলার অর্থ এই যে, উহার মধ্যে লোক দেখানো এবং মুনাফেকী না থাকে। কবীরা গুনাহ হইতে বাঁচিয়া থাকার শর্ত লাগানো হইয়াছে। আর যদি তাড়াতাড়ি কবুল হওয়ার জন্য করীবা গুনাহের সহিতও পাঠ করা হয় তবুও লাভ সওয়াব হইতে খালি হইবে না।(মিরকাত)

আল্লহ তায়া’লা রসুলুল্লহ সল্লাল্লহু আ’লাইহি ওয়া সাল্লামের প্রতি এরশাদ করিয়াছেন, আমরা (আরবীতে সম্মানসূচক প্রকাশ করার জন্য বহু বচন ব্যবহার করা হয়) আপনার পূর্বে এমন কোন পয়গম্বর পাঠাই নাই যাহার নিকট এই ওহী প্রেরণ করি নাই যে, আমি ব্যতীত কোন মা’বুদ নাই সুতরাং আমারই বন্দেগী (সুরা আম্বিয়া ২৫)

Hadith / The Sunnah Way of Eating
« on: July 21, 2012, 08:32:29 PM »
The Holy Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him expressed dislike for over-eating and said that over-eating is ill luck and misfortune. In other words, a person who over eats will be followed by such faults and defects that he will have difficulty and hardship in every place and people will look at him in a bad way.

The Holy Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him used to eat with three fingers, and before wiping and cleaning his hand he used to lick his blessed fingers.

Whenever food is very hot, it should be left covered for a while, so that the emission of steam finishes. In doing so, the Holy Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him has said that this is a method in which barakah may be gained.

Hazrat Anas May Al;lah be pleased with him has mentioned that, “I once saw the Holy Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him sitting in a squatting posture and eating dates.”

The posture mentioned means that when one keeps his calves straight and sits on his feet.

Once in a gathering, the number of people eating increased, so the Holy Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him sat with his blessed legs folded (as in Attahiyyat position in Salaah), the reason being that there is humility in sitting like this and there is consideration for other people who are also present because sitting in this manner creates more room for them.

The people eating should not get up before the table cloth has been lifted.

When one is eating with another person then he should not stop eating as long as the other person is eating, even though the stomach has become full, this is so that the other person does not feel ashamed. If one has to stop eating, then he should make an excuse

One should not drink from a water container by putting his mouth on it.

The same prohibition has been applied to placing the mouth on and drinking from a spouted jug, or a goblet meaning a long necked flask or a bottle etc.

One should not breathe into a utensil or blow into it. One should also refrain from placing his mouth on a utensil that is cracked or broken. Many people have the habit of standing up and drinking, one should also refrain from this act.

The Holy Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him never found fault with food, if he liked it then he would eat it. If he did not prefer it, then he would just leave it without complaining.

Hazrat Huzaifa May Al;lah be pleased with him has mentioned that the Holy Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him prevented us from eating and drinking in gold and silver utensils. This order is for both men and women.

May Allah Taa'la give us the ability to act upon these Sunnahs of Rasullullah May Allah send peace and blessings upon him.

Inter-Islam: Home: Relaying the message of the Prophets Adam - Muhammad (peace and blessing upon all)

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হযরত হুযাইফাহ রদিয়াল্লহু আ’নহু (حذيْفة رضى الله عنْه)  হইতে বর্ণিত আছে  যে, রসুলুল্লহ সল্লাল্লহু আ’লাইহি ওয়া সাল্লাম এরশাদ করিয়াছেন, মানুষের স্ত্রী, মাল, আওলাদ এবং প্রতিবেশী সম্পর্কিত হুকুম পালনে যে ত্রুটি বিচ্যুতি ও গুনাহ হয়, নামায সদকা আমর বিল মা’রুফ অ নাহী আনিল মুনকার উহার কাফফারা হইয়া যায়। (বুখারী)

Hadith / The Sunnah Way of Cutting the Nails
« on: July 19, 2012, 06:07:01 PM »
The Sunnah Way of Cutting the Nails..

Allah: My belief / 99 Names of Allah
« on: July 19, 2012, 12:48:20 PM »
1. Ar-Rahman

The One who has plenty of mercy for the believers and the blasphemers in this world and especially for the believers in the hereafter.
The Most Merciful

2. Ar-Rahim

The One who has plenty of mercy for the believers.
The most Compassionate

3. Al-Malik

The One with the complete Dominion, the One Whose Dominion is clear from imperfection.
The King, the Monarch

4. Al-Quddus

The One who is pure from any imperfection and clear from children and adversaries.
The Holy one

5. As-Salam

The One who is free from every imperfection.
The Peace, The Tranquility

6. Al-Mu'min

The One who witnessed for Himself that no one is God but Him. And He witnessed for His believers that they are truthful in their belief that no one is God but Him.
The One with Faith
The Faithful, The Trusted

7. Al-Muhaymin

The One who witnesses the saying and deeds of His creatures.
The Protector
The vigilant, the controller

8. Al-'Aziz

The Defeater who is not defeated.
The Mighty
The Almighty, the powerful

9. Al-Jabbar

The One that nothing happens in His Dominion except that which He willed.
The all Compelling

10. Al-Mutakabbir

The One who is clear from the attributes of the creatures and from resembling them.
The Haughty, the Majestic
The Imperious

11. Al-Khaliq

The One who brings everything from non-existence to existence.
The Creator, the Maker


The Creator who has the Power to turn the entities.
The Artificer, the Creator


The One who forms His creatures in different pictures.
The Fashioner
The Organizer, the Designer


The One who forgives the sins of His slaves time and time again.
The Forgiving, the Forgiver


The Subduer who has the perfect Power and is not unable over anything.
The Almighty, the Dominant


The One who is Generous in giving plenty without any return.
The Donor, the Bestower

17. Ar-Razzaq

The Provider, the Sustainer

18. Al-Fattah

The One who opens for His slaves the closed worldly and religious matters.
The Opener, the Revealer

19. Al-'Alim

The Knowledgeable; The One nothing is absent from His knowledge.
The all Knowing, the Omniscient

20. Al-Qabid

The One who constricts the sustenance.
The Contractor, The Restrainer, the Recipient.

21. Al-Basit

The One who expands and widens.
The Expander, He who expands

22. Al-Khafid

The One who lowers whoever He willed by His Destruction.
The Abaser, the Humbler

23. Ar-Rafi'

The One who raises whoever He willed by His Endowment.
The Raiser, the Exalter

24. Al-Mu'iz

He gives esteem to whoever He willed, hence there is no one to degrade Him;
The Honorer, the Exalter

25. Al-Muzil

Degrades whoever he willed, hence there is no one to give him esteem.
The Abaser, the Degrader, the Subduer

26. As-Sami'

The One who Hears all things that are heard by His Eternal Hearing without an ear, instrument or organ.
The Hearer, The All hearing, all knowing.

27. Al-Basir

The One who Sees all things that are seen by His Eternal Seeing without a pupil or any other instrument.
The Seer, The discerning, the All seeing.

28. Al-Hakam

He is the Ruler and His judgment is His Word.
The arbitrator, the Judge

29. Al-'Adl

The One who is entitled to do what He does.
The justice, the equitable. The Just.

30. Al-Latif

The Most Gentle, the Gracious.
The One who is kind

31. Al-Khabir

The One who knows the truth of things.
The Aware. The Sagacious, one is who is aware.

32. Al-Halim

The One who delays the punishment for those who deserve it and then He might forgive them.
The Gentle. The most patient, the Clement.

33. Al-'Azim

The One deserving the attributes of Exaltment, Glory, Extolment, and Purity from all imperfection.
The Great, Mighty

34. Al-Ghafoor

The One who forgives a lot.
The Forgiving, the Pardoner.

35. Ash-Shakur

The One who gives a lot of reward for a little obedience.
The Grateful, the Thankful

36. Al-'Ali

The One who is clear from the attributes of the creatures.
The most high, the exalted.

37. Al-Kabir

The One who is greater than everything in status.
The great, the big.

38. Al-Hafiz

The One who protects whatever and whoever He willed to protect.
The Guardian, the preserver.

39. Al-Muqit

The One who has the Power.
The maintainer, The Nourisher

40. Al-Hasib

The One who gives the satisfaction.
The noble, The Reckoner

41. Aj-Jalil

The One who is attributed with greatness of Power and Glory of status.
The Majestic. The honorable, the exalted.

42. Al-Karim

The One who is clear from abjectness.
The most generous, the Bountiful.

43. Ar-Raqib

The One that nothing is absent from Him. Hence it's meaning is related to the attribute of Knowledge.
The Guardian, the watchful. Watcher.

44. Al-Mujib

The One who answers the one in need if he asks Him and rescues the yearner if he calls upon Him.
The Responder. The respondent, one who answers.

45. Al-Wasi'

The Englober. The enricher, the Omnipresent, the Knowledgeable.

46. Al-Hakim

The One who is correct in His doings.
The most Wise, the Judicious.

47. Al-Wadud

The Affectionate, the Loving.

48. Al-Majid

The One who is with perfect Power, High Status, Compassion, Generosity and Kindness.
The Glorious, the exalted.

49. Al-Ba'ith

The One who resurrects for reward and/or punishment.
The Resurrector, the Raiser from death.

50. Ash-Shahid

The One who nothing is absent from Him.
The Witness

51. Al-Haqq

The One who truly exists.
The Truth, the Just.

52. Al-Wakil

The One who gives the satisfaction and is relied upon.
The Guardian, the Trustee

53. Al-Qawee

The One with the complete Power.
The powerful, the Almighty, The Strong

54. Al-Matin

The One with extreme Power which is un-interrupted and He does not get tired.
The Strong, the Firm

55. Al-Walee

The Supporter, the Friend, the Defender the master.

56. Al-Hamid

The praised One who deserves to be praised.
The Praiseworthy , the Commendable

57. Al-Muhsi

The One who the count of things are known to him.
The Counter

58. Al-Mubdi'

The One who started the human being. That is, He created him.
The Beginner, the Creator, The Originator

59. Al-Mu'eed

The One who brings back the creatures after death.
The Restorer, the Resurrector.

60. Al-Muhyee

The One who took out a living human from semen that does not have a soul. He gives life by giving the souls back to the worn out bodies on the resurrection day and He makes the hearts alive by the light of knowledge.
The Bestower, the Life Giver.

61. Al-Mumeet

The One who renders the living dead.
The Bringer of Death. The Death Giver.

62. Al-Hayy

The One attributed with a life that is unlike our life and is not that of a combination of soul, flesh or blood.
The Living. The Alive, the ever living.

63. Al-Qayyum

The One who remains and does not end.
The Self-Subsistent, The Eternal, the Self Sustaining.

64. Al-Wajid

The Rich who is never poor. Al-Wajd is Richness.
The all perceiving, the Opulent, the Finder.

65. Al-Wahid

The One without a partner.
The One, the Unique.

66. Al-Majid

The One who is Majid.
The Noble, the illustrious.

67. Al-Ahad

The only, the Unique.

68. As-Samad

The Master who is relied upon in matters and reverted to in ones needs.
The Perfect, the Eternal.

69. Al-Qadir

The One attributed with Power.
The Able, the Capable, the Omnipotent.

70. Al-Muqtadir

The One with the perfect Power that nothing is withheld from Him.
The Capable, The all Powerful

71. Al-Muqaddim

He makes ahead what He wills.
The Presenter, The Advancer, The Expediter

72. Al-Mu'akhkhir

The One who delays what He wills.
The Fulfiller, the keeper behind, The Deferrer

73. Al-'Awwal

The One whose Existence is without a beginning.
The First

74. Al-'Akhir

The One whose Existence is without an end.
The Last

75. Az-Zahir

The Apparent, the Exterior, The Manifest
The One that nothing is above Him and nothing is underneath Him, hence He exists without a place.

76. Al-Batin

The Hidden, the Interior, the Latent

77. Al-Wali

The One who owns things and manages them.
The Governor, The Ruler, The Master

78. Al-Muta'ali

The One who is clear from the attributes of the creation.
The Exalted, The most high, one above reproach.

79. Al-Barr

The One who is kind to His creatures, who covered them with His sustenance and specified whoever He willed among them by His support, protection, and special mercy.
The Benefactor, The Beneficent, the Pious.

80. At-Tawwab

The One who grants repentance to whoever He willed among His creatures and accepts his repentance.
The Acceptor of Repentance, The Forgiver, the Relenting.

81. Al-Muntaqim

The One who victoriously prevails over His enemies and punishes them for their sins. It may mean the One who destroys them.
The Avenger

82. Al-'Afuww

The One with wide forgiveness.
The Forgiver, the effacer, the Pardoner

83. Ar-Ra'uf

The One with extreme Mercy. The Mercy of Allah is His will to endow upon whoever He willed among His creatures.
The merciful, the Ever Indulgent.

84. Al-Muqsit

The One who is Just in His judgment.
The Just, the Equitable

85. Aj-Jami'

The One who gathers the creatures on a day that there is no doubt about, that is the Day of Judgment.
The Collector, the comprehensive, Gatherer

86. Al-Ghanee

The One who does not need the creation.
The rich, the all sufficing, Self-Sufficient

87. Al-Mughnee

The One who satisfies the necessities of the creatures.
The Enricher, sufficer, the bestower.

88. Al-Mani'

The Supporter who protects and gives victory to His pious believers. Al-Mu'tiy
The Withholder
The Preventer, the prohibiter, the defender.

89. Ad-Darr

The One who makes harm reach to whoever He willed.
The Distresser , The afflictor, the bringer of Adversity.

90. An-Nafi'

The One who gives benefits to whoever He wills.
The Beneficial Benefactor

91. An-Nur

The One who guides.
The Light

92. Al-Hadi

The One whom with His Guidance His believers were guided, and with His Guidance the living beings have been guided to what is beneficial or them and protected from what is harmful to them.
The Guide

93. Al-Badi'

The One who created the creation and formed it without any preceding example.
The Wonderful, the maker, Incomparable

94. Al-Baqi

The One that the state of non-existence is impossible for Him.
The Enduring, the Everlasting, the eternal

95. Al-Warith

The One whose Existence remains.
The Inheritor, The Heir

96. Ar-Rashid

The One who guides.
The Rightly Guided, The Conscious, the Guide

97. As-Sabur

The One who does not quickly punish the sinners.
The most Patient, the Enduring.

98. Malik Al-Mulk

The One who controls the Dominion and gives dominion to whoever He willed.
The Ruler of the Kingdom, king of the Universe

99. Zul-l-Jalal wal-Ikram

The One who deserves to be Exalted and not denied.
Lord of Majesty and Generosity

Allah: My belief / Alarming News
« on: July 19, 2012, 07:27:59 AM »
Surat Az-Zalzalah

When the earth is shaken with its [final] earthquake
And the earth discharges its burdens
And man says, "What is [wrong] with it?" -
That Day, it will report its news
Because your allah has commanded it.
That Day, the people will depart separated [into categories] to be shown [the result of] their deeds.
So whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it,
And whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it.

Allah: My belief / Allah listens to your call
« on: July 19, 2012, 07:11:07 AM »
And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided.

al Quraan 002.186(Al Baqra)

Namaj/Salat / Namaz of Tarawih
« on: July 19, 2012, 06:55:24 AM »
Tarawih is the twenty Rakat Namaz that is Sunnat-e-Maukida and is prayed in the month of Ramadan after the Farz Namaz of Isha every night.

    Rule: The time of Tarawih is after praying the Farz of Isha until the beginning of the break of dawn [Hidaya]. In Tarawih the Jamaat is Sunnat-e-Kifayaa, meaning if all the people of the Mosque missed it then they would all be responsible for the sin and if one person prayed at home alone then he has not committed a sin [Hidaya, Qazi Khan].
    Rule: It is Mustahhab to delay it until one third of the night has passed and if you wait until half the night has passed then there is no harm [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Bahar-e-Shariat].
    Rule: Just as the Tarawih is Sunnat-e-Maukida for men, in the same way it is Sunnat-e-Maukida for women and they are not allowed to miss it [Qazi Khan].
    Rule: The twenty Rakats of Tarawih are to be prayed in two, two Rakats i.e. performing salaam after every two Rakats and therefore in total ten salaams. After every four Rakats it is Mustahhab to rest for the duration it took to pray the four Rakats, this rest is called Tarwih [Alamgiri, Qazi Khan].
    Rule: After the Tarawih has finished the fifth Tarwih is also Mustahhab. If the fifth Tarwih is a burden on people then do not do it [Alamgiri, etc.].
    Rule: There is flexibility in Tarwih, whether you remain quiet or you can pray some Tasbeeh, Quran, Durood Sharif or Dua and if he wished he can pray Nafl alone, but to do this with Jamaat is Makrooh [Qazi Khan].
    Rule: Those who have not prayed the Farz of Isha cannot pray the Tarawih nor Witr until he prays the Farz.
    Rule: Those who prayed the Farz of Isha alone can pray the Tarawih with Jamaat but he must pray the Witr alone [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar].
    Rule: If you have prayed the Isha Farz with Jamaat and then prayed the Tarawih alone, he can join the Jamaat for Witr [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar].
    Rule: If you have some Rakats of Tarawih left and the Imam has stood up for Witr then it is better to pray the Witr with Jamaat as long as you have prayed Isha Farz with Jamaat and then you can pray the remaining Rakats of Tarawih. It is also allowed to complete your Rakats of Tarawih and then pray Witr alone [Alamgiri, Radd-ul-Mohtar].
    Rule: If people have prayed the Tarawih and now they want to pray it again then they can pray it alone but it is not allowed to pray it with Jamaat again [Alamgiri]. If one Imam prays Tarawih in two mosques and if he prays the full Tarawih in both mosques then this is not allowed. If the Muqtadee prays the Tarawih in full in both mosques [hen there is no problem, however, he is not allowed to pray Witr again if he has already prayed in the first mosque [Alamgiri].
    Rule: It is better to pray the Tarawih with Jamaat in the mosque. If the Tarawih is prayed in a house with Jamaat then you will not get the sin of missing Jamaat as it will still be counted but the reward will be less than praying in the mosque [Alamgiri].
    Rule: The Tarawih prayed behind a child will not count for any adults who prayed behind the child [Hidaya, Durr-e-Mukhtar, Alamgiri].
    Rule: In the whole month of Ramadan to finish the Quran once is Sunnat-e-Maukidah and to finish it twice is virtuous and to finish it three times is a good thing. You should not miss this opportunity just because people are idle [Durr-e-Mukhtar].
    Rule: To give a Hafiz a salary for praying the Tarawih is not allowed and the giver and taker are both sinners. A salary is not just a fixing of the fee such as I will take this much for praying the Tarawih or I will give you so much for praying the Tarawih, but if a Hafiz believes he will pray at a certain place he will get so much then this is also not allowed. If the people say we will not give you anything or the Hafiz says I will not take anything and then the public decide to give the Hafiz a gift or some money as a gesture to thank him for his efforts then there is no problem with this [Bahar-e-Shariat].

Common Forum/Request/Suggestions / Accounts (REQUEST)
« on: June 29, 2012, 05:18:33 PM »
Our mid term exam will start 7 July . But our collection schedule  time was 27-06-2012 . It is far from our mid term exam. If we can't  provide our money at the schedule time we have to pay 100 taka.
From my observation about 70% of our 25th batch students couldn't provide tk. in the schedule time so request of our accountant Sir, please extend our schedule time in the next time. We will be benefited for that.

DIU Students Network (DIUSN) / Give Your Valuable Vote
« on: February 01, 2011, 07:49:40 AM »
You have to prove again. Again give your vote for our varsity. We are now in 52 number position. Your valuable vote can make our varsity in number 1 position. We know it very well, and we also proving it. Please come & give your valuable vote. Please Please Please....

Please go to this link:

Debashish Roy.

BBA Discussion Forum / MOSQUE ON 3rd FLOOR
« on: January 28, 2011, 07:55:52 AM »
We need a mosque on 3rd floor of prince plaza. Though we have a mosque on basement but it has no "OZU KHANA" and this is not suitable place. If we had a mosque on 3rd floor with ozu khana it become so much easy to pray salat on time not only students but also teachers.I would like to inform authority please to take highly step.
                           (If you are a supporter, please comment)

While you are Student / WHAT CAN I DO????
« on: October 30, 2010, 03:52:09 PM »
Today, i had a quiz  exam at 1.30 pm. This was our 2nd quiz. In first quiz i have got few number and so, i wanted to do good result in 2nd quiz.I prepared  me full preparation but what is it !!! when i was giving my quiz exam all thing has forgotten, not only in this exam but also all of the theoretical exam i face in this problem. In this situation WHAT CAN I DO???

Abdullah Al Noman.
Section: A
25th batch.

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