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Messages - Shabrina Akter

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The researchers pointed out that meditation’s impact on sleep most likely has to do with the following:

improves relaxation
affects the autonomic nervous system, which impacts awakening
increases production of the sleep hormone melatonin
increases serotonin, which is released in the body before melatonin and helps regulate sleep-wake cycling
reduces heart rate
decreases blood pressure
affects areas of the brain that control sleep


Psychic Development / How to develop psychic abilities in 4 steps
« on: January 24, 2022, 10:51:53 AM »
1. Be open to tapping into your psychic skills
"The number-one thing that shuts down a person's exploration into their psychic and intuitive abilities is fear," Jackson says. "People get so scared of their natural abilities, but these things aren't scary. They're always there to help lead us on our highest path and be navigational tools for us in life."

The first step for nailing this tip is simply being willing and open to tap into your otherworldly capabilities. Jackson suggests declaring to the universe that you are ready and open to explore these gifts and to not let fear shut it down.

2. Practice reading people's energy
Getting a bad vibe from someone for no concrete reason is your psychic intuition coming through, and reading a person's energy in this way is a skill you can strengthen. Challenge yourself to interpret the energy of new people you meet by looking beyond their appearance or how they speak and instead tuning into their energy for information, Jackson says.

How, you ask? Simply be in their presence and understand your own thoughts about how the way you feel reflects on them. You can do this before even looking at or interacting with the person, Jackson says. For example, if you're in line at the grocery store, tap into the energy of the person behind you and see what comes up. Then, strike up a conversation to see which intuitive nuggets of information you picked up were ultimately correct.

3. Predict how places will look
Feeling and reading energy aren't the only ways to use a psychic sense. You can also practice your psychic seeing, or clairvoyance. To do this, Jackson recommends a remote-viewing exercise: The next time you're set to visit a place you've never visited (like a new restaurant, a friend's house, etc.), close your eyes ahead of the visit and declare that you want to "see" this location. Then draw on a piece of paper whatever comes up. Later compare your drawing to how the place actually looks when you get there. "You're going to find that you [drew] shapes that were there," Jacksons says. "Sometimes it's very specific, like you had the exact window and the plant that is in that exact spot."

4. Get in touch with your spirit guides
We all have spirit guides we can call upon for support. "These advanced soul mentors in the angelic realm help guide us and teach us," Jackson says. "We're also connected to anybody we've lost who has crossed to the other side." One way to connect with your spirit guides is by asking for a very specific sign. For example, if you want confirmation that you're on the right path, you can put that request out into the universe by, say, requesting to see a purple giraffe. It's best to get really specific in your request for a sign so that when you do receive it, there's no denying that it came from your guides.

Source :

1. Create a code
Many professions require us to work to a consistent Code of Practice or Ethical Code and it is common for organisations to identify a set of values to guide how employees work together and engage with customers or society. Strong company values can be really inspiring. For example, clothing company H&M believe in boosting ‘entrepreneurial spirit,’ while Ikea values ‘togetherness and enthusiasm.’ Instead of concentrating on what is prohibited, think about the kind of behaviours you want to promote instead. But remember; one size doesn’t fit all and your code needs to be unique to you.

2. Engage with your employees and customers
Your colleagues are more likely to be invested in any Code of Practice or Ethics Code if they have been involved in developing it. Why not carry out some engagement sessions with your colleagues when creating or updating your policies so everyone can feel a part of the company’s vision and values? This goes for your customers or clients too. Why not ask them how they would like to see you working more ethically? You may find you’re already doing so – you’re just not promoting it widely enough.

3. Reinforce the benefits of the code
Having a strong Code of Practice or Ethical Code is really important. But it needs to be consistent to work well. They need to be something which is achievable, desirable and which complement the kind of business you do. But there’s no point encouraging your workforce to reach tough targets if it involves compromising their integrity in any way.

4. Be a good role model
A survey carried out by the Chartered Management Institute showed that two-thirds of UK managers want to be seen as ethical but over 80 percent of workers don’t think their manager sets a good moral example. Sound ethical behaviour starts at the top with the leaders in your business – whether they are directors, governors, associates or the Chief Executive. You need to lead by example. It can’t be one rule for those in senior positions and another for the rest of your workforce.

5. Train your employees
There’s no point having an ethical code of conduct for your workforce if they don’t know what it is or why it’s important. You need to emphasise what’s at risk and what the potential consequences of breaching it could be. It also needs to be really clear how your colleagues can adhere to the code. It’s wise to include training on your company’s values and ethics in any induction workshops or by holding regular training sessions. These need to include examples and advice about how to uphold the integrity of the firm in certain situations.

6. Promote your ethical behaviour
Having a reputation as an ethical employer or supplier can be a great marketing tool when it comes to being an employer of choice or when trying to attract customers who want to deal with companies who have values they admire. You shouldn’t be shy about promoting how your company behaves in an ethical way. You may for example, help ensure any waste from your business is recycled appropriately. You might source your resources or ingredients from sustainable sources. Or you might have robust HR policies which protect your employees. Use your website, marketing materials, social media and PR to tell people how you’re making a difference.

7. Reward ethical behaviour
Your employees are more likely to act with integrity and value honesty in others if their actions are held in high esteem. A good way of promoting the value of following your company’s Code of Practice or Ethics Code is to reward those who do it well. You could have a monthly governance award, you could send ‘star cards’ to individuals or simply raise the best example of how someone has behaved with integrity at your team meetings.

8. Learn from your mistakes
Unfortunately, the value of ethics is often not realised or understood until something goes wrong, often resulting in reputational damage which can take years to repair and overcome. If something does go wrong, then the only saving grace is that it is an opportunity to change the way you work to prevent it happening again. This is a good time to amend your Code of Practice or Ethics Policy and ensure everyone is on board with any new ways of working.

9. Report unethical behaviour
An honest culture in any organisation will be difficult to manage if your employees don’t have an easy and private way to report any unethical behaviour. While it may feel uncomfortable to think that your employees may become whistle-blowers on their peers, the consequences of unethical behaviour could be more damaging. There should be an easy way for people to report their concerns, in confidence, without the fear of retaliation. You should also ensure there are people within your workforce who are trained to investigate any complaints.

10. Move with the times
Our customers, clients and society as a whole will often guide how we run our businesses. They tell us what they want; whether it’s more ethically sourced produce, fairer wages for suppliers across the globe or more environmentally friendly policies. There will also be shifting themes which organisations concentrate on when it comes to improving their ethical standards - from environmentalism, working with sustainable resources, corporate social responsibility to battling cybercrimes and protecting privacy in the digital world we live in now. Your ethics policies or Code of Conduct needs to reflect the ever-changing world we live in. It should feel inspiring, rather than a hindrance, because ultimately it’s about making your workplace and brand better.


Here are 7 things that I’ve found make a difference in my life by using a personal management system:

I don’t have to think about what I’m supposed to do, it’s written down.  For me this is a big one.  If I don’t write it down, I spend lots of time and energy trying to remember what I’m supposed to do and whether I’ve let things fall through the cracks.

Having a management system allows me a method to review what I’m supposed to do.  Every Sunday I spend 45 minutes looking over my life, making decisions about what the next steps need to be to accomplish outcomes I’m interested in.

A personal management system allows me to evaluate whether something is important or not.  Too often I spend time chasing my tail.  Unfortunately when I do this, it’s often chasing my tail around things that are urgent or appear to be urgent but aren’t very important.  I bet you’ve spent time doing this also.

A personal management system allows me to focus on important, but not urgent projects.  Value for me and I bet for you is created when we work on things that are important, but don’t have to be done today.  When I spend my time focusing on these types of projects I’m happier and feel like I’m doing useful things.

I’m able to keep track of my commitments to others.  Before I started using a personal management system I would often drop the ball on commitments I made to others.  Now this rarely, if ever, happens.  When I make a commitment to someone I enter it in my personal management system and it becomes part of my weekly review process.

It allows me to communicate when I’m behind.  I don’t know about you but occasionally I’ll find I’m running behind.  A personal management system puts this fact right in front of my nose every week.  It also reminds me that if this project involves someone else I need to contact them and give them an update on what’s going on.  This is not only important when working with clients but everyone else in my life as well.

I get to decide consciously what I’m going to drop.  Sometimes I find that I just have too many things on my plate.  Some of them either have to go in the someday file or sometimes I just decide the project is not adding value to my life.  With a weekly review it becomes pretty obvious when a project falls in this category.  If I look at the project for several months and take no action, I know I need to move it out of my active list and either trash it or put it on ice.


Psychological Support / Re: Lifestyle That Boost Your Mental Well-being
« on: August 05, 2021, 01:24:40 PM »
Helpful post.

Peace of Mind / 5 Simple Ways to Increase Your Peace of Mind
« on: December 21, 2020, 01:42:31 PM »
1. Do your most daunting task first thing in the morning

It's tempting to start your day with easy tasks. Don't. Pushing a daunting task back is like holding a glass of water in an outstretched arm.At first nothing happens, but if you do it for hours or even days, you will soon feel the stress.
Do the most annoying task first thing in the morning, and enjoy increased productivity and peace of mind for the rest of the day.

2. Let go of things you don't control

You make plans to go outside with friends. But at the last minute, it starts raining. What's your reaction?Some people upset and angry, and find the nearest person and start complaining to them. “It's not FAIR that it's raining. This _always_ happens to me!…”
That's not going to accomplish anything – the rain won't stop just because you throw a tantrum. *The rain doesn't care. So make the best of the situation.

3. Don't worry about what others are thinking
I used to be very self-conscious about my dancing.I would rarely go out with my friends, and even if I did, I wouldn't dance, instead just standing awkwardly by the side, because I was worried of what others would think.Then, one day in high school, I decided that enough was enough. So the next time I went out with my friends, I just went to the dance floor, and danced like nobody was watching. And the funny thing was – nobody cared. In fact, people only liked me MORE, because I was having fun.Don't worry about what others are thinking of you – most likely they're too busy wondering what others are thinking of them.

4. List 3 things you love about your situation right now

I first shared this technique with the Positivity Blog readers in my post The Plague of Happiness Ever After (it's got a dragon and everything in it, read it!)Just list 3 simple things about any part of your life that you love. Like “3 simple things I love about the room I'm in right now”, or “3 simple things I love about this week”, or anything else. This is a great technique if you're ever bored while stuck in traffic, or waiting in the grocery store checkout lane. You can immediately transform boredom into happiness and peace of mind!

5. Walk to a window, look outside, and take a single deep breath

I got this technique from the Zen master Mary Jaksch.Just walk to a window, look outside, and then take a single deep breath, focusing only on that breath and nothing else in the whole world. This technique sounds extremely simple, but you won't believe how much it can instantaneously increase your peace of mind. And because this is the last tip, you can try it immediately when you finish reading this blog post. Just walk to a window, look outside, and take a single deep breath, focusing on the air going in and out of your lungs, and nothing else.


1. Show your Passion and Connect with your Audience.

2. Focus on your Audience's Needs.

3.Keep it Simple: Concentrate on your Core Message.

4. Smile and Make Eye Contact with your Audience.

5. Start Strongly.

7. Remember the 10-20-30 Rule for Slideshows.

8. Tell Stories.


Common Forum / 7 Qualities Of A Good Presentation
« on: August 25, 2020, 11:20:34 AM »
1. Confidence. I know this seem fairly impossible at the moment but going into a presentation with confidence really helps to sell it to your audience.

2. Passion. Keeping a captive audience is not an ease task, especially within the business world.

3. Knowledge.

4. Naturalness.

5. Organization.

6. Time-sensitive.

7. Clarity.

Source :

Self Esteem and You / Ten Characteristics of High Self-Esteem
« on: July 18, 2020, 09:18:55 PM »

1. Leaders with a Clear Vision: People with high self-esteem are leaders. They create their own path in life. They make their own choices and trust their judgment. If someone doesn’t agree with what they want to achieve in life, they don’t feel guilty. They refuse to follow and enjoy carving out their own path in the world.

2. Guided by Strong Principles: People with high self-esteem are guided by a set of strong principles and values. Some of these values might be honesty, trust, integrity, openness, transparency, or giving value to others. These principles and values provide a roadmap for their life. They believe and act on those principles and values, and they are ready to defend them.

3. Goal-Oriented : People with characteristics of high self-esteem set and achieve short-term and long-term goals. Their goals are aligned with their principles and values. If you are not already doing this, then read my article on how to effectively set and achieve goals.

When they set goals, people with high self-esteem aim high but stay realistic. If you set goals that are not achievable and too challenging, you will not achieve them. And if you do this repeatedly, it will take a knock on your self-esteem. Make sure that the goals you set are realistic but also aim high.

4. Believe in Themselves : People with characteristics of high self-esteem see themselves as valuable, self-worthy and know that other people will enjoy spending time with them. They believe that they are equal to others, even if their financial and personal success is lower or higher than other people. They focus on their strengths and don’t compare themselves to others.

5. Problem-Solvers : People with characteristics of high self-esteem know that obstacles are a necessary part of the road to success. They deal with obstacles by focusing on them as little as possible, but just enough to resolve them.  Their main focus is still on the goal, the vision and their guiding principles and values.

6. Take Care of Themselves: People with characteristics of high self-esteem know how to take care of themselves – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. They are very resilient, emotionally strong, and able to recognize the role of negative emotions. They are not afraid of anger, guilt, or fear. Instead they look into the reasons behind these emotions and then address them.

7. Great with People: Among other characteristics, people with high self-esteem don’t try to please everyone and they avoid gossip.

They can also separate emotion from a message. When someone’s angry with them or upset, they can insulate themselves from the emotion and focus on the message that this person is trying to communicate.

They’re also sensitive to other people’s feelings and their needs. They are fine with accepting and indulging compliments. When they are struggling with something, they are not afraid to ask for help.

8. Transparent: High self-esteem people are open, honest, and transparent. They speak the truth and embrace honesty with no fear of rejection or any intention to harm another person.

If they do something wrong, they are happy to be responsible, take any blame, and own up to their failings. They are accountable for what they say and what they do.

9. Flexible: People with characteristics of high self-esteem are comfortable with change and know when it’s time to try a different approach. They’re not set in their ways, and they can adapt to new technology and new ways of doing things.

10. Live in the Present : They know that the past is the past and that they can’t change it. They have a positive view of the future and the confidence in making that future happen. They don’t worry about the future, and they avoid negative “what if” questions. If they notice them, they come up with a strategy and a plan to address and resolve them.

They understand the difference between the past and the present. Their motto would be “My past doesn’t equal the future”. They won’t think their future depends on their past and see the future as something that they can change and influence right now.

Source :

Health & Medication / Coronavirus Symptoms
« on: June 07, 2020, 11:00:07 PM »
Most common symptoms:
•   fever
•   dry cough
•   tiredness
•   Less common symptoms:
•   aches and pains
•   sore throat
•   diarrhoea
•   conjunctivitis
•   headache
•   loss of taste or smell
•   a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes
Serious symptoms:

•   difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
•   chest pain or pressure
•   loss of speech or movement
Seek immediate medical attention if you have serious symptoms. Always call before visiting your doctor or health facility.
People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy should manage their symptoms at home.
On average it takes 5–6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however it can take up to 14 days.

Source :

Common Forum / Make hand sanitizer in just two minutes
« on: April 25, 2020, 12:32:25 AM »
The deadly coronavirus spread about 192 countries all over the world, including Bangladesh. As there is no vaccine for the deadly virus the only way to you free from the virus to wash your hands with sanitizer or soap.  Those who are not able to bug sanitizers from the shop can make very easily at home at a low cost.

Let's know how to make hand sanitizer at home-

Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel 1 tablespoon, pure water, Tea Tree Oil 2 drops, hexol.

How to make: Mix all the ingredients together in a 7: 2: 1 ratio. Then store it in an empty liquid soap or hand sanitizer bottle.


Self Improvement / 8 of the Best Secrets to Self-Improvement
« on: March 21, 2020, 05:34:56 PM »
1. Start Your Day Off Right:
One of the best ways to kick off your day is by waking up earlier. By doing so, you'll be able to be more productive throughout the day because it gives you a chance to eat a healthy breakfast, exercise, relax, plan your day or catch-up on emails. All of these components not only make you more productive, it will also assist you in concentration, handling problems, enduring physical activities, making you more optimistic, and improve your overall health.

2. Be Kind and Generous
Whether it's helping an employee on a project, holding the door for an elderly neighbor, or volunteering or donating to a non-profit, being generous is a rewarding experience that can help make you a better individual.

Even showing your kindness and generosity by doing something as simple as smiling can improve your mood, reduce stress, make your more approachable, and put others around you in a better mood.

3. Accept Who You Are
Most guys would love to be Tom Brady. After all, he has a couple of Super Bowl rings and is married to a supermodel. The thing is, we're not Tom Brady. Instead of trying to be someone you are not, focus on accepting who you are. While Tom Brady may seemingly have it all, there are skills and talents you possess that he never will.

4. Learn Something New
Whether it's learning a new language, how to code, preparing Thanksgiving dinner, or playing a new sport, learning a new skill or talent is one of the most effective ways to improve yourself. It not only opens your mind, it makes you more well-rounded, increases your memory, and helps you get out of that dreaded comfort-zone. And, with podcasts, instructional apps, and free education classes, learning something new has never been more convenient.

5. Be Afraid
We're all afraid of something. It could be being terrified of public speaking, experiencing startup failure, or screaming every time you come across a spider. Fear, however, can prevent you from growing and bettering yourself. Addressing your fear and facing it head-on is one the most powerful ways that you can improve your life because it can keep you from fulfilling your dreams.

6. Replace Bad Habits
We also have bad habits - like smoking, eating fast food, oversleeping, or always getting trapped in toxic relationships - and quitting them can be a challenge. Continuing these bad habits though won't assist you in self-improvement because most of the time they hold you back from doing the things that you always wanted to - try hiking if you're a smoker - and can be detrimental to your health.

Instead of filling your life up with these bad habits, replace them with new and positive habits - such as going to the gym or trying out new restaurants. Not only will you be healthier and happier, you will get a chance to enjoy the life experiences you've been missing out on.

7. Believe in Yourself
This isn't as hokey as you may think. Believing in yourself really starts with setting achievable and attainable. While we all would love to be the next Steve Jobs or Oprah Winfrey, the chances are that you will never reach that goal. And when that happens, we give up and stay in the same place that we are. But when you believe in yourself, you're increasing the chances of making yourself happier and more content.

To set realistic goals, write down the things that you want to change. Make sure that it's positive and as specific as possible. For example, instead of saying that you want to be less stressed at work, your goal could be to walk 15 minutes at lunch.

8. Take a Break
How do you expect to be successful, productive, and happy in life if you're always running on empty? You need to give yourself a break occasionally to enjoy your life. It could be taking the kids to the beach, going out to dinner with friends, or traveling to a new and exciting part of the world. Whatever you decide, getting away from the daily grind gives you the opportunity to recharge the batteries and discover new interests.


Faculty Sections / Re: Top ten habits to have in life
« on: December 12, 2019, 12:43:04 PM »
Motivational post...

1. Ask Basic Questions: It’s tempting to imagine that good critical thinkers ask erudite, convoluted questions when they’re trying to solve a problem. However, the truth is actually the opposite. The better you are at critical thinking, the more fundamental and clear your questions become. To enhance your questioning when problem-solving (and thereby improve your critical thinking abilities), make sure you break questions down.

Suppose you encounter a new problem, in work or life, and aren’t sure what to do. Start by asking the following:

What information about this problem do you already have?
How do you know the above information?
What is your goal and what are you trying to discover, prove, disprove, support or criticize?
What might you be overlooking?
These types of questions encourage you to get right to the heart of a problem, interrogating it for simple solutions before assuming complexity.

If it helps, try writing down the answers to the above four questions when faced with a problem, to help yourself remember your process as you go through it. You can use the same strategy to try and coax someone else through a problem when they bring it to you.

Once again, this shows how critical thinking is important from an interpersonal perspective, not just a cognitive perspective.

2. Be Aware Of Your Mental Process: People who assume they’re good critical thinkers often turn their analytical abilities outwards, arrogantly critiquing other people. However, being a genuinely skilled thinker involves a lot more self-reflection.
In particular, you want to keep an eye on your own mental process; where it started, what it looks like, and where it’s going. Our brains are incredibly impressive and can sort through information at an amazing rate, but this lightning-fast work can encourage us to ignore important factors.

3. Adjust Your Perspective: As noted above, being more mindful of your own biases is a great help in critical thinking. However, it’s only step one in a gradual perspective shift.

One useful thing you can do is read the literature on biases and how they operate. For example, in the field of “CV studies”, researchers show how identical CVs can receive different evaluations depending on whether the name placed on the top sounds male or female, foreign or familiar, and so on.

Meanwhile, there are is all sorts of interesting work on how situational factors influence our seemingly staple character traits. For example, we make different decisions depending on things like hunger, the color of a room, whether we had to climb a flight of stairs, and so on.

4. Think In Reverse: Thinking in reverse is another fascinating and effective technique, especially when you’re stuck trying to puzzle through a difficult problem.

Thinking in reverse won’t always get you an immediate solution to a problem. However, it jolts you out of perceiving the problem in the same old way, which is often all you need to get onto the road to success. Further, flipping the assumed direction of causation is a particularly useful trick in relationships, one that discourages blame

5. Develop Foresight: While one of us are likely to become psychic anytime soon, we can get a lot better at predicting the impact of the choices we make (and the things we say). Consider that good foresight is an asset no matter what you’re trying to achieve. Whether you’re at a job interview, trying to market a business or attempting to date, you’ll be better able to make the right decisions if you can already see the consequences further down the line.

How do you develop your capacity for foresight, thereby improving your critical thinking more broadly? Make sure you take the time to look at all angles of a potential decision.


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