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Topics - faizun

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Public Health / Long-term complications of standing
« on: September 18, 2012, 02:07:25 PM »
The long-term complications of standing are the conditions that may arise after prolonged time in standing position. To maintain health while standing, one should maintain Neutral Spine.



In contrast to proper posture or "Neutral Spine," "slouching" refers to improper posture or "non-neutral spine."

While a shift of weight from one foot to another to alleviate the strain of long-term standing poses no harm, a slouching posture is able to optimally distribute weight across the body framework. Since it is a posture of unconstant, static strain on the muscles involved it causes increased alertness. Secondarily, it can also cause varicose veins.

2.Varicose veins

Varicose veins are veins that have become enlarged and twisted.

Just as with orthostatic hypotension, gravity pulls the blood downwards to the lower part of the body. Body mechanisms, such as vasoconstriction and valves of the veins, on the other hand, assist in forcing blood upwards. However, the valves of the veins work best in concert with accompanying muscle contractions. Standing with some muscles constantly strained, on the other hand, such as in slouching, creates no support for the system carrying blood upwards. As a result, the veins in the legs might become distended, making the valves unable to close properly, causing further distension and thus varicose veins.

3.Joint compression

Standing results in a state where there is pressure on e.g. the synovial joints, e.g. the knee, but without any significant movement of it. Therefore, the bones squeeze the synovial fluid to the sides, in contrast to the case in dynamic pressure, which permits the fluid to circulate. Thus, long-term standing reduces the normal lubrication and cushioning of synovial joints, causing tearing of them.

4.Postural muscle fatigue

The muscles need rest between periods of strain. Constant standing never gives them this opportunity. Eventually they’ll become exhausted, which can be felt as pain.

Risk factors

Pregnancy is a risk factor, both for the mother and the child. Walking or standing more than six hours per day has been linked with pre-term births, low birth weights as well as high blood pressure for the mother.

Further complications

Suffering people may be less alert in their tasks, resulting, e.g., in incidents at work.


A well-designed and ergonomic workplace helps, such as by allowing workers to sit when necessary.


Environmental Science and Disaster Management / Human made Air pollution
« on: September 17, 2012, 03:49:01 PM »
The primary cause for the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide is fossil fuels, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This trend coincides with the increase in industrial activity since the Industrial Revolution. The report further goes on to attribute the increases of atmospheric methane and nitrous oxide to agriculture. Both of these contributions also correspond with an increase in the human population during this same time period.


Ironically, we are affected by the man-made air pollution we cause. Ground-level ozone is caused by a concentration of greenhouse gases at the earth's surface. If you breathe ozone, you are likely to suffer throat and lung irritation. If you have asthma, you may find your attacks come more frequent and more intense. A 2002 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found a direct link between long-term exposure to air pollution and lung cancer and other respiratory conditions.

Environmental Effects

The effects of human-caused air pollution are not limited to people. Acid rain, for example, is formed when emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxide combine with moisture in the air to create acidic precipitation. This acid rain can acidify lakes and soils. It can also cause structural damage to buildings and monuments, especially those made of limestone or marble. Many of the historic structures in Washington D.C. are vulnerable to the destructive action of acid rain, with the U.S. Capitol Building itself showing signs of damage.


Just as people have caused an increase in air pollution, so too can they mitigate its effects. Sulfur dioxide emissions, for example, have been significantly reduced in part due to revisions of the Clean Air Act of 1971. Installation of scrubbers on smokestacks has contributed to a more than 70 percent reduction in sulfur dioxide emissions during 1980 to 2008. Perhaps similar provisions can reduce other greenhouse gases and reduce the environmental impact of air pollution.

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Guidance for Job Market / Prepare for a mock interview
« on: September 17, 2012, 10:50:46 AM »
Prepare for a Mock Interview:

Be sure to take your mock interview as seriously as you would an actual interview. Get ready for the interview just as you would for an interview with a hiring manager:

    * Arrive 10-15 minutes early, and bring your resume and any other materials you would bring to a real interview.
    * Bring a notebook to take notes on what your mock interviewer tells you.
    * Dress in professional interview attire.

Guidance for Job Market / Improving Interview Technique
« on: September 17, 2012, 10:40:54 AM »
A job interview gives you a chance to shine. What you say and what you do is going to either move you to the next round of consideration for employment or knock you out of contention. It doesn't take much to make an impression - good or bad. If you haven't taken time to dress appropriately or if you say the "wrong" thing, it will be over.

Take the time to prepare your interview technique including knowing what's on your resume, being able to present why you are qualified for the job, why you are interested in the company, and practicing staying calm and focused. It's important to remember that the image the interviewer has of you when he first meets you is the one that is going to last.

Common Forum/Request/Suggestions / Students motivation
« on: September 16, 2012, 05:07:49 PM »
Ours' is a digital university. We are trying to take the best advantage of this to make ourselves the best one. Our new students should be informed about the IT facilities those DIU arranges for them to keep themselves updated. Without their proper use of DIU IT facilities we can not be able to be the best.
So I think some effective steps should be taken centrally so that students can know and can use our IT facilities.

Brand Image of DIU / Position of DIU
« on: September 16, 2012, 03:20:17 PM »
Current position of DIU:
    * DIU is the 1st ranked university in Bangladesh
["Ranking Web by Country: Top Colleges and Best Universities of Bangladesh". Retrieved 2012-07-03

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    * DIU is the 1st ranked among 56 private Universities
["Ranking Web by Country: Top Colleges and Best Universities of Bangladesh". Retrieved 2012-07-03

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    * Ranking of Private Universities, Published by Swedish National Agency for Higher Education
["Inloggning - Högskoleverket". 2012-03-02. Retrieved 2012-07-0

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    * DIU- become one of the top ranking university based on web popularity
["Top Colleges & Universities in Bangladesh | 2012 University Web Rankings". Retrieved 2012-07-03

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We all hope to make these positions safe by our dedication and hard work.

Science Discussion Forum / Fun Facts
« on: May 26, 2012, 02:37:22 PM »
1.Sir Isaac Newton, hmm . . . I've heard of him. Oh yeah, he's that guy who ___.

    Came up with the Universal Law of Gravitation. Newton was born on Christmas Day.

2.Now it gets a bit tougher. When dealing with magnetic fields, what does the A stand for in the equation { Torque = NIAB sin 90 }.

    Area. N = number of turns, I = current, B = Magnitude of the magnetic field.

3.Who won a Nobel Prize in 1918 for his work in quantum physics?

    Max Planck. Einstein won the nobel prize in 1921 for his theory of the Photoeletric Effect.

4.In what way is force directly related to potential energy?

    The derivative of potential energy is force. Potential energy is also equal to mgh.

5.In an RLC circuit, what does the L stand for?

    An inductor. The RLC circut is used with AC (alternating current) electricity.

6.The speed of light is approximately 300,000,000 m/s. Approximately how long does it take for light to travel from the Sun to the Earth?

    8 minutes. The light takes about 8.5 minutes to get to Earth, and about 5.4 hours to get to Pluto.

7.Using the following prefixes, which is the correct order, smallest to largest?

    Zepto, Femto, Peta, Yotta. Zepto = 10^-21, Femto = 10^-15, Peta = 10^15, Yotta = 10^24

Internal energy (E) is equal to the difference of the heat transfer (Q) into a system and the work (W) done by the system. This is the first law of ____ .

    8.Thermodynamics. There is also a zeroth law of Thermodynamics. I wonder which came first?

9.What is the British name for a unit of mass?

    Slug. Rarely used but a Slug is the English unit of mass. The English unit of weight is pounds.

10.Which physicist stated the following: "My goal is simple, it is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all".

    Stephen Hawking. He is working on the grand unification theory (the scientific explanation of everything).

Hadith / Be Blessed
« on: May 26, 2012, 11:55:54 AM »
The month of Rajab has just Started. The Holy Prophet (SAW) said "Whoever is the First to give another person the news of this month, hell fire is haram for him/her". I hope I was the first to give you the news and pray you be the same.

Use of Forum / Forum for new students
« on: May 21, 2012, 05:51:51 PM »
A new semester has begun. A lot of new students are now became DIU member. As they are new I think we should tell them about the DIU forum, the importance of their versity email ID and the use of learning feedback system.

I think their orientation day will be the best day for giving them a brief on these issues. I hope authority will take initiative to help the new comers to get themselves familiar with the web facilities we have and make them feel proud to be the students of this University.

It will be best if course teachers give them brief and encourage them to use DIU website. Its our duty to make them fit for future.

Present yourself / Developing personality
« on: April 18, 2012, 01:17:02 PM »
The "personality" is the typical pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaviors that make a person unique.

When we say that someone has a "good personality" we mean that they are likeable, interesting and pleasant to be with.

Everyone wants to be attractive to others.  To that end, having a good personality is vital - probably even more so than good looks. In fact, approximately 85 percent of your success and happiness will be a result of how well you interact with others. Ultimately, it is your personality that determines whether people are attracted to, or shy away from you.

While we can only enhance our looks to a certain extent, we have the ability to improve the personality as much as we want. We can develop or integrate any trait we deem fitting and agreeable.

Here are some ways we can accomplish this:

    1.Be a better listener.

    Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was considered one of the most charming women in the world because she cultivated the skill of being an exceptional listener. She was known for the way she would look a person in the eyes,  hang on their every word, and make them feel important. There is nothing more appealing than having someone listen to you intently making you feel like you're the only person in the world.

  2. Read more and expand your interests.
    The more you read and cultivate new interests, the more interesting you are to others. When you meet new people it gives you the opportunity to share what you know and to exchange your views with them.

   3. Be a good conversationalist.good conversationalist
    This relates to how much you read and know. Once you have much to contribute, learn how to talk about it with others. No one can read about or know everything, so it's refreshing to learn from others those things we don't have the time to about read ourselves. If you happen to be shy, join a group like Toastmasters that encourages you to talk about what you know.

   Enjoy the article on The Art of Conversation!

    4. Have an Opinion.
    There is nothing more tiresome than trying to talk to someone who has no opinion on anything. A conversation has nowhere to go if you have nothing to expound on. If, however, you have an uncommon point of view or differing opinion, you are more interesting and stimulating to be with socially (unless you're a know-it-all, of course).  A unique outlook expands everyone's perspective.

   5. Meet New People.
    Make the effort to meet new people especially those unlike you. It not only exposes you to different cultures and alternative ways of doing things, it broadens your horizons.

    6. Be yourself.
    The next most tiresome thing after having no opinions is trying to be something you're not. Molding yourself in order to fit in, or be accepted, usually backfires. Since each of us is unique, expressing that uniqueness is what makes us interesting. Attempting to be a carbon copy of someone else not only falls flat, but reveals a lack of authenticity.

    7. Have a positive outlook and attitude.
    Who wants to be around people who are negative, complain a lot, or have nothing good to say? In fact, most of us run when we see them coming. Instead, be the kind of upbeat person who lights up a room with your energy when you enter it. Do it by looking for the best in people and things. Smile warmly, spread good cheer, and enliven others with your presence.

    8. See: How to Think Positively
    Be fun and see the humorous side of life.humor
    Everyone enjoys the company of someone who makes them laugh, or smile, so look for the humorous, quirky side in a situation - there always is one. Comic relief is a much welcome and needed diversion at times. When you can add fun and lightheartedness to an otherwise dull or gloomy setting, others will naturally be attracted to you, not to mention grateful.

    9. Be supportive of others.
    Being supportive is probably the most endearing quality you can integrate into your personality. Just as you yourself welcome it, be the support for others when they need it. We all love a cheerleader in our corner; someone who is encouraging, believes in us and helps pick us up when we're down.

    10. Have Integrity and treat people with respect.
    Being honest and true to your word will bring you the admiration, respect and gratitude of others. Nothing improves a person's personality more than integrity and respect - respect for others, as well as respect for yourself.

We humans have the power and ability to shape our personalities however we wish. When we develop ourselves to be all that we can be, we contribute to our own, as well as the happiness of others.

Common Forum / How we became the best university
« on: April 18, 2012, 01:05:16 PM »
According The Following Criteria Daffodil International University Ranked in 1st Position Among The 53 Private Universities in Bangladesh.

(1) Universities activities concentrated to students proper education parallel to international standardize.
(2) Number of PHD holders Teachers
(3) Achievement of global and local endowed activities
(4) After graduation students enrollment rate to multinational or brand corporate or high Entrepreneurship.
(5) Comparable less education cost
(6) Number of universities collaborated with in abroad
(7) Number of Scholarship facilities
(8) Number of Graduate Scholars output
(9) well equipped modern infrastructure facilities campus, faculty, lab, classroom etc.
(10)Governing Bodies around with number of Erudite personalities.
(11) Research, Publications, Journals in domestic or foreign sectors.

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Use of Forum / DIU Forum day
« on: April 17, 2012, 05:44:32 PM »
I am feeling so proud and excited to be a member of DIU forum this is not only for the reason that I have won the certificate for good post in forum but also for the reason that I have some contribution to make the image of this university remarkable in the world.

In fact I did not know that our university image is so graceful among all the universities until I have attended the program arranged for the forum day'12. And forum has the 57 percent contribution of all the sectors of the university to achieve these positions.

Feeling really happy to be a part of these achievements. We all should try to keep it up.

Career Planning / Things to avoid in an interview
« on: April 16, 2012, 02:57:57 PM »
Most people preparing for an interview will want to know the best ways of influencing the interviewer in their favor - what to wear, what to say and how to compose themselves. However, perhaps even more important than this is being aware of all those things you shouldn't do!

Employers will have a long list of interview "no no's" and will be looking out for these when they meet you. To ensure that you are absolutely certain of all those things you should avoid saying or doing during your interview and to maximize your chance of success, follow these handy tips:

Never turn up unprepared

If you have not done your research or not read the job description properly, your interviewer will be able to tell. Don't be tempted to 'blag' an interview, despite how much you think you already know about the company or the job role.

Never wear inappropriate or 'messy' clothing
First impressions count! Regardless of what you may wear outside of work, or how casually you usually like to dress, remember you are going to an interview and need to impress. Clean, ironed and professional looking clothing is the best way to go.

Don't sit in silence after an interviewer asks you a question
Your interviewer will expect you to elaborate on the answers you give them, so avoid the one word answers.

Don't babble
In direct contrast to the point above, a candidate who talks too much and is over-enthusiastic may irritate an interviewer. This may give the impression that you are difficult to control and find it hard to listen or keep on track.

Avoid bad-mouthing past colleagues

During an interview do not be tempted to complain about a previous colleague or manager. If you left your old job due to a conflict with a former boss, even if this was not down to you - an interview is not the time to bring this up! This could imply that you have difficulty getting on with people, which is not the impression you want to give to a prospective employer.

Don't lie!
Not only will your body language give you away, but also lying during an interview can be held against you later on, even if you get offered the job. Lying on your CV or application form can also be used as grounds for dismissal, particularly if the lie is about your qualifications or criminal record.

Don't forget to turn off your mobile phone
A phone ringing or bleeping during a job interview is highly unprofessional and will most certainly be frowned upon by your interviewer.

Don't use foul language
Swearing during an interview is a big "no no" - it will show you up as rude and disrespectful.

Avoid telling jokes
You may think that you have a great sense of humor and would like to share that with your interviewer, but be aware that what you may find funny, other people may not!

Don't give away too much about your personal life
It's important to remember that a prospective employer is looking for things that show them you are the right person for the job. They don't want to know about your drinking habits or relationship issues, so keep away from these topics and focus on the skills that will secure you the job.

Avoid fidgeting or biting nails
Playing with your hair, fiddling with pens or tapping your fingers are all signs of nervousness and will also end up making your interviewers feel uncomfortable too. Instead, sit straight, keep your hands below your elbows and rest them somewhere comfortable so that all that your interviewer is paying attention to is what you are saying.

Avoid eating anything smelly right before your interview
Strong odors take a while to disappear, so before your interview try not to eat anything that has a tendency to linger, such as garlic or onion. Both you and your interviewer will be able to notice it, which could be an embarrassing distraction!

Don't argue with your interviewer(s)
Causing a confrontation during your interview is not a good idea! Even if you don't agree with something that has been said - hold your tongue. Nobody is going to want to hire somebody who is aggressive or argumentative, as this doesn't bode well for any future interactions with their team.

Avoid bringing up 'money' and 'benefits'
Employers want to know that you are applying for a job because you have many things to offer them. They do not want to hear that your sole motivations revolve around salary and holiday time. 

Don't be late!
If you can't be on time for an interview, it is highly unlikely that an interviewer will believe you can be on time for the job itself! No matter how well your interview goes after you arrive, you will always be the candidate who 'got there late'. So if the train breaks down before you get there or you get stuck in traffic - remember to call ahead in plenty of time.

The above list is by no means exhaustive and the likelihood of coming unstuck due to all of these 'things to avoid' during an interview, can be minimized through proper preparation and a little common sense!

Faizun Nesa
Lecturer of CSE, FSIT.

Hadith / amazing
« on: April 05, 2012, 03:34:51 PM »
The following link will show a clip of a brother who is mentally challenged and is even not able to put his shirt back if he takes it off, but look and listen how he is able to continue any words that he hears from the Qur’aan!

They ask him about the name of the surah and number of the surah and how many of this statement is mentioned in the Qur’aan, and they gave him among the hardest verses to recall and remember since there are several ones in the Qur’aan and one might get confused between them.

It is amazing how he is not able to answer the questions he is asked properly but the minute he hears a verse or a part of a verse as if you hit the play button in his mind and he starts reciting.

Indeed a soldier that Allaah subhaanahu wa ta3alaa sent to the people to prove to them that these are HIS words and not any humans.

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