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Topics - shahanasumi35

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ক্লিন প্রযুক্তি কার্বন নির্গমন কমাবে ২২ শতাংশ

আবাসন খাতে সব প্রচলিত বাতির পরিবর্তে ফ্লুরোসেন্ট বাতি ব্যবহার করলে ২০২০ সালের মধ্যে ৪৭ লাখ  টন গ্রীন হাউস গ্যাস নির্গমন কমানো সম্ভব হবে। এতে প্রতি টন কার্বন নির্গমন হ্রাসবাবদ খরচ কমবে ১০ ডলার । এশিয়ান উন্নয়ন ব্যাংকের (এডিবি) সমীক্ষা থেকে এ তথ্য জানা গেছে।
সমীক্ষায় জানানো হয় ক্লিন প্রযুক্তি ব্যবহারের মাধ্যমে বাংলাদেশ ২০২০ সালের মধ্যে ২২ শতাংশ গ্রীনহাউস গ্যাস নির্গমন হ্রাস করতে সক্ষম হবে।
এডিবির  ওই সমীক্ষায় আরও জানানো হয়, ২০৫০ সালের মধ্যে বাংলাদেশের সমুদ্র পৃষ্ঠের উচ্চতা ৪৫ সেন্টিমিটার বেড়ে যাবে। এর ফলে তিন কোটি ৫০ লাখ মানুষের আবাস  ভূমির  ১০ থেকে ১৫ শতাংশ তলিয়ে যাবে।
এদিকে, দক্ষিণ এশিয়ার ‘দ্যা ইকনমিকস অব রিডিউসিং গ্রীনহাউস গ্যাস ইমিশন’ এর তথ্যমতে, প্রতি বছর  গ্রীনহাউস গ্যাস নির্গমনের পরিমাণ ৫ দশমিক ৮ শতাংশ হারে বাড়ছে। ফলে ২০৩০ সালে গ্রীনহাউস গ্যাস নি:সরণের পরিমাণ ১৬ কোটি ৮৩ লাখ টনে পৌঁছুবে।  ২০০৫ সালে এর পরিমাণ ছিল ৪ কোটি ১৩ লাখ টন।
এছাড়া ওই প্রতিবেদনে জ্বালানি খাতে প্রত্যক্ষ ও পরোক্ষ ভতুর্কি প্রত্যাহার করে পরিকল্পনার মাধ্যমে আন্তর্জাতিক জ্বালানি বাজার এবং সবুজ উন্নয়নকে তরান্বিত করারও আহ্বান জানানো হয়।
দক্ষিণ এশিয়ার বাংলাদেশ, ভুটান, মালদ্বীপ, নেপাল এবং শ্রীলংকায় পরিচালিত গবেষণায় ২০০৫ সালের তুলনায় ২০৩০ সালে জ্বালানি খাতে ৩ দশমিক ২ গুন গ্রীনহাউস গ্যাস নির্গমন হবে বলে উল্লেখ করা হয়।

অবসর গ্রহণ স্বাস্থ্যের জন্য ক্ষতিকর!!!!

অবসর গ্রহণ সাময়িক সময়ের জন্য ভাল হলেও দীর্ঘ সময়ের জন্য তা স্বাস্থ্যের জন্য মারাত্নক ক্ষতিকর। নতুন এক জরিপে এমন তথ্যই প্রমাণ হয়েছে।
ইন্সটিটিউট অব ইকোনোমিক অ্যাফেয়ার্সের (আইইএ)  গবেষণায় প্রমাণিত হয়েছে, অবসর গ্রহণের কারণে  মধ্যবর্তী ও দীর্ঘ সময়ের জন্য স্বাস্থ্যের ব্যাপক হানি ঘটে।

ওই গবেষণায় বলা হয়, অর্থনৈতিক চাহিদার মতোই স্বাস্থ্য ভাল রাখতে মানুষের দীর্ঘ সময় কাজ করা উচিত।

জনগণকে দীর্ঘ সময় কাজের অনুমতি দিয়ে সরকারের শ্রম বাজারে পরিবর্তন আনা উচিত বলে মন্তব্য করেছেন আইইএ প্রোগ্রাম পরিচালক ফিলিপ বুথ।

তিনি বলেন, দীর্ঘ সময় কাজ শুধু অর্থনৈতিক কারণে নয়। এর কারণে মানুষের স্বাস্থ্যও ভাল থাকে। 

দাতব্য সংস্থা এজ এনডেভার ফেলোশিপের (এইএফ) চেয়ারম্যান এডওয়ার্ড ডেটনাও বলেন, অবসর গ্রহণের কোনো বয়স থাকা উচিত না।

গবেষণা প্রতিবেদনে বলা হয়, অবসরের পর ক্লিনিক্যাল হতাশা বাড়ার আশংকা থাকে ৪০ শতাংশ। শারীরিকভাবে  অসুস্থ হওয়ার ঝুঁকি থাকে ৬০ শতাংশ। এছড়া অবসর পরবর্তীঁ এই প্রভাব নারী ও পুরুষের ক্ষেত্রেও একই।

BBA Discussion Forum / Who cares for 'World No Tobacco Day'?
« on: June 03, 2013, 09:10:52 AM »
Who cares for 'World No Tobacco Day'?

A picture of a man puffing cigarette right beside a placard of the World No Tobacco Day-2013 carried on the front page of this paper on Saturday highlights the anachronism in sharp contrast. But by no means should it be at all surprising. So far as the government policy on tobacco is concerned all across the globe, it is all the way a paradox. Not a single city in the world can claim to have banished smoking from within its limit. Two cities -Mecca and Medina, to everyone's surprise, have come close to doing away with the 'sinful behaviour' as set out in the religious Fatwas on smoking.

Ever since the publication of health education -an Islamic ruling on smoking by Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (EMRO) of World Health Organisation (WHO) way back in 1988, there has been a growing opposition to smoking in Saudi Arabia and Egypt. In 2001 late King Fahd announced the royal proclamation for making the two cities free of smoking. Under his brother King Abdallah, Saudi Arabia signed the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in 2004. A combination of pragmatic approaches, thanks to EMRO, and the religiously inspired radical policy has been a key to fighting the tobacco menace there.

Elsewhere, the contradiction between preaching and practice is as apart as the two poles at the northern and southern tips of this planet. Even the imprints that 'smoking is injurious to health' or the latest 'smoking kills' on cigarette packets in large bold letters only expose the ludicrousness of the game. If people know that consumption of something is so dangerous, why should it be at all manufactured -let alone marketed and put on sale at retail points? One understands that the simple logic does not appeal to many because the huge tobacco market the world over did not gain grounds in one single day. When the fad started catching up with nations, many of them had their special customs of tobacco use such as piped smoking. To smoke from a stick of cigarette is relatively easier and therefore it took the world by storm. But in those days of smoking invasion, people hardly knew the dangerous consequences of smoking.

The challenge therefore lies now in dismantling not just the big industry that tobacco is but also an image built over centuries. The earliest form of cigarettes had their antecedents in the 9th century in Central America and then it was brought to Spain by the 17th century but it assumed its modern form when it entered France where it was named cigarette. The psychological satisfaction associated with smoking is manly for some, mere fad for others and a perverted notion for still others who think it is inspirational. It has, therefore, been a gruelling battle at both individual and multinational levels to make people convinced that the business needs to be wrapped up and the awful habit given up.

It is good to know that more restrictions will be imposed worldwide on promotion of tobacco through ads. But at its present state, restrictions on the promotional aspects will not be enough. The Saudi authority in collaboration with non-government organisations (NGOs) and charities could make a big impact on the product's availability by gradually restricting sale from near the two holy mosques at Mecca and Medina, then from the city centres and again within the city limits. If sales are restricted, chances of black-marketing of the substance rise, so does the price. That is one way of discouraging the habit. Also increased revenue makes tobacco products dearer. The government can try this as well. Making the capital or the country smoking-free overnight is impractical. But measures like those of Saudi Arabia can have a discernible impact on smoking here.

BBA Discussion Forum / Sleep Deprived? 8 Tips to Stay Sharp
« on: June 03, 2013, 09:09:11 AM »
Sleep Deprived? 8 Tips to Stay Sharp

Go for quality, not quantity.

While a solid eight hours is recommended for all adults, sometimes pain, chronic illness, continence issues, depression or stress prevent many from hitting that target. According to the UC Berkeley research, though, it's the deterioration in the quality (i.e., difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep) that keeps “memories from being saved by the brain at night.”

Ditch any late-day coffee.

It’s hard to remember whether caffeine is good for you and bad for you, as the studies seem to say something different every day. But one thing remains constant: caffeine stays in your system a long time, so it’s best to avoid consuming it too late in the day. Cut it out starting around 3 to 4 p.m., experts recommend.

Get a sound or white noise machine.

Whether you’re lulled to sleep by sirens, speeding cars or songbirds, a sound machine may be a wise idea for keeping your brain and body focused on the task at hand: sleeping. Waterfall sounds may prompt unwelcome midnight bathroom excursions, but many machines have a white-noise option that works well for sleepers of all ages. And yes, there's probably have an app for that, but if you’re going to use it, keep the device away from your bed with the screen off. Hint: put your phone in airplane mode at night, which still allows you to make or receive emergency calls.

Work out.

Yoga, jogging, tennis, boxing, or a brisk walk—it doesn’t matter how you exercise as long as you do it consistently. Your body will thank you in more ways than one, an important one being more quality rest when you are able to sleep.


Turn off the TV, the cell phone, the iPad, the laptop. Starve your brain’s addiction to instant information, which in turn will renew and preserve your memory as you sleep. Not only that, you’ll avoid the increased risk of depression that increased exposure to artificial light (from TV, computer and smart phone screens) has been shown to cause. Choose other “unwinding” activities for the pre-bed hours, such as board games, taking a class, reading a book, or simple and enjoyable chores.

Redecorate your bedroom.

New pillows, sheets, bed linens, darkening curtains, and other accessories that make you feel relaxed, cozy and eager to go to bed at night are well worth the money. But don’t just focus on these elements: if you have a TV in the bedroom, move it elsewhere. Got a lot of clutter in your bedroom? Clear it out. Have a workspace in the bedroom? Relocate it. Experts agree that keeping the bedroom for sleep and sex only is a vital way to ensure quality rest.

Keep a bedside journal.

When your head hits that pillow, does your mind start racing? Whatever’s weighing on your mind will probably keep you tossing and turning, so keep a good old-fashioned journal and pen handy (don’t use the smart phone). If no amount of deep breathing or meditation exercises has worked, write down your thoughts. Don’t worry about being grammatically correct; just get them on the page so you can forget about them (at least until morning). Many believe that a great way to improve your memory is by forgetting more, which is certainly necessary when you need to be sleeping instead of stressing.

Talk to your doctor.

If physical, mental, or emotional hardships are keeping you up at night, make an appointment with a physician, who may be able to diagnose an underlying cause that you’re unaware of, or prescribe something to help you sleep through the pain or other distractions.

BBA Discussion Forum / 12 Surprising Benefits of Garlic
« on: June 03, 2013, 09:01:37 AM »
12 Surprising Benefits of Garlic

1.   Grow beautiful hair with garlic.
Garlic could end your hair loss problems because of its high levels of allicin, a sulfur compound similar to that found in onions, which were found to effectively treat hair loss. Rub sliced cloves of garlic on your scalp, squeezing as you go for the most benefit. You can also infuse oil with garlic and massage it into your scalp.
2.   Garlic clears acne.
It might not be a main ingredient in your drugstore acne medication, but garlic makes a great natural remedy to banish unsightly blemishes. Its antioxidants kill bacteria, so rub a sliced clove of garlic on the pimple for an effective topical treatment.
3.   Garlic prevents and treats colds.
Packed with antioxidants, your immune system could benefit if you give it a constant boost of powerful garlic in daily recipes. If a cold does sneak by, try sipping garlic tea: steep chopped or minced garlic in hot water for several minutes, then strain and drink. You can add a bit of honey or ginger to improve the taste.
4.   Soothe psoriasis with garlic.
Since garlic has proven anti-inflammatory properties, it could be useful in relieving uncomfortable psoriasis outbreaks. Try rubbing a little garlic oil on the affected area for smooth, rash-free skin.
5.   Control your weight with garlic.
Garlic could help you control your weight, according to nutritionist Cynthia Sass, who cites a study that showed mice eating a garlic-rich diet reduced their weight and fat stores. Try to cook with garlic daily for tasty and waist-friendly meals.
6.   Remove a splinter with garlic.
Placing a slice of garlic over the sliver and covering it with a bandage or duct tape has been a folk cure for years. As natural remedies gain in popularity, current bloggers swear this one works.
7.   Treat athlete's foot with garlic.
With its anti-fungal properties, garlic could be a good way to get rid of itchy athlete's foot. Soak your feet in a bath of warm water and crushed garlic.
8.   Keep away mosquitoes with garlic.
Scientists aren't sure why, but mosquitoes don't seem to like garlic. One study found that people who rubbed a garlicky concoction on their arms and legs weren't bothered by the pesky buggers. Make a solution of garlic oil, petroleum jelly, and beeswax for a natural repellant or place cloves of garlic nearby.
9.   Garlic conquers cold sores.
A popular cold sore home remedy involves holding a bit of crushed garlic directly on the cold sore; its natural anti-inflammatory properties could help reduce pain and swelling. Garlic supplements may also speed up the healing process, according to
10.   Garlic works as a natural glue.
Have you ever noticed how sticky your fingers get after chopping garlic? That natural adhesive quality is why some people swear by garlic to fix hairline cracks in glass. Crush some cloves and rub the juice on the crack, wiping away any excess.
11.   Protect plants with garlic.
Garden pests don't like garlic, so make a natural pesticide using garlic, mineral oil, water, and liquid soap. Pour into a spray bottle and mist your plants to keep away destructive critters.
12.   Catch more fish with garlic.
Fish are so attracted to the scent of garlic that you can buy bait with the smell built in. Or, make your own using food scraps and, of course, plenty of cloves.

BBA Discussion Forum / 10 Fat Releasing Foods to Lose Weight Fast
« on: June 03, 2013, 09:00:04 AM »
10 Fat Releasing Foods to Lose Weight Fast

1. Protein
I’m fond of this macro nutrient powerhouse for so many reasons: It promotes healthy skin, hair, nails, bones, and muscle. It’s also a fabulous weight-loss aid, according to a 2005 study from Arizona State University. Protein increased satiety (satisfaction and feelings of fullness) and increased after-meal calorie burn. In other words, eating protein-rich meals, rather than higher-carbohydrate ones, leads to more satisfaction, less hunger, and more fat burn. I love that: three benefits in one. Earlier research also found that people following higher-protein diets generally decrease their food intake by an average of 10 percent (about 200 calories).

2. Vitamin C
You’ve heard for years to stock up on your C to fend off colds, but are you aware of the vitamin’s reputation as a weight-loss aid? Research suggests that the bodies of folks who are deficient in vitamin C cling more stubbornly to fat. In 2008, researchers in Quebec reviewed a stack of studies to find what they called “unsuspected determinants of obesity.”

Their review linked less-than-ideal intakes of particular micronutrients to an increased likelihood of being overweight. They identified deficiencies in vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin E as risk factors for having a higher percentage of body fat and belly fat.

3. Honey
This natural sweetener has also shown great promise in animal studies for reducing weight gain and body fat when substituted for sugar. Known to have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, honey boasts wide-ranging health benefits. It may improve blood sugar control and immunity, and it’s an effective cough suppressant.

4. Cocoa
If you’re like me, you welcome any new excuse to add more chocolate to your life. Cocoa contains more phenolic antioxidants than most foods. Just look at this list of benefits from a recent study done at the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center by David L. Katz, MD, and his colleagues: “Cocoa can protect nerves from injury and inflammation, protect the skin from oxidative damage from UV radiation … and have beneficial effects on satiety, cognitive function, and mood.”

5. Vinegar
The surprise here? The vinegar that comes along for the ride in salad dressing also helps you feel full. Research has shown that vinegar can lessen the glycemic effect of a meal (meaning it tends not to spike your blood sugar), which has been linked to satiety that reduces food intake. Vinegar may also prevent body-fat accumulation, according to a 2009 animal study by Japanese researchers. Mice that were fed acetic acid, the main component of vinegar, for six weeks accumulated less body fat.

6. Fiber
Throughout the years, various weight-loss researchers have recommended starting a meal with a salad to stave off hunger and ensure that you don’t overeat. But why does this work exactly? One reason is that salads are a great source of fiber: lettuce greens, carrots, tomatoes, and the like all have plenty of this macronutrient. Fiber’s effects on increasing feelings of satiety are well documented.

Whether you eat fiber and vinegar together or not, know that they are great tools to have on hand whenever you feel the need to tame your appetite and turn on fat burning controls. If you’re not a fan of salad, there are plenty of other sources.

7. Resveratrol
So many people have asked me if it’s OK to have a drink when trying to lose weight. Listen up, friends, as this glass is for you! 

Many studies show that a small glass of wine a day is good for your health. Researchers credit the anti¬aging properties of resveratrol (found in red grapes, mulberries, and peanuts) in red wine. Now cutting-edge research suggests this antioxidant is a fat releaser too. 

In one large study of more than 19,000 women of normal weight, light to moderate drinkers had less weight gain and less risk of becoming overweight than those who drank no alcohol. In several animal studies, researchers have demonstrated that moderate alcohol consumption does not promote weight gain.

And in another separate animal study done in 2006, researchers found that resveratrol improved exercise endurance as well as protected against obesity and insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes.

8. Calcium
Calcium helps control your hunger. Research shows that people who don’t consume enough of this bone-building mineral have a greater fat mass and less control of their appetite

9. Dairy
Dairy is an excellent source of calcium. Dairy sources of calcium are markedly more effective in accelerating fat loss than other sources. Researchers theorize that other ingredients in dairy act synergistically with the calcium.

In one study out of the University of Tennessee, researchers showed that eating three servings of dairy daily significantly reduced body fat in obese subjects. And if subjects restricted calories while consuming the same dairy servings, fat and weight loss accelerated.

There’s more! A great study done in 2010 indicated that drinking fat-free milk immediately after whole-body resistance training and again one hour after the workout allowed participants to increase fat loss, gain greater muscle and strength, and strengthen bones by reducing bone cell turnover. Drink milk and get all these amazing benefits.

10. Quinoa
I’m keen on quinoa for many reasons: This ancient grain is a nutritional powerhouse, chock-full of protein, amino acids, phytosterols, and vitamin E. A study published in 2011 points to its promise as a fat inhibitor. Animals fed supplements containing a quinoa-seed extract had less body fat, lower body weight, and decreased appetite. Also, quinoa is versatile and can be made into crackers, side dishes, and hot cereals.

Another bud in the feather of prospect!!!

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will provide US$185 million in loan assistance to significantly boost Bangladesh’s power supply system.

The assistance will also help to reduce outages and shortages that are crippling the economy and causing severe hardship across the country.

It is the first tranche of ADB financing under an overall multi-donor-supported project, titled Power System Expansion and Efficiency Improvement Investment Program, of $1.6 billion with ADB contributing $700 million.

The other co-financiers supporting the program include Agence Française de Développement, the European Investment Bank (EIB), and the Islamic Development Bank.

The investments are part of a broader government plan to reform and strengthen the power sector, tapping private sector financing. The goal is to raise generating capacity to more than 12,500 MW and the rate of electrification to 68 percent by 2015.

An agreement to this end was signed on Wednesday between the government of Bangladesh and the ADB at the ERD conference room in city’s Sher-e-Bangla Nagar.

Economic Relations Division (ERD) Joint Secretary Saifuddin Ahmed and Stefan Ekelund, Deputy Country Director and Officer-in-Charge of ADB’s Bangladesh Resident Mission, signed the agreement, on behalf of Bangladesh and ADB respectively at a simple ceremony.

The overall program will connect 450,000 households to the power grid and reduce carbon emissions by almost 2.5 million tons per year when the project is completed in 2018.

Power system and financial management training will be given to staff in sector institutions, and a pilot project with around 200 solar energy-driven irrigation pumps will be established, benefitting around some 4,000 poor farming families.

Good news for Bangladesh Economy!!!

The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Wednesday completed the second review of Bangladesh’s economic program under a three-year arrangement supported by the Extended Credit Facility (ECF).
The completion of the review enables an immediate disbursement of the third installment under the ECF arrangement for an amount of about $136.6 million (equivalent to SDR 91.423 million), bringing the total amount disbursed equivalent to about $409.7 million.
The Executive Board approved a three-year ECF arrangement for Bangladesh on April 11 last year for a total amount equivalent to about $956 million.
“Bangladesh’s program under the Extended Credit Facility is broadly on track. Macroeconomic pressures have eased, with reserves rising and underlying inflation moderating, supported by restrained fiscal and monetary policies. Notwithstanding the challenging global environment, exports have picked up and remittances remain strong,” Naoyuki Shinohara, deputy managing director and acting chair, said in a statement.
However, growth is slowing and could weaken further given downside risks. It will be important to maintain sound policy anchors and keep up the reform momentum, according to the IMF deputy managing director.
“Fiscal policy has remained on track, but tax collections need to be strengthened and the tax base broadened. Continued policy discipline is also needed during the pre-election period. To further expand space for development spending, subsidy costs should be further reduced while protecting subsidies targeted at the poor. Public debt management needs to be strengthened through better monitoring and transparency and by taking full advantage of concessional borrowing opportunities, he noted.
The IMF official also said Bangladesh Bank’s prudent monetary policy has helped bring down inflation, while rebuilding international reserves. “Going forward, greater exchange rate flexibility and stepped up sterilization operations will be important to contain monetary growth.”
He also said structural reforms have also moved forward. Timely implementation of the new value added tax will help increase revenues and modernize the tax regime. “Timely passage of the banking law amendments recently introduced in parliament will strengthen financial sector governance and keep risks in check, especially those arising from state-owned banks. Continued improvement in labor conditions in the garment sector, in coordination with international business and development partners, would be welcome.”

BBA Discussion Forum / Six best greens to keep indoors
« on: May 28, 2013, 03:48:56 PM »
Six best greens to keep indoors

Green — a colour synonymous with life; it is impossible to imagine existence on Earth without it. People are now more aware than before of the need for greenery even if it is within our households.
Keeping greens inside a house enhances the interiors and acts as one’s personal source of oxygen. If you are uncertain about which plants would be ideal for keeping inside the house try getting your hands on these:
Aloe Vera: This plant grows very easily without requiring much attention. It has hard leaves, is juicy and green. If you are a busy person Aloe Vera is ideal for you. The soil should be allowed to dry out completely before watering. In the cold season, the plant should get ample light and very little water while in the summer heat the plant can be left out in the open and not bothered with much. Aloe Vera is very well-known for its health benefits.

Fern: This plant has long strands of soft leaves which sort of resemble feathers. This is a non-flowering plant, green in colour and requires a lot of moisture.

Jade Plant: This is also known as the money tree. This plant requires little water and should be watered only when the soil has dried out from previous watering.

Peace Lily: This plant requires very little sunlight and absorbs common pollutants from the surroundings for instance toxins emitted by plastics. It grows best in dry soil and in warmth. Word of caution for cat owners, this plant is toxic to cats and should be avoided if you have any around.

Mother-in-law’s Tongue: This plant is rightly named after its characteristics. It has sharp and pointy edges and is extremely tough. It grows well in bright  but indirect sunlight and flowers in intervals of many years.

Zebra Plants: These are very common in Bangladeshi households. Zebra Plants grow extremely large and floppy leaves and flower during the autumn months. It is a little high-maintenance as its leaves require regular misting and the soil should not be allowed to dry.

BBA Discussion Forum / Upgrade factory safety: US official
« on: May 28, 2013, 03:22:36 PM »
Upgrade factory safety: US official

Bangladesh must improve safety and workplace standards in factories to establish the country as a brand worldwide, US Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affair Jose Fernandez said yesterday.
Thanks to strong bilateral relations, trade between the US and Bangladesh increased by 11 percent a year over the last three years, which indicates a positive trend in future as well, Fernandez said.
A total of 30 representatives of US companies accompanied Fernandez as he met Commerce Minister GM Quader at the latter’s secretariat office in Dhaka.
“We see investment opportunities in many sectors like energy, information technology and in pharmaceuticals in Bangladesh,” Fernandez said.
Fernandez sees challenges as well — in infrastructure, labor rights, safety standards and working conditions.
The US official declined to take any question on two much-talked-about issues — Trade and Investment Cooperation Framework Agreement and Generalized System of Preferences from the media.
Quader said the delegation mainly explored the business potential in different sectors.

BBA Discussion Forum / 10 Ways to De-Stress Your Work Day
« on: May 26, 2013, 08:54:01 AM »
10 Ways to De-Stress Your Work Day

1. Get a Head Start
Leave home 30 minutes earlier than normal. Studies find that the less rushed you feel in the morning, the less stressed you'll be for the rest of the day.
2. Bring Snacks
Bring a spill-proof coffee cup filled with your favorite brew to the office, and have a bag of nonperishable snacks on hand (try protein bars, dried fruit and nuts, juice boxes). Going for more than a few hours without a snack can cause your blood sugar levels to drop, and you'll end up exacerbating stress. This way, even if you have to work through back-to-back meetings, you'll be able to grab some fuel.
3. Give Yourself Some Credit
Most of us don’t take enough time to praise ourselves for doing things well. So when you’ve completed an interim or long-term goal, tell yourself—out loud—what a good job you’ve done. You’ll get a burst of confidence that will go a long way towards helping you maintain yourself cool amid the workplace madness.
4. Schedule 10 Minutes of “Worry Time”
Close your office door or go sit in an empty conference room and think about what's stressing you out. Bring a sheet of paper and divide it into three columns: My Worry; Why It Worries Me; Worst Thing That Could Happen. Once you confront the worst-case scenario, and realize that it probably won't ever happen, you can get back to work with your worry load lightened.
5. Manage Your Email
With about 5.5 trillion emails sent each year, it's no wonder your inbox is overflowing. To keep from stressing out, cut down the amount of time you spend reading and sending emails. Don't waste a message acknowledging receipt of an email, and put responses in the subject when possible so you don't have to compose a new message. Finally, use the “rule of three”: if you’ve gone back and forth on a topic three times and you’re still confused or have questions, pick up the phone.
6. Stretch
This is especially important if you have a sedentary job. Try lifting your legs up and stretching them for 30 seconds. This movement reduces the risk of blood clots that can result from sitting too long in one position. Another useful exercise is to put one arm behind your neck and stretch it by holding on to the elbow with the opposite arm. Switch sides and repeat.
7. Have a “Perspective Reminder”
Stress can overpower you at times, but your troubles are smaller than they seem. To remind that, keep a picture in your office—the earth taken from space, a starry night or the ocean—and look at it whenever you feel overwhelmed.
8. Plan Ahead
When work is challenging, devote some of your down time, like weekends and evenings, to making a to-do list for the next week. Make a list, place boxes next to each item, and tick off the boxes as you get things done. You’ll avoid forgetting anything, you’ll stay focused on the job, and it’s very satisfying to tick off those boxes.
9. Socialize With Colleagues
Suggest a once-a-week gathering with your co-workers where you can talk about a particular work issue. Use your collective brain to figure out how to do something better, enhance productivity, or improve relationships.
10. Remind Yourself Why
Make a display in your office to remind you of your personal life. Include pictures of your spouse, children, and pet, a photograph of yourself doing something fun, plus a memento that reminds you of a special occasion. When you feel yourself getting overwhelmed and stressed out, take five minutes and simply enjoy the display. Recall the day each picture was taken. Hold your memento and return in your memory to the day you got it. Now you’re ready to return to work.

Borrowings by the government from the banking sector at a higher level than before will further raise its debt burden swell its domestic debt servicing, in terms of interest payments and repayments of the principal amount of its loans that are met out of its revenue budget and also add fuel to the inflationary pressure in the upcoming fiscal year.

This view has been expressed by the country's leading economic analysts, while noting that the achievement of the next fiscal's revenue collection target would be a challenging task.

According to them, if the government borrows heavily from the banking system, it would have an adverse impact on credit flows to the private sector.

The government is eying a 21 per cent growth of tax collections to help bolster its revenue earnings in the next fiscal, in accordance with the targets and objectives of its Sixth Five-Year Plan.

Expressing their doubts over achieving the revenue collection target of TK 1.36 trillion, up by 21 per cent growth in the upcoming fiscal over the level of the current one, the analysis termed such a target 'unrealistic,' given the uncertainties about political developments centering the next general election late this calendar year or early next one.

They also feared a shortfall in revenue collection target in the current fiscal as the overall economy is not performing up to the projected level because of likely shortfall in meeting the export target, decline in domestic consumption, lower rate of growth of import activities and slowdown in local and foreign investment.

The government set Tk. 1.12 trillion as the tax collection target for fiscal year 2012-13, reflecting a 17 per cent rate of growth over the level of the previous one. For the upcoming fiscal, the government has indicated about setting Tk. 1.36 trillion as the tax collection target by the National Board of Revenue (NBR) that will reflect a 21 per cent rate of growth over the NBR-portion of tax revenues during the current fiscal.

On the contrary, the government's expenditure out of the domestic budgetary resources will be affected by the failure to meet the tax collection target. It might entail higher domestic borrowings, leaving a growing public debt burden on the budget itself.

The government has also recently revised downward its gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate this fiscal year as services, wholesale and retail trade, manufacturing and other production-oriented sectors are severely affected by the current volatile situation.

The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) has recently estimated GDP growth rate during the current fiscal to be 6.03 per cent from what was carrier projected at 7.2 per cent. The multilateral capital donors have, however, predicted the growth rate of the Bangladesh economy in the current fiscal at a level even further lower than that of the BBS.

For achieving the revenue collection target in the upcoming fiscal year, the government will have to impose new taxes but that will hurt private sector investment under the given circumstances

Setting revenue collection target on the basis of the Sixth Five-Year Plan is 'unrealistic' as the targets, goals and objectives of the plan itself are most unlikely to be met, he observed.

However, the NBR chief expressed his optimism over achieving the target for revenue collection of this fiscal even amid sluggish economic growth.

Economists have projected a sharp decline in import growth, looming uncertainty about the export sector performance following last month's tragedy at Savar, a declining trend about credit sanctions to private sector and the BBS's revision of the GDP growth rate as major causes for uncertainty over achieving the tax collection target for this fiscal.

Until April this fiscal, the NBR collected an aggregate amount of Tk. 821 billion in tax revenues achieving a 14 per cent growth rate over the level during the corresponding period of the previous one. It will have to collect Tk. 299 billion in additional revenues in May and June to achieve its annual target.

Hope that Govt. would withstand the pressure and arrange to stabilize its liquidity profile decisively.

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