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Topics - Israt Jahan

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 So many of my patients struggle with cravings, weight issues, and late night snack binges. Knowing that certain chemicals in foods, called exorphins, can act as addictive drugs may help to develop strategies to improve health.

You need to know a little bit about exorphins because the makers of processed food, Big Food, know all about these chemicals. In fact, they manipulate ingredients to stimulate our appetites and initiate an addictive cycle of overeating and subsequent disease states.

Knowing about these foods can help you control overeating. (And to learn more about how Big Food gets you hooked on junk foods, check out The End of Overeating by former commissioner of the FDA Dr. David Kessler and Salt, Sugar, Fat by journalist Michael Moss.)


No food group has been studied more for opioid activity than dairy, particularly milk and cheese. The protein in dairy, casein, is digested into smaller peptides and there are a family of active agents called casomorphins. The desire for cheese can be blocked by the same medicines used to reverse drug overdoses in emergency rooms!

We eat five times as much cheese as a few decades ago, often with every meal of the day. Big Food knows that dairy drives the desire for more dairy and larger sales. My patients who are trying to be vegan tell me that the hardest food to give up is cheese; weaning slowly off this food group like a drug may improve success rates.


The blood in meat contains albumin, hemoglobin and gamma globulin and all of these chemicals activate opioid receptors. When meat eaters were treated with a drug used to block opiate receptors, ham consumption fell by 10%, salami by 25% and tuna by 50%!

Wheat and rice

Gliadin is a protein in wheat that has opiate activity and is sometimes referred to as gliadorphin. There is also a protein in rice that produces similar effects. If you can't stop reaching for the bread bowl, it's most likely because of this feel-good chemical trap.

Sugar and fat

Headlines worldwide last fall reported on a study in rats showing a preference for Oreo cookies, used for their high sugar and fat content, that was similar to providing the rats cocaine and morphine. Actually, prior studies in humans had already shown the opioid like effects of mixing sugar and fat (think: donut) that could be reversed with narcotic blockers.

Over a decade ago researchers studied what happened when you gave a three-month-old baby a sugary treat while staring in their eyes. When a group of people entered the room including the adult who fed the baby sugar water, the baby scanned and focused only on the “sugar dealer,” demonstrating how early in life sugar addiction can be identified.

Sugar and fat may be the reason that chocolate is a food that has been described to have addictive potential.

So what can you do?

Avoid temptation by not having so many items at home or in the office loaded with dairy, meat, refined wheat, sugar, and fat.

Replace them with blood sugar stabilizing foods like beans, nuts, seeds, whole fruits, and whole grains.

Start the day with a healthy breakfast (with foods low in exorphins).

Rely on support from friends and family to not bring “crack” like foods over can help. As Michael Pollan said, “eat food, not too much, mostly plants.”

Focus on getting endorphins. A glorious sunset, tender family moments, Kirtan music, my dogs licking my face, and a challenging workout are some of the feel good things that I seek out for a natural high. Science has demonstrated that we can produce narcotic-like chemicals in our brain at these moments, called endorphins.

Business Administration / 7 Things Great Communicators Never Do
« on: July 22, 2014, 03:56:01 PM »
As a business owner, you should count your voice as one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. With nothing more complicated that your words, you can close sales, negotiate deals, motivate employees, and clinch investment. But with great impact comes great danger. Anything that can radically improve your fortunes when employed well can also profoundly undermine your effectiveness when used poorly.

So what are the ways we most often go astray when communicating? That was the topic of a quick but enlightening TED talk by author and The Sound Agency founder Julian Treasure. In it, he outlines the ways poor communicators end up alienating their listeners and eroding the power of their voices.

Want to be a great communicator able to use your voice to change others' behavior? Avoid his "seven deadly sins of speaking."

Gossip may have its uses, bonding teams and shaming slackers into better performance, but if you want to come across as a powerful speaker, avoid it. People aren't dumb, Treasure points out: "We know perfectly well the person gossiping, five minutes later, will be gossiping about us."

Some people think that speaking powerfully is about being right and convincing the other person of that fact, but truly great communicators know that arguments are rarely won by bombarding the other party with evidence. Telling people they're wrong or bad is actually a lousy way to get them to change. If you want to be a great communicator, avoid triggering other people's defensiveness. "It's very hard to listen to somebody if you know you're being judged and found wanting at the same time," Treasure says.

This one doesn't need much explanation. A few run-ins with the dismal guy in the office--the one who's guaranteed to respond to "how's it going?" with doom and gloom--is enough to convince most of us of the people-repelling power of negativity. Don't be that guy.

The twin sister of negativity, complaining might offer more immediate pleasure than pure negativity (who hasn't enjoyed a bit of a communal moan now and again?), but Treasure points out that, over time, repeated complaining is bad not only for your effectiveness as a communicator but also the collective mood. "Complaining is viral misery," he says.

When the going gets tough, certain coworkers will just throw you (or someone else) under the bus to save themselves. "Some people have a 'blame thrower.' They just pass it on to everybody else and don't take responsibility for their actions," Treasure says. Having the strength to own your mistakes is a great way to win the respect of others.

Ahem, startup folks, this one may be for you. Sure, you need to project confidence and sell others on your business, but going overboard with your positivity can backfire. "It demeans our language, actually," Treasure says. Don't be the person whose language others have to continuously mentally discount: "Oh, he said it was awesome? Must mean it's mildly positive."

And, of course, if you take this too far, it becomes simple lying, which just about everyone agrees will do very little to convince others you're worth listening to.

Treasure defines this deadly speaking sin as "the confusion of facts with opinions." Bombard others with your opinions packaged in the certainty of truths and they'll quickly realize you're either deliberately misleading them or that there's no room for conversation. And they'll tune out.

Check out the complete 10-minute talk to find out not only about sins to avoid but also Treasure's four cornerstones of truly powerful communication.
( Collected)

Business Administration / 9 Qualities of Remarkably Confident People
« on: July 22, 2014, 03:52:36 PM »
I'm not particularly confident. Scratch that. I'm situationally confident: sometimes, very much so; other times, not at all. So I spend a lot of time thinking about how to gain confidence.

And that makes me wonder. In a world of "fake it till you make it," how can you tell when someone is truly confident--in his or her ideas, plans, and self--and, just as important, that the person's confidence is justified?

Better yet, how do you know when your sense of self-confidence is justified?

Unfortunately, I don't have the answer, so I asked Dharmesh Shah, co-founder of HubSpot (No. 666 on the Inc. 5000 in 2013) and a guy who has met hundreds of entrepreneurs and invested in a number of startups, how he spots truly confident people:

Keep in mind confidence is not bravado, or swagger, or an overt pretense of bravery. Confidence is not some bold or brash air of self-belief directed at others.

Confidence is quiet. Confidence is a natural expression of ability, expertise, and self-regard.

I'm fortunate to know a number of truly confident people. Many work with me at HubSpot, while others are fellow founders of their own startups, some of whom I've met through my angel investment activity. But the majority are people I've met through my career and who work in a variety of industries and professions.

It comes as no surprise they all share a number of qualities:

1. They take a stand not because they think they are always right, but because they are not afraid to be wrong. Cocky and conceited people tend to take a position and then proclaim, bluster, and totally disregard differing opinions or points of view. They know they're right--and they want (actually, they need) you to know it, too.

Their behavior isn't a sign of confidence, though; it's the hallmark of an intellectual bully.

Truly confident people don't mind being proven wrong. They feel finding out what is right is a lot more important than being right. And when they're wrong, they're secure enough to back down graciously.

Truly confident people often admit they are wrong or don't have all the answers; intellectual bullies never do.

2. They listen 10 times more than they speak. Bragging is a mask for insecurity. Truly confident people are quiet and unassuming. They already know what they think; they want to know what you think.

So they ask open-ended questions that give other people the freedom to be thoughtful and introspective: They ask what you do, how you do it, what you like about it, what you learned from it, and what they should do if they find themselves in a similar situation.

Truly confident people realize they know a lot, but they wish they knew more, and they know the only way to learn more is to listen more.

3. They duck the spotlight so it shines on others. Perhaps it's true they did the bulk of the work. Perhaps they really did overcome the major obstacles. Perhaps it's true they turned a collection of disparate individuals into an incredibly high-performance team.

Truly confident people don't care--at least they don't show it. (Inside they're proud, as well they should be.) Truly confident people don't need the glory; they know what they've achieved.

They don't need the validation of others, because true validation comes from within.

So they stand back and celebrate their accomplishments through others. They stand back and let others shine--a confidence boost that helps those people become truly confident, too.

4. They freely ask for help. Many people feel asking for help is a sign of weakness; implicit in the request is a lack of knowledge, skill, or experience.

Confident people are secure enough to admit a weakness. So they often ask others for help, not only because they are secure enough to admit they need help but also because they know that when they seek help they pay the person they ask a huge compliment.

Saying "Can you help me?" shows tremendous respect for that individual's expertise and judgment. Otherwise, you wouldn't ask.

5. They think, "Why not me?" Many people feel they have to wait: to be promoted, to be hired, to be selected, to be chosen--like the old Hollywood cliché, to somehow be discovered.

Truly confident people know that access is almost universal. They can connect with almost anyone through social media. (Everyone you know knows someone you should know.) They know they can attract their own funding, create their own products, build their own relationships and networks, choose their own path--they can choose to follow whatever course they wish.

And very quietly, without calling attention to themselves, they go out and do it.

6. They don't put down other people. Generally speaking, the people who like to gossip, who like to speak badly of others, do so because they hope by comparison to make themselves look better.

The only comparison a truly confident person makes is to the person she was yesterday--and to the person she hopes to someday become.

7. They aren't afraid to look silly... Running around in your underwear is certainly taking it to extremes, but when you're truly confident, you don't mind occasionally being in a situation where you aren't at your best.

(And, oddly enough, people tend to respect you more for this--not less.)

8. ...And they own their mistakes. Insecurity tends to breed artificiality; confidence breeds sincerity and honesty.

That's why truly confident people admit their mistakes. They dine out on their screwups. They don't mind serving as a cautionary tale. They don't mind being a source of laughter--for others and for themselves.

When you're truly confident, you don't mind occasionally "looking bad." You realize that that when you're genuine and unpretentious, people don't laugh at you.

They laugh with you.

9. They only seek approval from the people who really matter. You say you have 10,000 Twitter followers? Swell. 20,000 Facebook friends? Cool. A professional and social network of hundreds or even thousands? That's great.

But that also pales in comparison to earning the trust and respect of the few people in your life that truly matter.

When you earn their trust and respect, no matter where you go or what you try, you do it with true confidence--because you know the people who truly matter the most are truly behind you.
( collected)

Successful entrepreneurs are just like successful non-entrepreneurs. They come from all sorts of backgrounds, all types of demographics, have all levels of education and experience and expertise....

In many ways successful entrepreneurs are the same as everyone else.

Yet look closely and you'll see that in certain key ways, they are very, very different--even if they aren't officially entrepreneurs (yet!) but simply have an entrepreneurial mindset.

Here are the qualities Joel Basgall, co-founder and CEO of Geneca, the custom software development firm and six-time Inc. 5000 honoree, feels exceptional entrepreneurs (and people who may not have started companies but definitely have an entrepreneurial mindset) have that set them apart:

1. They hate playing politics.

Entrepreneurs can't stand playing politics--and to some degree, people who play politics. They don't care about jockeying for promotions or trying to be "right" in a meeting.

An entrepreneur's primary focus is on solving difficult problems and accomplishing cool things.

2. They love when others win.

Politically motivated people hate when other people earn praise or recognition; they instinctively feel that diminishes the light from their star.

Entrepreneurs aren't competitive, at least not in that way. They want to be recognized, but their accomplishments don't preclude others from doing great things, too.

They want everyone else who does something awesome to get recognized, too.

3. They desperately want to see ideas come to fruition.

Maybe they love to dream up their own ideas. Or maybe they love to help others build out their ideas. Either way, entrepreneurs want to make things happen--new, exciting, crazy, groundbreaking things.

The same is true for employees with an entrepreneurial mindset. Great people are drawn to working at Google because they know their great ideas will be supported. Great people are drawn to Geneca because they want to build new things and see them come to life.

Entrepreneurs don't want to manage what already exists; they want to create what doesn't exist--yet.

4. They're meta-thinkers.

Entrepreneurs spend a lot of time thinking about thinking. They like to think about the best way to think about a goal or challenge or problem. They like to think about how to think differently and develop a different angle or approach or perspective.

Entrepreneurs like to think about thinking, because when they find new ways to think, they find new ways to act.

5. They prefer to make or enhance the rules.

Meta-thinkers instinctively evaluate every rule--and look for ways to improve it.

They prefer to figure things out. They see rules as problems to solve or challenges to overcome.

6. They believe nothing is sacred.

Entrepreneurs don't say, "Well, that's just the way it is."

Entrepreneurs never feel what is must always be. Perspectives can be shifted. Laws of physics can be broken. Conventional wisdom may not be wisdom at all.

Even when something huge stands in their way, entrepreneurs know there's a way around it--they just need to figure it out. Changing a paradigm makes new things possible.

6. They love solving problems.

Entrepreneurs constantly look for problems to solve: sometimes little, sometimes big, sometimes technical, sometimes business- or team-related. Drop entrepreneurs into a static situation and they'll create "problems" they can solve.

7. They're great at self-assessment.

Why? They constantly evaluate what they do, and then work hard to be even better tomorrow than they are today.

Entrepreneurs are honest with themselves.

8. They embrace nontechnical feedback.

Entrepreneurs readily take input from others. And they definitely don't put up barriers to feedback--feedback, especially critical feedback, is just another problem to solve. Becoming better is more important than their egos.

That's because entrepreneurs don't see feedback as threatening--feedback is enlightening. Plus they, like employee-entrepreneurs, know they need a lot more feedback on interpersonal skills and personal growth than on technical skills.

Why? Technical issues are obvious. Because they are constantly self-assessing, entrepreneurs know their technical limitations better than anyone else. But what other issues might be standing in their way?

If you see what they need to improve on and tell them, you become their hero, because now they can solve a problem they weren't aware of.

9. They actively create their future selves.

In general, entrepreneurs realize they are often their own worst enemy. They don't see themselves as controlled by external forces; they think the barrier between what they are and what they want is almost always them.

So they're constantly trying to be better tomorrow than they are today--even if the people around them wish they would just give it a rest.

10. They adore taking things off their plates.

Look at pictures of Albert Einstein and you would think, "Dude never changed clothes?"

Nope--but he did have a lot of identical clothing. He didn't want to waste brainpower figuring out what to wear every day.

Entrepreneurs have a similar tendency to systematize, not to be anal but to take small and large decisions off their plate so they don't have to waste time thinking about them. So they eat similar things, wear similar clothing, and create daily routines. They organize so they don't have to waste brain share on things that don't really matter.

But don't confuse creating routines with being compulsive. Entrepreneurs will change a routine the moment they see a flaw or an opportunity to make an improvement.

There's method to the apparent madness--you just have to look for it.

11. They're awesome at leveraging self-reward.

Entrepreneurs almost always do the things they have to do before they tackle the things they want to do. They use what they want to do as a reward.

And that means the more things they have to do, the more they'll get done.

(But that doesn't mean they're great at celebrating success. Because they're constantly trying to improve, a "big win" isn't big--it's simply the outcome of all the things they did to make it come true.)

12. They believe they're in total control…

Many people feel luck has a lot to do with success or failure: If they succeed, luck played a part; if they fail, the odds just didn't go their way.

Entrepreneurs feel they have complete control over their success or failure. If they succeed, they caused it. If they fail, they caused it.

13. ...So their egos don't suffer when they fail.

Entrepreneurs don't see failure as a blow to their ego. Failure can be fixed. A future self will figure it out.

Failure is just another problem to solve.

14. They do everything with intent.

Like Jason Bourne, entrepreneurs don't do "random." They always have a reason for what they do, because they're constantly thinking about why they do what they do.

They're not afraid. They're not emotionally attached to ideas or ways of doing things.

They just want to be better and to make the world better.

And best of all, they know they can--and will.


The reality is clear--people aren't maximizing their true potential at work. In the New York Times article "Why You Hate Your Job," Tony Schwartz, CEO of the Energy Project, and Christine Porath, associate professor at Georgetown University's McDonough School of Business and a consultant to the Energy Project, lay out the case for why so many people struggle to find joy in their jobs.

I contend that people feel caught between the struggle of being "successful" and loving work, not believing that the two can be one. As I've seen in my work with executives across the country, they can.

All too often, people feel as though their emotional sacrifice of joy is rationalized by the fact that they are able to support a family or a lifestyle that is viewed as "successful." Being viewed as a success, regardless of how you feel, ends up being another, more-often used metric for fulfillment. When your neighbors and family see you as successful despite your empty feeling, it makes it easier to endure.

Loving work is seen as an ideal that few can achieve, but those who do are the ones who have truly won the lottery of life. You experience something that goes beyond anything material that you can acquire; you feel fulfilled, challenged and engaged. The problem is that loving work has been treated as something that is a byproduct of being successful, not a necessary steppingstone. Too often, people forge the path for financial success thinking that the result will provide fulfillment. Loving work has not been viewed as a critical component of success; it's just a "nice to have." The reality is that loving work is not something that you can wish for or dream up. It requires hard work, commitment, and strategy.

Notwithstanding, loving work is not as much a pipe dream as winning the lottery--it's something far easier to achieve. Here are three specific ways to get there:
1. Decide that you will make loving what you do and being engaged a focus--and be willing to make changes accordingly.

We all naturally want to love our work. In fact, according to the world-renowned psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, "The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times. ... The best moments usually occur if a person's body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile." Which is why, as humans, we are most engaged when we have found a sweet spot of challenge.

However, we are the ones who need to take responsibility for creating the conditions for this to occur, not wait for it to happen. This switch from thinking about work from a reactive perspective to a proactive one is one of the key components to creating fulfilling jobs. Generally the proactivity occurs while job hunting or pitching for a project, but once the work begins, you go into reactive mode. Which explains the dip in engagement from job acquisition to day-to-day operating. Loving work is a commitment that requires active day-to-day prioritization. It has to move from a wish-list item to a priority.
2. Know your talent and purpose, and make them key components of your job.

Loving your job requires that you utilize what you're best at (your talent), and the result of your work gives you fulfillment (purpose). You need to first know this about yourself, then value these things and know how to use them day to day in your working life. How do you do this? Pay attention to when you are excited and when you feel fulfilled or get support if you can't figure it out on your own. Your talent is not what you do. It's how you do what you do: How you think, how you most often problem solve, your go-to way of processing information. And your purpose is not as lofty as it sounds. It's the type of impact that gives you fulfillment. I have found that if you are able to identify a core challenge you have had in your life and then help others with this challenge, you can introduce fulfillment into your job in an instant.

Howard Schultz of Starbucks is a great example of this. His desire to help individuals have health insurance at work as a result of his parents' working blue-collar jobs without health benefits is the backbone of the company's mission: "Our mission: To inspire and nurture the human spirit--one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time." The key is taking these two aspects of yourself and being strategic with how you use them as cornerstones of your job.
3. Be willing to innovate your habits and your lifestyle to accommodate your well-being.

Not being engaged at work is a hard habit to break. According to Gallup's engagement survey, 71 percent of Americans aren't engaged at work. Lack of engagement speaks to lack of challenge. Once you commit to loving work and using your talent and purpose as guiding principles, then changing your habits is the next step. Take, for example, continuing to accept and do projects that don't challenge you. In the extreme example, it may mean getting a new job. But before you do that, communicate to your organization why this project is not right for you. Build a case for the work that would keep you highly motivated and challenged. Find someone else who would benefit from doing the work that is not a good fit for you. Make an effort to create the opportunity you are seeking to be engaged in. Being engaged and challenged should be added as a key business objective that has action items and goals.

If you don't have the autonomy to do this, then it may be that you are in the wrong job. If you are not challenged and feeling engaged, start a job search and figure out what will change this experience for you. Job hunting when you are clear on your desire for loving work along with your talent and purpose is a game changer. It fine-tunes your focus so that finding that perfect opportunity is easier.

The bottom line? Loving your job is a skill and a practice. As with all practices, it can seem daunting at first. However, once you get a taste of work that fills you up rather than breaks you down, you will never want to go back to your old ways.

Business & Entrepreneurship / 10 Cheap Ways to Reduce Employee Stress
« on: July 15, 2014, 05:56:46 PM »

As an entrepreneur, you're accustomed to dealing with high stress levels, but what about your employees? Yes, they have stress, too. And when work stress builds up, your team members become less productive and emotionally disconnected, and they lose sleep.

Last week Inc's Graham Winfrey posted a very telling infographic on The Scary Truth About Stress in the Workplace. Did you know that stress-related health care and missed work are costing employers $300 billion a year? Heck, for a small business even $3,000 a year is a lot. It's time to pay attention to your employees' stress levels, not just because it's costing you but also to show them you care.

Here are 10 free or inexpensive ways to help your team de-stress on the job. Learning more about these simple things may even help them develop healthy habits outside of work. Healthy, happy employees will lower your stress level as well, so there are benefits all around.
1. Let them come in late or leave early.

That's right, flex time offers employees a sense of independence, which is known to reduce stress even more than shorter hours. As long as they are meeting quotas and getting the job done, do you really care which hours they choose to do it in? Of course, some employees do need to be present during specific hours. Try staggering their hours to give these team members a sense of independence, too.
2. Feed and educate them.

Studies have linked vitamin B with good mental health, and omega-3s may help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Whole-grain carbs help regulate levels of serotonin, the "feel-good" neurotransmitter that helps us remain calm. In short, eating right ranks high on the list of stress-busting activities.

Busy people tend to grab a snack from the vending machine and eat at their desks. You'll help them break that habit when you cater a healthy lunch-and-learn once a month. Many local professionals who are willing to come in to talk about nutrition and other health-related topics.
3. Talk to them.

When I work with my clients' employees, I hear a lot of complaints about being kept in the dark at work. Concerns over pending changes, the state of the company, and unknown expectations cause great stress. Don't keep your employees in the dark. Communicate what you expect of them, how they are doing, what they can improve upon, and what's ahead for the company.
4. Take a break to imagine.

By now you've probably heard that meditation is relaxing, but what scientists are also discovering is that meditation actually increases the amount of grey matter in the brain, essentially rewiring the body to stress less. Other benefits include boosting cognitive function, strengthening the immune system, and reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Do an online search for "guided visualizations" and choose a few recordings to share with your team (many are free). Most of them are under 10 minutes and offer lasting benefits. Doing a guided visualization is much easier for the beginner than a silent meditation, but just as effective.
5. Make 'em laugh.

When you come across a funny video, share it with the office. Don't just forget those silly jokes you hear. Instead, share them at the start of weekly meetings. If silliness feels too unnatural for you or you don't have the time, assign an employee to be your laugh ambassador.
6. Take your meeting for a walk.

If your team consists of only two or three people, you really don't have to sit around a conference table for every meeting. Why not do a little exercise and take in some fresh air while you're sharing your updates and ideas? A break in the routine will also give them a break from the stress.
7. Offer relaxing smells.

Pure essential oils are known to reduce tension in the body and help increase mental clarity. Purchase an inexpensive ultrasonic diffuser and some quality essential oils (I use Young Living) and sparingly share these olfactory delights in the office. Make sure to inquire about allergies and sensitivities before you make the investment.
8. Encourage breaks.

Deadlines and demands usually lead to hours of unrelenting physical and mental stress. This is counter-productive. The human brain needs a break every two hours and the body needs a break every hour. Just five minutes will do the trick. So instead of asking where your employees are when they are missing from their desks, congratulate them for taking a break.
9. Give them a massage.

The folks at Mayo Clinic say that massage reduces anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and muscle tension. Your team will function better if they receive a regular massage, but you probably don't pay them enough.

There are lots of new massage therapists out there who would jump at the chance to promote their business by dropping by your office to offer 10 minute chair massages. Be nice, tip them well.
10.Pretty up the place with plants.

A study at Kansas State University says non-flowering plants are proven to reduce blood pressure levels. Introduce a few low-maintenance plants to your environment; not only are they pretty but they will help to keep your team healthy.

In short, your employees are your number one asset, so help them to live a long, healthy life!

Faculty Forum / Why your managers don't communicate (and what to do)
« on: July 15, 2014, 05:52:47 PM »

You hold a meeting with managers to brief them about an important topic. At the end of the meeting, you ask them to share what they've learned with people on their teams. Several weeks later, you're surprised to find out that managers haven't communicated--that employees are still in the dark.

What went wrong?

While it's true that managers are employees' most trusted source of information, it's also true that managers are not natural communicators. But before you invest in extensive training, consider these three reasons why managers don't fulfill their role:

    Expectations. Don't know that communication is a key part of their job.
    Knowledge. Don't understand the topic well enough to present it, interpret it or answer questions about it.
    Accountability. Aren't held responsible (through performance management or other metrics) for communicating.

What can you do to address these issues? Here are three immediate action steps:

    Make sure you clearly articulate communication roles. Be specific about what and how you (as senior leader) communicate--and what you expect managers to share. Ask your HR manager to include communication into managers' job descriptions so the expectation is baked into their role.
    Build accountability into performance management and other methods to evaluate managers. You know the problem: Unless communication is part of the formula to give managers raises or bonuses, it won't be a priority. Put managers' money where their mouth is.
    Invest time in making sure managers understand content. Especially if the topic is complex, a 20-minute presentation is not enough to make managers comfortable. Design sessions to give managers the confidence they need to present:

    When planning to brief managers, allocate at least 90 minutes for the meeting.
    If possible, get everyone together face to face. If your office is too distracting, consider taking managers off site.
    Of course you'll present content, but presentations should be the shortest part of the meeting. Allow at least 50% of the time for questions and dialogue.
    If the topic is important enough, consider creating tools to help managers share information. Managers aren't big fans of PowerPoint presentations, but they do like receiving a one-page summary of key messages. And they love FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), a document that provides the questions employees are likely to ask, along with the answers managers need.

Set managers up for success in communicating by being clear about what they need to do, providing knowledge and holding them accountable.

Faculty Forum / 30 Things You Need To Know To Be Successful In Life
« on: July 15, 2014, 05:47:56 PM »
What does it take to be successful in life? There's no simple answer, but history has shown that there are practices that can maximize your chances of a productive, happy life.

Quora users discussed some lessons they've learned along the way in the thread, "What are the top 10 things we should be informed about in life?" Users had many more than 10 tips to offer, and we've collected and paraphrased some of the best advice, arranged by contributor below.

Justin Freeman, who works for Missouri State University's public safety division and is a former pastor and cop, advises:
1. Realize that people don't care as much as you think they might.

Most people won't notice that you bought a new car or got a promotion, and you shouldn't be basing your happiness on their judgments anyway. On the flip side, if they're showering you with attention, don't let it go to your head.
2. The people who truly care about you aren't interested in your accomplishments and possessions; they're interested in you.

It's called love, and you'll know when someone congratulating you on your new job is jealous or truly happy for you. When you find people who love you, do everything you can to hold onto them, because they'll be your foundation.
3. Arranging your life around money won't make you happy.

Focus on your passion, not your paycheck. Freeman says he knew a man who spent his career amassing six figures in savings, but died of cancer before he could even touch it.
4. Debt is not a necessary burden of adulthood.

If you're making an investment in your career by going to school, then your student debt is something you'll need to manage. But just because it's become normative, do not consider debt a rite of passage into adulthood. It can present a dangerous imbalance of your finances.
5. Rhetoric is powerful.

Figure out what elicits certain responses from people, and you'll be better able to influence others. "When you know how to speak in order to change someone's mind, to instill confidence in someone, to quiet the fears of a child, then you will know this power firsthand," writes Freeman.
6. You have a responsibility to everyone, and a responsibility for only yourself.

Freeman thinks that by merely existing we have a responsibility to recognize the humanity in everyone and offer help to those in need. Ultimately, however, you have control over only yourself, and it's on to you to find success and happiness.
7. Prepare for the unexpected.

Do all that you can to understand the way things work, whether it be how your company functions or how your government is operating. But understand that no amount of knowledge can prepare you for chaos that will inevitably hit you throughout your life. Always have a Plan B.
8. You can't let others define you.

While humans are built to be part of communities, don't let other people or ideologies tell you who you are.
9. You must always go beyond what is required.

To become successful, outperform the other guy. And when you're at the top, compete with yourself.

Christopher Graves, the global CEO of Ogilvy PR, says:
10. Self-awareness is endlessly valuable.

If you can see yourself the way others see you, you will be able to work with and get along with others more easily.
11. Biases affect everything you do.

Your worldview works its way into every decision you make. If you know your biases, you can minimize acting selfishly and do what is right for the situation.
12. Living in the present will keep you focused.

Accept that the past can't be changed, and make the most of what's in front of you.
13. People who are very different from you can enrich your life.

Surrounding yourself with like-minded people can limit your creativity, but if you seek out new perspectives, you grow faster and learn more.
14. Travel. Travel more.

Not only will being exposed to other ways of living give you a new perspective on life, it will take your brain off autopilot and allow you to return to work refreshed.

Mike Leary, a psychotherapist, says:
15. It's important to keep taking risks until you find your passion.

If you haven't found a job that makes you happy, don't settle.
16. You must take care of your health.

You can't focus on your career if you're continually set back by indulging your vices or ignoring health problems.
17. Your reputation must be protected.

Guard your reputation with all that you have. Make habits of being honest, reliable, and kind, and others will notice.
18. Emotions should not guide decision-making.

A knee-jerk reaction influenced by anger or panic can destroy a lifetime of work in one moment. Wait until you are calm before making a big decision.
19. Forgive others and yourself.

Strangers and loved ones alike will hurt and disappoint you. React accordingly, but do not hold grudges. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to fuel hatred.
20. Seek a greater purpose.

You live in a world much bigger than yourself. Figure out how you'd like to give back.

An anonymous poster writes:
21. Life is short.

Use a sense of urgency to make the most of your time.
22. There's a lot you don't know.

If there's a task you can delegate to someone better suited for it, then do it. If there's a discussion about something you're not sufficiently knowledgeable about, resist the urge to jump in.
23. You need to be honest with yourself.

If you're going to grow as a person, it's important to see unpleasant things for what they are.

Jay Bazzinotti, a writer, says:
24. Happiness is a choice.

Your attitude is a decision. Choosing to be happy and optimistic, regardless of the situation, yields more success than negativity.
25. Confidence will take you places.

When you believe in yourself, others tend to believe what you have to say.
26. Everyone is afraid.

Realize that everyone is afraid of failing. The successful ones know how to accept their fears and keep anxiety from restraining them.
27. Everyone hurts.

That's why it's important to be kind to everyone. Even a small gesture of kindness can have a big impact.
28. Nothing is perfect.

Unlike in the movies, the good guys don't always win. Appreciate what you have, and you'll be stronger and happier because of it.

Gloria Garcia adds:
29. You can learn from the countless successes before you.

It's good to have heroes. Borrow liberally from their advice, and you will find what works for you.

And Quinn KT thinks:
30. Luck is the most elusive aspect of success.

It can be easy to give up when you're talented and work hard but aren't getting a break. Remember that you find good fortune by constantly moving forward.


Faculty Forum / 30 Incorrectly Used Words That Can Make You Look Bad
« on: July 15, 2014, 05:46:56 PM »
While I like to think I know a little about business writing, I often fall into a few word traps. For example, "who" and "whom." I rarely use "whom" when I should. Even when spell check suggests "whom," I think it sounds pretentious. So I don't use it.

And I'm sure some people then think, "What a bozo."

And that's a problem, because just like that one misspelled word that gets a resumé tossed into the "nope" pile, using one wrong word can negatively impact your entire message.

Fair or unfair, it happens.

So let's make sure it doesn't:

Adverse and averse

Adverse means harmful or unfavorable; "Adverse market conditions caused the IPO to be poorly subscribed." Averse means dislike or opposition; "I was averse to paying $18 a share for a company that generates no revenue."

But you can feel free to have an aversion to adverse conditions.

Affect and effect

Verbs first. Affect means to influence; "Impatient investors affected our roll-out date." Effect means to accomplish something; "The board effected a sweeping policy change." How you use effect or affect can be tricky. For example, a board can affect changes by influencing them, or can effect changes by implementing them. Use effect if you're making it happen, and affect if you're having an impact on something someone else is trying to make happen.

As for nouns, effect is almost always correct; "Once he was fired he was given twenty minutes to gather his personal effects." Affect refers to emotional states so unless you're a psychologist, you're probably not using it.
Compliment and complement

Compliment is to say something nice. Complement is to add to, enhance, improve, complete, or bring close to perfection. So, I can compliment your staff and their service, but if you have no current openings you have a full complement of staff. And your new app may complement your website.

For which I may decide to compliment you.
Criteria and criterion

"We made the decision based on one overriding criteria," sounds pretty impressive but is wrong.

Remember: one criterion, two or more criteria. Although you could always use "reason" or "factors" and not worry about getting it wrong.

Discreet and discrete

Discreet means careful, cautious, showing good judgment; "We made discreet inquiries to determine whether the founder was interested in selling her company."

Discrete means individual, separate, or distinct; "We analyzed data from a number of discrete market segments to determine overall pricing levels." And if you get confused, remember you don't use "discreetion" to work through sensitive issues; you exercise discretion.

Elicit and illicit

Elicit means to draw out or coax. Think of elicit as the mildest form of extract or, even worse, extort. So if one lucky survey respondent will win a trip to the Bahamas, the prize is designed to elicit responses.

Illicit means illegal or unlawful. I suppose you could "illicit" a response at gunpoint... but best not.
Farther and further

Farther involves a physical distance; "Florida is farther from New York than Tennessee." Further involves a figurative distance; "We can take our business plan no further." So, as we say in the South, "I don't trust you any farther than I can throw you." Or, "I ain't gonna trust you no further."

(Seriously. I've uttered both of those sentences. More than once.)
Imply and infer

The speaker or writer implies. The listener or reader infers. Imply means to suggest, while infer means to deduce (whether correctly or not.) So, I might imply you're going to receive a raise. You might infer that a pay increase is imminent. (But not eminent unless the raise will be prominent and distinguished.)

Insure and ensure

This one's easy. Insure refers to insurance. Ensure means to make sure. So if you promise an order will ship on time, ensure it actually happens. Unless, of course, you plan to arrange for compensation if the package is damaged or lost--then feel free to insure away.
Number and amount

I goof these up all the time. Use number when you can count what you refer to; "The number of subscribers who opted out increased last month." Amount refers to a quantity of something you can't count; "The amount of alcohol consumed at our last company picnic was staggering."

Of course it can still be confusing: "I can't believe the number of beers I drank," is correct, but so is, "I can't believe the amount of beer I drank." The difference is I can count beers, but beer, especially if I was way too drunk to keep track, is an uncountable total--so amount is the correct usage.

Precede and proceed

Precede means to come before. Proceed means to begin or continue. Where it gets confusing is when an "ing" comes into play. "The proceeding announcement was brought to you by..." sounds fine, but "preceding" is correct since the announcement came before.

If it helps, think precedence: Anything that takes precedence is more important and therefore comes first.
Principal and principle

A principle is a fundamental; "We've created a culture where we all share certain principles." Principal means primary or of first importance; "Our startup's principal is located in NYC." (Sometimes you'll also see the plural, "principals," used to refer to executives or (relatively) co-equals at the top of a particular food chain.)

Principal can also refer to the most important item in a particular set; "Our principal account makes up 60 percent of our gross revenues."

Principal can also refer to money, normally the original sum that was borrowed, but can be extended to refer to the amount you owe--hence principal and interest.

If you're referring to laws, rules, guidelines, ethics, etc, use principle. If you're referring to the CEO or the president (or the individual in charge of the high school), use principal. And now for those dreaded apostrophes:

It's and its

It's is the contraction of it is. That means it's doesn't own anything. If your dog is neutered (that way we make the dog, however much against his will, gender neutral) you don't say, "It's collar is blue." You say, "Its collar is blue." Here's an easy test to apply. Whenever you use an apostrophe, un-contract the word to see how it sounds. In this case, turn it's into it is. "It's sunny," becomes, "It is sunny." Sounds good to me.

They're and their

Same with these; they're is the contraction for they are. Again, the apostrophe doesn't own anything. We're going to their house, and I sure hope they're home.

Who's and whose

"Whose password hasn't been changed in six months?" is correct. "Who is (the un-contracted version of who's) password hasn't been changed in six months?" sounds silly.

You're and your

One more. You're is the contraction for you are. Your means you own it; the apostrophe in you're doesn't own anything. For a long time a local non-profit had a huge sign that said "You're Community Place."

দৈনন্দিন জীবনে বেশিরভাগ মানুষই ফ্যাট বা স্নেহজাতীয় খাদ্য থেকে দূরে থাকতে চান। যারা একটু বেশি সচেতন তারা আবার জানেন কোনটা ভালো ফ্যাট আর কোনটা খারাপ ফ্যাট। কিন্তু ফ্যাটকে এড়িয়ে চলতে গিয়ে আমরা ভুলে যাই যে ফ্যাটও আসলে আমাদের খাদ্যের একটা দরকারি উপাদান। দেখে নিন ফ্যাটের ব্যাপারে অজানা এবং জরুরি কিছু তথ্য,যেগুলো আপনার স্বাস্থ্য রক্ষায় কাজ দেবে ভীষণ।
১) ফ্যাট হলো শক্তি উৎপাদনকারি খাদ্য

বেশিরভাগ শক্তি আমরা পেয়ে থাকি শর্করা থেকে। কিন্তু ফ্যাট থেকেও অনেকটা শক্তি আসে। খাবারে ফ্যাট যোগ করলে এর থেকে পাওয়া শক্তি মোটামুটি দ্বিগুণ হয়ে যায়। বাচ্চাদের খাবারে বেশি ফ্যাট থাকে, কারণ এতে তাদের শরীরে ফ্যাট জমা হতে পারে এবং শরীর থেকে তাপ সহজে বের হতে পারে না।
২) ফ্যাট কম খেলে কমবে ওজন

শরীরে জমে থাকা চর্বি কমানোর জন্য সবচাইতে ভাল উপায় হলো চর্বি খাওয়া কমিয়ে দেওয়া। ওজন কমাতে ব্যায়ামের চাইতেও ভালো উপায় হলো এটা। এর জন্য লো-ফ্যাট খাবার খাওয়া উপকারি।
৩) শরীরের কোথায় চর্বি জমেছে তা জানাটা জরুরি

পেট অথবা লিভারে চর্বি জমলে তা সবচাইতে ক্ষতিকর এবং এ থেকে তৈরি হতে পারে টাইপ টু ডায়াবেটিস। তবে অতিরিক্ত চিনি এবং অ্যালকোহল গ্রহণের ফলেও লিভারে চর্বি জমতে পারে।
৪) শরীরের জ্বালানী হিসেবে শর্করা ব্যবহৃত হয়, ফ্যাট নয়

শরীরের জ্বালানী হিসেবে শর্করা ব্যবহৃত হয়ে যায়। কিন্তু অতিরিক্ত জ্বালানী থাকলে সেটা ফ্যাট হিসেবে জমা রয়ে যায় শরীরে কারণ শর্করা জমা রাখার চাইতে শরীরে ফ্যাট জমা রাখাটা বেশি সুবিধাজনক।
৫) উর্বরতার জন্য নারীদের দরকার হয় ফ্যাট

একজন প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক সুস্থ নারীর শরীরের প্রায় ২০-৩০ শতাংশ ফ্যাট থাকা জরুরি, যা পুরুষের তুলনায় প্রায় দ্বিগুণ। ১৮ শতাংশের নিচে নেমে গেলে ওভ্যুলেশন বা ডিম্বপাত বন্ধ হয়ে যায়। আবার শরীরে ফ্যাটের পরিমাণ বেশি বেড়ে গেলেও বন্ধ্যাত্ব দেখা দিতে পারে।
৬) কিছু ফ্যাটি এসিড শরীরের জন্য জরুরি

ভেজিটেবল অয়েল, ফিশ অয়েল এবং কিছু বাদাম থেকে আমরা পাই এমন কিছু ফ্যাটি এসিড যা আমাদের ত্বকের স্বাস্থ্য ভালো রাখার জন্য জরুরি।
৭) কিছু ভিটামিন শরীরে শোষণ করার জন্য ফ্যাটের দরকার হয়

চর্বিতে দ্রবীভূত হয় ভিটামিন এ, ডি, ই এবং কে। শরীরে এদের শোষণের জন্য প্রতিদিন ৩০ গ্রাম ফ্যাট দরকার হয়।
৮) রক্তের কোলেস্টেরলের ওপর প্রভাব

ফ্যাটের বিভিন্ন প্রকারভেদ আছে এবং গবেষণায় দেখা যায়, খাবারে স্যাচুরেটেড ফ্যাটি এসিডের বদলে পলিআনস্যাচুরেটেড ফ্যাটি এসিড ব্যবহারে কমে যায় রক্তের কোলেস্টেরল এবং হার্ট অ্যাটাকের ঝুঁকি কমিয়ে দেয়। তবে সব স্যাচুরেটেড ফ্যাট রক্তের কোলেস্টেরল বাড়ায় না। শুধুমাত্র লরিক, মাইরিস্টিক এবং পামিটিক ফ্যাটই এসিডের কারণে বাড়ে কোলেস্টেরল।

জীবনের প্রয়োজনে অনেককেই বাসার বাইরে গিয়ে জীবন যাপন করতে হয়। কাজ, লেখাপড়া ছাড়াও থাকে নানান কারণ। প্রথম প্রথম ঘর থেকে বাইরে বের হওয়ার অনুভূতি বেশ ভালো হয় সকলেরই। কিন্তু বেশি দিন এই অনুভূতি থাকে না।

স্বাধীনতাকে উপভোগ করার পাশাপাশি অনেক ধরণের কষ্ট সহ্য করেই বাইরে জীবন যাপন করতে হয়। পড়তে হয় নানা সমস্যায়। প্রায় প্রতিদিনই সম্মুখীন হতে হয় এই সকল সমস্যার। জানতে চান কী সেই সমস্যাগুলো?
আপনি সব জায়গায় দেরিতে পৌঁছুবেন

বাসায় থাকলে আপনাকে সময়মতো ঘুম থেকে তোলার দায়দায়িত্ব বহন করে থাকেন অভিভাবকগন। অ্যালার্ম ঘড়িতে কাজ না হলেও অভিভাবকের তত্ত্বাবধানে বেশ ভালো ভাবেই ঘুম থেকে উঠতে পারতেন। কিন্তু বাসার বাইরে থাকার সময় অ্যালার্ম ঘড়িই আপনার ভরসা। কিন্তু অ্যালার্ম ঘড়ি বন্ধ করে ঘুমানোর কারনেই আপনার সব জায়গায় পৌছুতে দেরি হয়ে যাবে।
রান্না করা পৃথিবীর সব চাইতে কঠিন কাজ

বাসায় মাকে এইটা খাবো বললেই অনেকের সামনে সুস্বাদু খাবার হাজির হয়ে যায়। কিন্তু বাসার বাইরে গেলে বুঝা যায় রান্না কি পরিমাণে যন্ত্রণাদায়ক একটি কাজ। অনেকে তো বাসার বাইরে গেলে ইনস্ট্যান্ট নুডলসের ওপরেই ভরসা করে বসে থাকেন।
সপ্তাহের ছুটির দিন মানেই ঘরের কাজ

বাসায় থাকার সময়ে ছুটির দিন হলো সব চাইতে আনন্দময় দিন। সকালে ঘুম থেকে উঠার তাড়া নেই, আসতে ধীরে উঠে বন্ধুদের সাথে ঘুরাঘুরি। কিন্তু বাসার বাইরে থাকতে গেলে ছুটির দিন মানে হলো কাজ, কাজ এবং কাজ। পুরো সপ্তাহের নোংরা কাপড় এবং ঘরের চেহারা ঠিক করতে গেলে কাজ তো করতেই হবে।
বাজার করা খুব যন্ত্রণার কাজ

রান্না বান্না যেমন মহা ঝামেলার কাজ তেমনই বাজার করা আরও যন্ত্রণার কাজ তা আপনি শুধুমাত্র বাসার বাইরে থাকতে গেলেই বুঝবেন। কাঁচা বাজারে কিংবা দোকানে গেলে কি করবেন বুঝতে না পেরে শেষমেশ অভিভাবককেই ফোন দিতে হয়।
টাকা আয় ব্যয়ের হিসাব না থাকার কারণে আর্থিক সমস্যার শুরু

একলা থাকলে এবং ঘরের বাইরে থাকলে কোন জিনিসটি কেনা দরকার এবং কোন জিনিসটি না কিনলেও চলবে তা বুঝে উঠা যায় না একেবারেই। ফলে খরচের হিসাবও রাখা যায় না। এতে করে বেশিরভাগ সময়েই মাস শেষ হওয়ার আগেই হাত খালি হয়ে যায়।
অভিভাবকের বকাঝকাও একটি মধুর ব্যাপার

একলা কোথাও থাকতে গেলে সব চাইতে যন্ত্রণার মনে হয় একাকীত্বকে। বাসায় ফিরে কিছুই করার থাকে না। তখন মায়ের বকা দেয়ার স্মৃতি মনে আসে। তখন বকাকেও বেশ মধুর মনে হয়।
অসুস্থ হলে পাশে কাউকে পাওয়া যায় না

বাসায় থাকলে সামান্য জ্বর উঠলেই মায়ের আদরযত্নের সীমা থাকে না। পাশের সকল্কেই পাওয়া যায়। সকলের আদরযত্নেই অসুখ দূরে পালিয়ে যায়। কিন্তু বাসার বাইরের জীবনে এই সুখ একেবারেই সম্ভব নয়। নিজেকে সুস্থ করতে হলে নিজেকেই সব কিছু করতে হবে।
আপনি সবাইকে সন্দেহ করা শুরু করবেন

একা বাইরে থাকতে গেলে যে মহা যন্ত্রণার সম্মুখীন হতে হয় তা হলো নিজের নিরাপত্তা নিশ্চিত করতে গিয়ে সকলের প্রতি সন্দেহ প্রবণতা। কেউ হেসে দুটি কথা বেশি বললেও মনে সন্দেহ জাগে, আবার কেউ কথা না বললেও সন্দেহ।

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